by marianne 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • marianne

    From what I have gathered, you all were once JW's and now hate them or the organization? Do you still believe in Jehovah and love Jehovah? I have to admit I dont like, actually I rather dislike, some of the sisters in my congregation and I know that's wrong of me, but some of them really think they are better than me and are quite judgemental. I am a very humble sister and I attend the meetings because I believe in Jehovah and love to do what is right in Jehovah's eyes. I dont go for the 'fellowshipping" because I feel that most of the people in my congregation are FAKE and some of them are trouble makers, however, most of them are nice people.

    I feel like I was wronged by some of the elders in the congregation when i asked them for their advice. they gave me bad advice. But I also realize that they are humans and make stupid mistakes and bad decisions and dont always think before they speak or act just like anyone else so I have forgiven them rather than harbouring hatred for them. There have been times when i have walked out of my congregation because one elder made me so irritated I was ready to clock him in the face with my bible. i dont like him much to this day because his attitude SUCKS but i go to the meetings because I love Jehovah and want to serve HIM.

    That's all I had to say.

  • stevenyc


    Hello, and welcome.

    I was rasied and baptised as a JW. Never disfellowshipped, but drifted away.

    I don't hate JW's, but after personnal research, I found the organization is fake.

    Stick around, and join in debate, and you will find many people just like yourself.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Marianne, do they call you Mazza?

    Here you'll find people of many backgrounds but many who've been hurt in many different ways by the WTS' procedures etc

    Then there's the refutation of beliefs such as the 607 thread going on right now. Some of those participating are very learned scholars.

    Then there are many who've become christian, like little Toe. try talking with him - he's fun! and nice.


    Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside down class)

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Maryanne, and welcome.

    You said, "...I also realize that they are humans and make stupid mistakes and bad decisions and dont always think before they speak or act just like anyone else ..."

    Yes. They have made stupid mistakes about RELIGION, and they insist that you follow them, or they'll throw you out.

    So why do you listen to them?

  • JW83

    Marianne, this is a group for jws who are questioning their beliefs & for ex-jws. From your posts so far, I don't think you understand that. I for one have no love for Jehovah's Witnesses the organisation, & I think you'll find that if you start defending 'Jehovah's name', you will cop some criticism, particularly from me!

    Welcome to the board if you are here in the spirit of free inquiry.

  • Honesty

    Hello Marianne and welcome to the forum.

    Most of us here do not hate Jehovah's Witnesses. I weep over them because according to Jesus if they don't accept Him as Lord in their hearts they are headed for spiritual death and destruction.

    The WTBTS has kept many innocent people from Jesus.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    i go to the meetings because I love Jehovah and want to serve HIM.

    You don't have to be a JW to do that.... in fact, there are millions like you with those same feelings who have never been in a Kingdom Hall, yet LOVE, KNOW, and SERVE HIM now.

  • garybuss

    So we have Jehovah's organization with "nice", "fake" people directed by "not thinking", "imperfect" elders making "bad decisions" and giving "bad advice" resulting in "stupid mistakes. You say "one elder made me so irritated I was ready to clock him in the face with my bible."

    I'm laughing so hard I'm falling on the floor. Very funny post, Thanks!

  • mrsjones5


    Another born and raised here. I dont think that most here hate the rank and file jws. I think most (or some) of the disdain that people here have is directed towards the heads of the watchtower (the governing body, fds, and those types) and what they make the rank and file do.

    Do I think the watchtower org i.e. governing body is evil? Yes

    Do I think the watchtower is misleading the rank and file jws? Yes

    Do I think the watchtower has lied to it's members? Yes

    Do I think the watchtower has the truth and is God's representative on earth? No way


  • jst2laws

    Welcome Marrianne,

    Like most here, I do not hate the witnesses. I actually care about them. There are some here who have been so severely harmed by the organization that they have trouble seperating the 'system' that hurt them from the people who blindly support it.

    Then, too, there is a measure of anger you may notice as individuals learn step by step that they were mislead. There are many issues that the Society is desperately trying to cover up that are exposed on the internet. I hope you stay around to discover some of them.

    By the way, sound like you fit in here. You describe yourself like one of us, and be assured again, I still love my friends in the organization, even those who shun me and have hurt me.

    Jst2laws (Steve)

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