by marianne 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjwms

    Hello and welcome

    I just want to add, ... well after what Gary Buss said, ... I have nothing to add

    Gary: you said it.

  • Petruska

    Hello there Marianne,

    It's similar what I felt about JW, but I couldn't stand going to reunions and looking at that people... How can they speak of God's word and be cynical? I wanted a family together with me having the same ideas and support not hypocrites.

    Let's say I admire you going there alone finding them stupid... Making a question:

    Do you like to be alone? No human likes to be a lonely person; we are social people looking for some common people.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl
    I dont go for the 'fellowshipping" because I feel that most of the people in my congregation are FAKE and some of them are trouble makers, however, most of them are nice people.

    Just like in the world! They say they are no part of the world, but as can be seen by many posts here, this is not an actuality, since they act just *like* those in the world. They say that they will be "known for the love displayed to one another in the congregation" but it seems like alot of posts here show them in a true light. I am sure there are many of them that are honest and good-hearted, but severely misguided.

    I don't hate them, I hate the Organization for it's deceit, taking of innocent lives, and it's downright refusing to acknowledge its mistakes and blaming it on the rank and file. One day, however, it may be forced to take a bite of humble pie when it starts hemorrhaging members into the world.


  • Sirona

    I love at least two Jehovahs Witnesses.


    The thing is, because they're Jehovahs Witnesses there is a barrier to them loving ME.


  • diamondblue1974

    Welcome to the forum Marriane where no matter what you believe you are free to speak your mind as you have done so too...however be prepared to defend your statements because as with all healthy debate there comes challenge and criticism.
    On this basis the quote provided by another posted was

    Notable quotable;Watchtower defines an,'apostate' AKA former member

    "If someone used to be a Jehovah's Witness, "We MUST HATE in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme ~ active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." - Watchtower, 10/1/52, p.599

    Given that this is the direct word of the watchtower, how does that fit in with the supposed god of love they are supposed to worship, as a JW how do you justify this statement, after all if you accept this as truth you must be able to justify it to yourself and anyone else who asks either here on on the doors. What do you say?

    Your faith in God is a credit to you however even if your faith in the WTS is misplaced.


  • trevor

    It is difficult to see past hate when we are hurting badly - and many here are still hurting. Hate is a poison and it destroys all who allow it to infect them for more than a short while. It has its place but it must not be allowed become a permanent emotion. It is one thing to strongly disagree with and actively work against the tyranny of the Watchtower Society but another to loose our human perspective under a haze of hatred. I have found that in order to move on in life and be whole again it is necessary to stop hating.

    My family shun me but my love for them is unconditional. It is not dependent on how they treat me because love overcomes hate. Hatred is not something that can be overcome in an instant. It takes a conscious decision and sustained effort to move beyond its negativity. In time the hate is replaced by compassion and an understanding of how pathetic and wretched Jehovah?s Witnesses really are. They are blind but they are human and one day may see the light as those of us who have left did. Those who know it not the truth and stay out of fear are sad people who need to be pitied.

    What I do know is that life is better because I refuse to be like them and I am free of the hatred which is part of their lives. That is why I left their corrupt set up, so I could live without hating people who do not see things my way. I do not wish them harm but hope that they may one day know what it is to live freely and think freely. We are not free until we live without hate. I refuse to allow them to rob me of my hard won freedom by keeping me trapped in their mentality of hatred. It took courage to leave the Watchtower set up and it takes courage to live with out hate but the pay of is instant and huge.

  • Golf

    Greetings Marianne. Personally, I don't waste any of my time thinking about the JW's. I go about my daily routine as though they do not exist. To me, hate is 'wasted' energy, use your energies in a positive way, you'll be happy for it in the long run. Enjoy the forum.


  • Preston

    Hmmm...if these people are being jerky-jerks why associate with them..at all? It's like that saying, laugh and the whole world laughs with you. I can't possibly fathom being anything but miserable around people who long for the end of the world and whose lives are devoted to so much beauracratic BS. When it's all said and done the real things that are going to matter are, were you a good person? did you do anything with your life? were you a good mom/dad/husband/wife? and did you treat people well? I say why not learn about the bible without 'em?

    - Preston

  • JamesThomas

    Welcome Marriane,

    You say: "I love Jehovah and want to serve HIM."

    Then what is your problem? Why are you here bickering about others? Why are you not out knocking on doors, and shouting from the roof tops?

    Perhaps your anxiety is misplaced; and it is really yourself you are angry at for not living up to what your god demands of you. Have you looked into becoming a Pioneer?


  • DannyHaszard

    The K.I.S.S rule (keep it simple sweetie) A. B. C's
    A.The central CORE JW doctrine is Jesus second coming in 1914,and is a LIE!
    B.Every devout JW will grow old and die just like me. C.Apostate opposer's like myself will not 'die at Armageddon'. That's it folks,....you can have reams and data streams of info but it all comes down to the elementary A.B.C's
    Remember there is (a good) life after the Watchtower Serenity melody; http://dannyhaszard.com/media/last.mp3 ''..if this was the last of all days''... click first before reading

    Danny's seven Sensible Suggestions;

    Adapted from an American Cancer Society's article

    Danny says:
    "Mile by mile, it's a trial
    yard by yard, it's hard
    but hey! inch by inch, it's a cinch"!

    Remember: If you get into the woods a mile, it will take you the same time to get out!



    [ Instructions: Refer to this list in times of stress; see if you can,use one or more of these reminders, or select others that work for you.]

    Choose How to Spend Your Time/Energy------

    (1) Set priorities; Danny says don't sweat the small stuff!
    take time out when needed
    Build Your Strength and Endurance exercise, physical activity
    good nutrition

    (2) Create a Supportive Environment go online, seek out support groups
    Danny says, "No one lives in your head rent-free; evict unproductive squatters
    get rid of clutter
    surround yourself with what you like-- art, music, furnishings

    (3) Learn to Relax at Will, deep breathing
    massage, warm baths, back rubs
    progressive relaxation

    choose to think positively
    translate worry into action
    mentally rehearse positive outcomes to stressful situations
    learn to turn off the inner critic

    seek out sources of humor-- books, movies, people
    Practice Saying "No"
    let someone else do it
    save your strength for the really important things

    (6) Ask for Help you don't have to do it all yourself
    when in doubt, delegate! "give away" some problems and tasks
    Pay Attention to the small, daily pleasures of life
    to the present, fleeting moment; live for today as Jesus said (Matt. 6:34)

    (7) Take the Long View how important will this crisis be one year from now?
    what were you worried about one year ago?
    what is really important to you?

    Still having some post-exit agitation? Could it be "Stockholm Syndrome" ?

    JWD this forum has some excellent discussions on "stockholm syndrome"

    -------------------- Everyone is free to go their merry way and be a practicing Jehovah's Witness,pleased be advised that there is NO Watchtower paradise and you WILL grow old and die.If the big "A" comes,your judgment will be among the false prophets.

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