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by silentlambs 94 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Kismet


    I still don't see how the Society is involved in this case. In the first post in this thread you said:

    It is my understanding wt has taken a personal interest in this case and is working with the child molesters defense attorney to get him off.

    I asked for clarification on this earlier as well.

    Is there a bethel Lawyer in attendance or working behind the scenes to get this molester off?

    I say if there is a bethel paid lawyer there other issues are being raised than just the guilt of the molester. there is nothing in it for the society to defend someone jsut because they are/were a JW. Unless the issue of 'ecclesiatic privilege' is or has the possibility of being raised then I can not see bethel being there. If anything they will want to distance themselves from it.

    Hoping this just isn't sensationalism trying to stir people up here but nothing said thusfar convinces me of Society backing in this case.


    The mean between two opposing positions is often where truth can be found

  • silentlambs

    Kismet, you said,

    "I say if there is a bethel paid lawyer there other issues are being raised than just the guilt of the molester. there is nothing in it for the society to defend someone jsut because they are/were a JW. Unless the issue of 'ecclesiatic privilege' is or has the possibility of being raised then I can not see bethel being there. If anything they will want to distance themselves from it."

    You are pretty sharp and I think you are close to the reason for wt involvement. I choose to not reveal the basis for my understanding of wt involvement. I can say in other cases where wt has been involved a certain venue is followed. This script has been followed to the letter in this case. I also have hard evidence of wt involvement, I KNOW, why should I share it with you? I would not at anytime do or say anything to hurt the case. After it is over I will be able to comment more freely, until that time I prefer to let it remain as my understanding of matters. I would really prefer wt not be involved in anyway with the defense of a child molester, yet the facts speak otherwise.

    I might ask a question.

    If defending 'ecclesiatic privilege'allows a child molester to go free and other children to be put at risk, is there moral and ethical basis for doing so?

    or let me simplify,

    Could you look yourself in the mirror if you were responsible for a legal action that caused a child to be raped?

    My answer to those questions put me where I am at today.

  • gsark

    ."The molester was reinstated in six months two day before his daughter's wedding and walked her down the isle at the kingdom Hall, I do not recall any brothers and sister protesting this."

    When my JW daughter married her JW fiance, she had to have the wedding at a private home because she was told if she wed at the KH her Df'd father and mother could not come. So the dear child choose to have the wedding elsewhere. Go figure.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Maximus

    Kismet, the prime directive is

    Protect the organization

    at all costs. Why?


  • sf

    Two words:

    Restraining Order! If this guy thinks an order to distance his parts from me or my kid won't cause him trouble (let's just say i was in erica's shoes; he would wish terribly for that NOT to be the "case")...he is mistaken. He would then KNOW that his ass would be fed to the wolves if he violated it. ONE STRICK, YOU'RE OUT!


    Completely sincere, sKally (who remembers at all times that the media is KonTrolled-klass)

  • bluesapphire

    Hi Farkel. I knew a man who was a L.A. County Sherriff for 7 years and also a JW. He couldn't hold any responsibilities though or "reach out" due to his carrying a weapon. He always made it perfectly clear to all though that he would "never use his weapon." Bet he didn't tell that to his employers though. Anyways, he left the Department to start a janitorial business (not kidding). Now he's an elder.

    BTW, pedophiles can be MS and elders but Sherriff's can't. Ugghh!

  • sf

    For the record, what IS his name? And are you privy of knowing whether he has been registered as a SEX OFFENDER? I would like to run a search on him in the engines.

    At least he will be "registered"in yahoo! And people can "arm" themselves with his history if perhaps someone online IS IN HIS CONGREGATION OR HIS HAVING HIM IN THEIR HOMEFOR A BIBLE STUDY. Why CONTINUE to protect him? We can do many things with the internet that we could not before, to educate and alert people in this "kommunity". Going to court to STAND UP WITH HER is absolutely the biggest random of act of kindness I've WITNESSED in quite a while. Altruism at "it's" finest. It's one of many ways to help Erica. Now, let's help the ones who WE KNOW he WILL violate again, by demonstrating, thru various active agendas to expose the "TandD"(do not ask), that the criminal corruption done to the children by all levels of abuse, families severed by the dfment policy, and the motherlode: blood policy(that CONTINUES to kill everyday) WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED and that justice will be DONE. (although for too many, it's wayyyyyy too late). (stepping down off the soapbox)

    This subject moves so many in so many various and dynamic moods. Today the doctor told me to take it easy. I told don't understand, nothing about "this" is easy. The waiting is the hardest part because you know that, with time on our side, DATELINE will be explosive, yet....I cannot stop thinking about time being on the side of the wt kids. I know logically, waiting to bust open "concrete" like this is a meticulous task. Everything has to be set in place to the "t" or the "detonation" will FAIL.

    Still, I cannot stop thinking of how many have been hurt and will be hurt until that "detonation". It weighs on me heavy. It's a terrible, helpless feeling knowing I can't stop it. I wish I had that power. All I can really do is wait. Think too of the pychological krap this will do kids. Wondering if there are molesters around them. Never being sure of themselves or their surroundings. Trust will cease entirely, it would seem. Has for me for the most part. Okay, I better conclude. I am getting "EMOTIONAL". Can't be Doing that.


  • Kismet

    Bill wrote:

    I choose to not reveal the basis for my understanding of wt involvement. I can say in other cases where wt has been involved a certain venue is followed. This script has been followed to the letter in this case. I also have hard evidence of wt involvement, I KNOW, why should I share it with you?

    Well then, I choose to not believe everything you say. Nor will I fly half way across the country at your request. You have much credibility due to your courageous stand. That credibility however is not absolute. I believe it only fair that when you make very strong statements like the Soci0ety is defending a molester in court, then you shouldn't be surprized if someone asks you to back that up with facts.

    I understand you wanting to protect the case, then don't come to a public forum making allegations that you are unwilling to back up.

    Please don't get me wrong. I am not attacking you Bill. I admire everything you have done. But if you make sensationalised comments without prove you weaken your position. I don't ant to see that happen.

    You can contact me at [email protected] if I can ever be of any use to you or those silent lambs contacting you.


  • silentlambs


    I asked three questions in my response to you. One was retorical, the other two were real questions. Why did you only respond to the retorical question?

    Now you have three questions to respond to....

  • nytelecom1

    2. No one silenced the death threats from the crowd of brothers and sisters at the trial. Weren't the elders in charge of the crowd? There were four there.

    3.The molester was reinstated in six months two day before his daughter's wedding and walked her down the isle at the kingdom Hall, I do not recall any brothers and sister protesting this.

    4.When he was released from prision he had a hero's welcome at his first meeting back with crying and hugs from everyone, again i do not think it was just to make his wife feel better.

    funny.........were you there at the trial to hear the death threats? or were you there at the meeting to hear the heros welcome and crys and hugs....that is straight out bullshit...more so than the borg would I know?.......becuase my immediate family was there , in fact questioned,
    and was there for the meeting....hardly a heros fact he left immediately after his re-instatement....please keep your false accuasation from polluting the cause of exposing the society...if you want names to prove myself........i could give initials of the other victims who refused to testify............nuff said

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