Meet Silentlambs In Person!

by silentlambs 94 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Monica


    How's everyone doing today? I was just reading Tele's and SL's discussion and I hope no one minds my jumping in to just say a couple of things.

    Tele said:

    funny.........were you there at the trial to hear the death threats? or were you there at the meeting to hear the heros welcome and crys and hugs....that is straight out bullshit...

    Then SL stated,

    Yes, I heard the recorded tapes of the event. Did you?

    I say, Silentlambs owes no one anything by putting them on the net. If anyone is so interested in proving Silentlambs wrong, then why don't they do their own research, get the tapes and post them on the net. SL stated what HE personally got from the tapes and he did his own research. They were obviously pretty intense tapes for him to travel across the country to witness this trial first-hand. And, if what he is saying is true about the tapes, then maybe Tele's sources regarding this event aren't very reliable.

    Tele, you also said:

    i could give initials of the other victims who refused to testify

    What exactly do you mean by "victims"? I'm very curious. You then stated this about the "victims":

    The other "two children" were not children as you said. The were both married and over 25,

    "Victims" over 25. I am just wondering, just what did this guy do to two women over 25 to make them victims? You stated they were victims.

    It seems to me that Erica feels as though the molester has received more "Christian love" than she has, which to me is indicative by all the support HE received at the courthouse and by the names she was called. Which side did they sit on?? There were two sides to choose from. The excuse that they were there for the wife, to me is just absurd! The wife was not on trial - her husband was. I would have felt ashamed sitting on the side of a molester. But that's just me.

  • nytelecom1
    Victims" over 25. I am just wondering, just what did this guy do to two women over 25 to make them victims? You stated they were victims.

    they were abused when they were younger---when this came to light they were much older.....they are in fact in their 30's. This trial didnt happen till MANY years after the abuse

    And, if what he is saying is true about the tapes, then maybe Tele's sources regarding this event aren't very reliable. family was there and informed me of everything during the trial...reactions etc. It doesnt get any more reliable than that.

    The excuse that they were there for the wife, to me is just absurd!

    that just demonstrates you limited sense of compassion. Why shouldnt
    the wife be supported. Should they have shunned her durning this horrible period?.......I thought thats what everyone complained about, the shunning by the dubs. Of course they should have supported Erica G. (yes that is her name, available in the Othello Outlook).I can give you a sense of the mentality there at the it or not.

    Erica had moved to i believe cali....she returned to prosecute..this as can be expected, came out of the blue and shocked everyone. during the interim she went on the radio stating that the dubs had abandoned her...........maybe so...but the dubs felt she was slandering the whole congergation..i cannot imagine what she went the dubs felt that she was actively opposing them..probably why few supported her. it would be interesting to know that if nobody supported her how SL spoke to someone in the cong..Regardless..I know Erica is in her mid 20's now...and I want to get one thing straight.

    I do not support the way the org handled this. Nor do i support blanket accuasations, like the whole congergation was against Erica and the Whole congergation supported the molester. That is flat out false. My family was in that congergation and anyone who would accuse them of supporting a molester had better get prepared to get the shit beat out of them... my compassion goes out to Erica, And SL if you wish, feel free to contact me so i can give a word of encouragement to Erica.

  • ros

    I would be interested in hearing more about what you have to say about the case. Post me, if you like, at: [email protected]

  • SixofNine
    during the interim she went on the radio stating that the dubs had abandoned her...........maybe so...but the dubs felt she was slandering the whole congergation..i cannot imagine what she went the dubs felt that she was actively opposing them..probably why few supported her.

    Precisely a organization wide problem. Starts at the very top, and corrupts every faithful witness. (faithful to the org)

    I know, I was one not too many months ago.

  • nytelecom1
    during the interim she went on the radio stating that the dubs had abandoned her...........maybe so...but the dubs felt she was slandering the whole congergation..i cannot imagine what she went the dubs felt that she was actively opposing them..probably why few supported her.
    Precisely a organization wide problem. Starts at the very top, and corrupts every faithful witness. (faithful to the org)

    had nothing to do with the top.....stating that you were brainwashed over the radio is not gonna win you any supporters

  • gsark


    isn't it slander only if it's a lie?

    If you are as familiar with this case as you seem to be, you would be doing all of us potential supporters a favor if you would tell us...

    Has this girl been caught actually slandering, lying, something illegal...

    Before we all make nonrefundable plane reservations and hotel and car reservations, or at the least before we actually go UP there?

    In other words, if you know something that will keep some of us from making complete a---es of ourselves, would you please help?

    Of the 'waiting anxiously to be saved by the bell if needed ' class...

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • nytelecom1

    like i said THEIR mentality was that she slandered THEM..not me

    Go if you wish..however i question if their are going to be any dubs their to , as many of you believe, support the molester..if you are going to support erica ...go....but if you are going to protest the Watchtower..your time would be better spent at a district convention.

  • Kismet


    The points you make are excellent. I am in no way defending the congregation's actions nor am I in any manner supporting this #$^& jerk who was convicted of molestation.

    SilentLambs made a very strong assertion that the Society was using their resources to defend this abuser. Based on my experience with the Society's legal dept, I found that highly unlikely assuming therefore that other issues are being raised.

    As I mentioned a couple of times in this thread, I admire and respect Bill for everything he has done. My post was more of a caution to him that highly sensationalized comments can backfire on his efforts. Since he is dealing with media outlets he has to be extrememly careful that everything he says can be verified. One mistake and everything collapses.

    I meant no disrespect and certainly did not intend to put a negative spin on his activities. What he stated in his first post in this thread did not make sense. I asked for clarification. It was refused.

    You expressed reasonable concern that my 'negative comments' might encourage the silence of some. If so I would be deeply bothered by that. I would (and have) backed people to speak up.

    If there are in fact silentlambs reading this as you them I say, yes please speak up. Do not suffer in silence.

    But when you chose the time best for you and your growth, stick to the facts. Don't embellish/sensationalize, it will always work better for you ... especially legally.

    This is the essence of what I was saying in this thread, albeit unsuccessfully.

    Thanks Wendy for your thoughts & great quote!!


  • mommy

    Thanks Kis
    I now understand what you are saying, much better. I am sorry my first impression was interpretted as a negative comment. I knew you would clarify

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • gsark


    "like i said THEIR mentality was that she slandered THEM..not me"

    I KNOW you said that, and that is why I ASKED.

    I want to go because it appears to me Erica was df'd because she is a victim/survivor of a crime. I have yet to hear anything to the contrary, and besides I can believe it because it happened to me, and it is WT policy, and has been.

    And if that be the case, then to elders I say...even in the 'world' that JW's preach against SO much, behavior like this on the part of MALES is repugnant. Many an elder has stepped down or found some other way, whatever it took, to refrain from behavior like this, what is YOUR excuse? If anyone is willing to 'jump off a cliff' because soem old men in Brooklyn tell you to, then be prepared to look and act the fool (with the WT nowhere around yo help, I can assure you) and be prepared for the loud 'splatt!' at the bottom.

    It is hard to find just the right words to both convey a thought, and furthermore to do so in the intended spirit. Thanks for letting me rant.

    nytelecom1 and all the rest of you here...great postings. Look forward to more.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

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