What is it that makes posters leave?

by Es 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW83

    Orange, I agree! Sometimes I read some posts & just think, 'my god, who are these people I am associating with?', especially when I get into a 'heated discussion' about politics! I keep coming back because there are some posters I do like, & of course the support from the general community.

  • sunshineToo

    How about a new baby?

    I haven't quite left, but have very little time for internet these days (thanks to my 9 months old baby).

    sunshineToo - the always tired class

  • Es

    Thanks for all the replys.....was just really curious but i can understand why a little more now i guess coz bein a stay at home mum and not having much of a life i couldnt imagine not coming here for a chat i look forward to it everyday different circumstances i guess es

  • chrissy

    ES- I know what you mean.. I read that ""its time to say goodbye" topic and wondered myself. I was thinking what the heck, what's going on?..are you going back to meetings or something? lol.

    This is the first forum I have ever joined and so far I think it is the cat's meow, as they say. In fact, I wish I would have stumbled across it a few years ago.

    I guess people come and go for various reasons. As said, during certain times in your life you seek more support than in others. I know for me, I cannot express enough, how grateful I am to know I am not alone.

  • PaulJ

    There could be more to this. There was another thread saying "are you addicted to this site?" I guess some people come on here and easily get sucked in to posting loads and loads- after all being a JW is your whole life at the time and after leaving its natural that you will have a lot to say on the subject.

    Posting CAN take up a lot of time, as does reading other posts etc, maybe too much of a commitment for some? Although this 'addiction' is less harmful than the rest (for me its theraputic), some people i guess want to move onto something else in their lives- maybe by going 'cold-turkey'. Its maybe sad that they do that- personally if I reach this stage Id still visit the site, just maybe post less.

    I havent got a PC at home at the moment, so only post while Im at work- but I think about this site a lot. I just want to carry on sharing with people who have come from the same place as me (ie the JW's) and one day I wanna be a part of the furniture on here.

  • doofdaddy

    Why I'm here and why I could go

    I had just bought a new lap top so was on the net a lot more. I also work nights and often can't get to sleep straight away.

    This situation could change at any time, so I would be here less or even not at all. I have received a lot of comfort from reading and adding comments. Great to know others understand...plus

    I am also careful of falling into another cult if you like, of jw discussion. There's a big world out there away from the cyber version

  • Elsewhere

    Many people use this site as a social crutch. Basically, they have lost everything after leaving the WTS and need to social group. In time some manage to build a new social group and find a steady relationship. Once they have done that they feel comfortable with letting go of the online support.

  • dh

    i think people just use forums for different reasons and so if they aren't getting what they want out of it, they leave. i.e. if you want to talk about sleazy stuff all the time, you need to find a forum for that, and not turn a forum like this into that. i like jwd because it always has a turn over of topics, and i can come here and post whenever i feel like it and there's almost always something i can add a few words to. like grazing.

  • greendawn

    I don't think they need to make such a dramatic cut off they can always visit and make a one or two posts every couple of months if they are too busy.

  • dh
    I don't think they need to make such a dramatic cut off they can always visit and make a one or two posts every couple of months if they are too busy.

    Yeah, I think this too... When people try to be all dramatic and say 'I'm Leaving'... I mean, who cares, people need to get a life if they have to make an announcement that they are leaving JWD. Jeez.

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