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by silentlambs 94 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • nytelecom1
    I too, asked for his name to be posted as a PUBLIC NOTICE of sorts, so that anyone online fromthis jamoks cong WOULD BE ALERT TO THE FACT. Not alert to the VICTIMS LAST NAME

    If your concern is notifying "this jamoks cong" rest assured they know. This is a town of around 5,000 and this spreads. I doubt posting his name will solve anything as his family would probably receive threats. Any future victims you may be concerned about in this town will be notified as the will make front page in the local paper.

  • sf

    Let me clarify, again. An JW/EXJW INTERNET PUBLIC NOTICE. A notice with his name and cong on it so I can paste it to ALL the places I visit on a daily basis. That is what I do. I go to virtually every site they are at and "inform". And I'd like to get this jerks name out on the wire.

    I can see I won't get his name here. No matter.


  • nytelecom1

    just wondering what constructive purpose that would serve, other than harming his family?

  • msil

    A bastard like this does not deserve to have a family NYtelecom.

    Are you a member of NAMBLA? Why do you wish to protect a sick individual like this unless you are a sidekick of his?

  • nytelecom1

    a bastard like this deserves to be shot in the testicles...but there is no need to hurt his family too.

  • msil

    Why does his wife stick with him? What is the matter with her? Does she think he is innocent?

    Does he have kids? If so, then what does she think he gets up to with the kids? Does she let him have his way with the kids? Sorry these seem like very obvious questions. Do you know the answers to them?

    It is a protection to her and the kids by dumping this sack of s..t

  • nytelecom1

    only God know why she sticks with him.....she doesnt think he is innocent. He does have 3 children...all of whom are over 20.

    And no she doesnt let his have his way with them.

  • msil

    Anyway - if she is stupid enough to stick with him then why spare her?

    Enjoy protecting the pedophile!!

  • msil

    Also - this man is on trial - that means it is a PUBLIC record. so it is completely legal to do so.

    If you choose to protect his identity (for whatever reason) then you are just like an organization that would do the same....

    Please do not criticize the WTBS for acting just like you do.

  • Kismet


    Why does his wife stick with him? What is the matter with her? Does she think he is innocent?

    Do you not think this is asked by every person who hears of a battered wife or of the many women flocking to shelters with their kids after years of abuse?

    The answer to the question you ask is not an easy one and very complex. How do you know she too may be a silent victim in all this?

    I understand your anger against ther perpetrator but let's not allow it to spill out against others, or do you feel that any woman who stays with an abuser should be prosecuted as well?


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