by marianne 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien

    welcome marianne!

    we are all victims, to a certain degree, when dealing with the jehovah's witnesses as a religion. the difference is that the people on this board have (mostly) empowered themselves with freedom of thought. this has got them shunned and disowned in many cases. but it's not that bad. mostly everyone here would say that all in all, it is much better being out of the JWs than being in. i sincerely wish the same for you!

  • oldflame

    I was not a baptised witness but an unbaptised witness. I quit attending and cancelled my baptisim because I learned of it's falicies in their doctrines. Anyone with a clear and open mind can see this with careful examination. I personally do not hate witnesses because the bible clearly states that we all fall short of the glory of God. It does not state "EXCEPT JEHOVAH WITNESSES" it says all people.

    You can find error in all religions Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day, Baptist, Methodist etc. etc. The problem I have is the leaders who create doctrines and legalisms that are not scriptural but created in order to fit their belief. Now the Jehovah Witnesses are one of the worst for this, they feel they have to take a God given right of choice away and they do this in order to keep members from straying away.

    I left the JW's and went to the Baptist faith and recently I relocated to another state. I went to my local Baptist church and became a member of the church. I was told many things there like I could not be a Christian and a Democrat at the same time, I was told because I was out of town that I was not putting the lord first in my life, and when I went to the pastor in reference to a lady who had been sweet on me and was interested in starting something up with her, I was told by the pastor that she was a whore and I should stay away from her. This was a woman who had been attending regulary and loved God with all her heart. Hey I was floored and I quit going there.

    So I do not think that we here are haters of people as much as we are haters of those who tell lies. We have all been decieved by one religion or another. Remember what Christ said .".One faith, one baptisim" he did not say religion but one faith. What he meant by that was to have faith in him who was the son of man and infact God himself. I think the one thing that really irritates me the most about the JW religion is this. The very last chapter in Revelations says that those who add to or alter these words shall be condemned. The Witness religion has indeed removed and added to the scriptures and this can be proved. I did my homework on this one....

    To sum it all up ? I will not by no means be involved in a religion that will be condemned. Now I am no one to judge anyone. And I am soon to leave this evil place I live in. And I will return to the Baptist church that I enjoy the most because of the simple scripture " All men fall short of the glory of GOD !!!

  • slimboyfat

    I am afraid you are right about many apostates.

    I do not hate Jehovah's WItnesses. I rather admire them.

  • DevonMcBride

    Hi Marianne,

    I never was a JW nor did I ever study to be one. The three Jehovah's Witnesses I know are very nice, kind hearted people. At the request of one of these JW's I attended a meeting. It was a book study. The comments from the Witnesses were very hateful toward Catholics, Jews, Muslims and "worldly" people in general.

    Why do Jehovah's Witnesses always claim everyone hates them when in fact they are the ones doing the hating?

  • Dismembered

    Greetings & Welcome marianne,

    I was/still considered a JW for decades, and experienced the same baloney you've been through. We hope you stay. You'll have fun here & learn alot.


    "Hold on tight to your dreams"

  • DannyHaszard

    I Love You Mug 2 Welcome newbie Hypocrite Jehovah's Witnesses on "Hate" Notable quotable;Watchtower defines an,'apostate' AKA former member "If someone used to be a Jehovah's Witness, "We MUST HATE in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme ~ active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." - Watchtower, 10/1/52, p.599 Now what other institution promotes this level of hatred? Jehovah's Witnesses are 'hated' because they are a family wrecking destructive ripoff cult.The Watchtower cult leaders are the 'ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing false prophets' that Jesus warned about . The Watchtower has defrauded MILLIONS of followers with their 1914 'Jesus returned to power' gospel of gobbledygook. The OUTRAGE against Jehovah's Witnesses is Justifiable Anger. NIV James 3:15-16 15" Such "wisdom" does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice." ------------- It's usually a hard fast rule that people and organizations imitate the God that they follow.

    Danny Haszard Bangor Maine former Jehovah's Witness X 33 years and 3rd generation NOW a Christian.

  • doogie

    hi and welcome, marianne!

    i was born and raised, but got to the point that certain things i personally believe to be true conflicted with what the witnesses were asking me to teach others. i couldn't stand being a hypocrite so i left. like the others have said, i don't hate the witnesses and i still care for my family even though they won't have any contact with me.

    I am a very humble sister
    he he...i've always thought that that's one of those things that if you say it, you're probably not.
  • toladest

    I don't hate JW's. My mother is one as well as other family members. I used to be one. How can I hate someone for doing the same things I once did? What I don't like is the WTS that is misleading so many of my old friends and family members. However, I am not out to destroy them either, not that my feelings would be hurt if they crumbled. I just want to be here for the people that have been hurt and also try to show those still in that they don't have to live a life riddled with guilt and the feeling of never being good enough or doing enough. Jehovah wants joyful people. In every congergation I ever attended (and there were a lot in many parts of the country) I have seen more depressed people than I have seen anywhere. The few churches I have walked in I a recieved the WARMEST reception and saw so many VERY HAPPY PEOPLE. JWs say they are the happiest people on Earth, living in a spiritual paradise, but that is SO not true. A song that really hits me to the core when I hear it is called "wonderful" by Everclear. The song talks about people trying to convince this guy that everything is wonderful when it is not. My mother was that way and she had a very miserable life. I had a very miserable childhood. But we always were taught to put a smile on and be Jehovah's "happy people".

    You will find some very bitter people here ( just a few) that have been hurt badly and have not gotten past the bitterness yet. Some never will. But mostly you will find people that come here to find support and understanding for what they have been through. There are many "vent" threads where someone is having a bad day or just expierienced some horrible shunning by someone they love and that makes them hurt and angry. But I believe it is justifiable anger and I also believe there is a difference between anger and hate. I am angry that my mom is blindly following a religion and putting them before me. I KNOW that she has NO biblical reason to shun me. NONE! but she follows the WTS directives because she believes they are God's mouth piece. But I don't hate my mom.

    You being here shows me that you yourself are questioning some things. Maybe it's just because of the treatment you have recieved at the halls you have attended. In either case, you are welcome here and I hope you find what you are looking for. A good site for further bible research is freeminds.org.

    Welcome aboard!

  • LouBelle

    HI Marianne (a very afrikaans name where I come from)

    I do not hate the witnesses at all. I still love them & more so now that I've to a realistion how we have all been deceived & yet some of us (thank goodness) came out of that deception. I realise "my brothers/sisters" are blind, they have "scales" like Saul until he was shown the truth.

    I do not feel that one needs to be in a "religion" in order to serve God/Jehovah/Jesus/Holy Spirit. Remeber He is not in a literal building. I'm still serving Jehovah & have come to know Him as my Father / Abba & have a close relationship with Him now more than ever.

    The best thing you can do is pick up another bible read it with an open heart, pray to your Father for the Truth. Psalms 105 - 108 got me thinking that the teaching on Jesus & Jehovah being 2 seperate individuals was in fact not so.

  • gumby

    Welcome Marianne.

    As a witness....I'm sure your familiar with the thought of not HATING people IN the world......but hate the things they do. People here feel the same with the witnesses. They do not hate them because they realise Jehovahs Witnesses are as sincere as they were when they were one of them. Jehovah's Witneses believe all will be killed by jehovah shortly........ we do not have the same attitude about them.


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