tonight is the night

by susu812 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • susu812

    i don't knwo why i am going--i guess my conscience still bothers me about it-i mean i came forward with it. i am just confused as to wat i am doing now with my life. i am at the crossroads. i still am not entirely sure if i am going tonight--i still got a couple hours to figure it out who knows--i know everyone will be thinking about it and picturing it-nasty old people.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    Hang in there and be strong. There's life after the JWs.

    Be well.


  • vitty

    susu dont do it to yourself, the pain and humiliation will stay with you for a long time. They wont even remember if you where there or not.

    Tell your family your just too upset.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    welcome to the board susu,
    vitty has good advice. don't go. who cares what your parents think? it's not worth the stress. best wishes.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    My vote.. Don't give them the pleasure. Good luck

  • prophecor

    Wish you wouldn't try to be so strong and courageous, it's enough to have to suffer what your're going thru as it is.

  • pratt1

    I agree with your decision to go.

    I went to my announcement. I was determined not to let them think that they could defeat me. You have nothing to be ashamed of, so why not go and hold your head high with pride.

    Now you can move on to the next chapter in your life.

    Remember living well is the best revenge.

  • doogie


    whatever you decide, just make sure you decide it (don't just go because you feel like you're supposed to). i've always felt that those announcements were unnecessarily humiliating and the congregation gets a sort of sick pleasure out of it...

    whatever you decide, never feel bad for not being a doormat. your choices are yours to make (which is more than you can say for anyone at your hall that is not getting disfellowshipped tonight!).

    oh, and welcome to the board

  • AuntieJane

    Susu, I would not go, but I was never a JW. If I did go, I would feel the need to speak a sentence or 2, ask if this is what Jesus, our role model, would do?? Geesh. I wish you well, sweetie, and like someone else said, make it YOUR decision, don't let the JW guilt guide you. This might be the time to show your parents that you have two feet of your own and you are going to stand on them. Then, maybe you need to figure out how to move out of the house and really be on your own. You can do it.


  • Sassy

    If you want to get back in, I can see going. If you don't, man, I think i'd revolt and not go.

    I sat through my public reproof announcement back in 2001 and that was hard enough. The tears were just streaming down my face as they read the announcement. I wouldn't want to live through that again.

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