We are hemorrhaging... you must beat them to a pulp!!!

by IP_SEC 72 Replies latest members private

  • bennyk

    One of the Brethren who still attends notes that a CO visit in February revealed a total of 110 publishers in my former Cong. The extorted total sum of money for the CO/DO auto & health insurance divided by per publisher amount gives an updated publisher total of only 93 (only three months later), which number should include a several faders who have reported zero hours for four or five months (unless they've already been written off).

  • Balsam

    The idiot organization is the cause of the hemmoraging of the friends leaving. The Judical committees are so harsh and mean now that people are running away from it. They just don't get it, they are their own worst enemy. How stupid and ignorant. Why does anyone want to part of an organization that only shows mercy toward pedophiles. Actually they are going back to the standards that existed when I first became a JW 1972 when disfellowshipped ones had to stay disfellowshipped for at least a certain amount of years before they could request reinstatement. There was a young woman with a year old baby who was had been disfellowshipped before she had the baby and the man studying with us told us she still had at least 3 plus years to wait to be reinstate. Then it lossened up and people were resinstated quicker, and the congregations grew.

    Dumb dumb dumb men at the top.

    IPSEC, you realize how valueable you are to us who never get to get the inside scoop, your information is really a benefit to all of us. Hope you an keep spying a while longer. Know its tough, but we really do appreciate all the information you pass on.

    I remember an Elder telling me that I couldn't even hope to be reinstated before 5 years had passed because I left my verbally and physically abusive MS husband to leave with a worldly man who treats me like a queen. Oh yes I had used the internet to communicate with my beloved and that really toasted them too. Wicked computers. LOL The Elder was so mad that I had caused problems in the congregation with other wives wanting to leave their mean husbands that I was clearly told don't expect to come back soon. I smiled and said thats no problem I have no intention of coming back. I'd had enought of their stupidity I told them. How could they expect a person to have any desire to return after just being told that. Thank goodness he did me a favor, it helped me run the other way to a happier life.


  • itsallgoodnow

    Interesting, IPSEC. It's clear they know there's a problem and they don't have a solution. Too bad they couldn't see this internet thing coming years back, but prophesy has never been their strong point.

    Relaxing the pharisaically harsh standards might help, but it looks like they are resisting that change. A new end date would also help, but they've cried wolf too many times already.

    They just need to cut their losses now. Let everyone go, reduce their overhead, split the money left over between themselves. (Just doing a little day-dreaming!)

  • outoftheorg

    IP sec

    I would remove that tap on the shoulder sentence. That could drop a dime on you.

    I am sure that the wbts reads threads like this with great interest in identifying members such as



  • keeshah

    WOO HOO!!!


  • Rod P
    Rod P

    GB at the Top. DO/CO/PO/Elders below = Dumb and Dumber

    Anybody heard the story of the little snowball rolling down the hill? Watch the "exodus snowball".

    Perhaps the GB have their collective heads in the clouds. They are so heavenly, they're no earthly good.

    On the other hand, anybody heard the story about the Ostrich with his head in the sand? If he can't see it, it ain't happening, right?

    There once was this guy who picked up a hammer and hit his hand with it. Someone asked him why he hit his hand with a hammer. Answer: "Because it feels so good when I stop!" he replied.

    Man, oh man! There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT SEE.

    Ip sec, I appreciate immensely what you have shared with us. "It warms the cockles of me 'eart."

    Rod P.

  • Elsewhere

    The reason the exodus is still a trickle is because people still need to worry about loosing friends and family.

    I suspect that the exodus will eventually reach a critical mass where the number of out-JWs one can associate with will be greater than the number of in-JWs. At that point the threat of shunning will no longer have any significant hold on the people and the exodus will change from a trickle to a flood.

  • Stephanus

    With the specific mention of apostates, I wonder if this is some sort of scorched-earth policy designed to weed them out of the org; perhaps they hope to get them all if they throw the book at more in the congregations.

    Fat chance, though! Not if they've still got apostate elders still holding office!

  • EvilForce

    Yes, blame the apostates for your decline. Don't look at yourself... you are obviously Jah's mouthpiece. Satan must be the one behind this...get those apostates. The Dubs have always hid behind the "No comment", and wall of secrecy using intimidation and fear to keep everyone silent. Their old control mechanisms no longer work. The media along with Bill Bowen, Barb Anderson, and the many faithful others, will keep dogging them. The Dubs will finally have to addresses it at some point. But the longer they wait the more the damage it causes.... truly sad! Let's blame those pointing out the problems... cause we have no problems we are Jah's people.

  • luna2

    We're deep in the time of the end, friends. The love of the greater number is cooling off....so make those yokes heavier and do not use the rod of discipline sparingly! Focus, focus on that narrow path, we're almost there.

    Whoever had the idea that they are perhaps purging the org might have the right of it. They can claim they were being cleansed by Jah again. Amazing how you can find scriptures to prop things up and justify any action...especially if you take them out of context.

    I'm glad I'm out.

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