by HadEnuf 46 Replies latest members meetups

  • JH


    This is how far you would have to travel... Only 207 miles to get there.

    Unless you mean Minneapolis, North Carolina, like you wrote on your profile...

    Then you would have to travel 929 miles to get there....

  • squinks

    I just made my room reservation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add one more to your head count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My first apsostafest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • EvilForce

    NO, I have medical seminar dealio at the Mayo Clinic...and flying into Minneapolis during that time frame. That's why I asked :)

  • Country_Woman


    I should be nervous too when I was arranging such a big happening...

    what about renting /hiring a large party tent ? then everyone will keep dry even when it is raining.......

    wish I could join....

    good luck and stay cool Branda

  • Country_Woman


    put 2 and 2 together:

    I noticed my silver chevy 4x4 truck is gone i called the police and had to file a missing auto report and now i'm so upset...

    Desbah is missing her car.........

    Woman Steals Car and Flees Canada

    " Che-e-e-e-e-se", she kept repeating....

    maybe you solved the mystery....

  • HadEnuf

    Well I got a good laugh out of your post stillajwexelder...I just keep on forgetting those there verses! Well people...Gary (Hubby) says he thinks we should still go with the burgers/brats. He loves to grill. He can do that even if it rains (in our garage). And we might rent a tent.

    I am so excited that so many of you are coming!!! My son still claims he will be brewing his beers. So no one really has to bring any beer.

    I think we'll need: potato salads, desserts, soda, chips (snacks), coleslaw. I plan on making a huge batch of baked beans and a big fruit salad. We will also provide all the paper plates, plastic forks/spoons & napkins.

    EF...we really aren't that far from Minneapolis if you can swing it. You can get here on interstate highways.

    Have a great Sunday everyone. Aren't you glad you're not at a meeting!!!

    Cathy L...starting to calm down considerably.

  • Sassy

    I wish I could join you all! There is nothing like a good midwestern potluck! I sure miss living there!

    Love to you all! Have fun and take pictures for those who are ok for posting!

  • whyamihere

    I will bring all the Soda and Chips!

    Everyone tell me what you all like and I will write it down!

    I can also make a few dessert bars! Extra is always good it will just add to my ass! Yeah like I need it!


  • ButtLight

    Cathy My love muffin!!!!!!

    Dont worry, it will be fine. Renting a tent sounds like a good Idea, but then it wouldnt rain and it would be a waist money lol. I will bring a few side dishes, I'll think of something. I cant wait! We booked our rooms at the super 8, so I hope its not too far from your house. I may be crawling by the end of the evening!


  • HadEnuf

    Thank you for your good wishes Country_Woman...and it's nice to know someone else gets nervous over hosting "events"!!

    Have fun and take pictures for those who are ok for posting!

    You mean Sassy we might have some pics not okay for G rated viewing? Ha...that's a good one. But with whyamihere, buttlight, devinsmom, dustin and various other known crazy people (wink, wink)...we might have to be very careful of what we record on film! I wish you could be here too Sassy!!

    My dearest whyamihere...you have the cutest LITTLE ass of most people I know. Hmmmmm...very strange comment from your mother-in-law huh? Oh well. Mumsies notice things like that when you mention things like that!

    Buttlight sweetie...the Super 8 is about maybe 6 miles from our house? (I am bad at the mileage estimation thing). I KNOW we're going to have to keep you in check!!

    Love, mumsy

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