by HadEnuf 46 Replies latest members meetups

  • JH

    It should be nice out Hadenuf....It's been raining here since 2 months now and its still cool, but I'm sure it will eventually change for the best. Personally, I would rather see this apostofest outside in your yard, than cooped up inside a restaurant in Mid July.

    I'll bring lots of beer, and chips and whatever you would want me to bring.

  • HadEnuf

    Dear Big Mac...it is so kind of you to call the cellulite on my butt dimples. So sweet!!

    Mr. Rat...yeah...it would be nicer outside in our yard. We do have a nice yard, if I do say so myself. Two decks even. I might warm up to that pizza idea. Not so much fussing...then just add snacks and dessert and of course the main course...BEER.

    talesin...you are such a hoot!! If you get thrown in jail...we'll all come and bail you out with cheese bribes. Don't worry dearie...we won't let you rot in some Canadian (or U.S.) prison!!

  • devinsmom

    Me me me, count me in, Im soooooooooo exited!!! I also vote for outside. If it rains we could all go bowling or something until it stops...but its not gonna rain because the apostagods will be watching over us and blessing the harmonious joining together of all the faithful spiritually minded brothers and sisters who have traveled far and wide to praise the almighty...beer, cheese, and brats.(wew, long sentence!) Anyhoo, yes cant wait, let me know what to bring auntie, I make great potato salad!


  • EvilForce

    Since it's an assembly of apostates....is Ray Franz going to be the Keynote Speaker?

  • HadEnuf

    Oh dearest April...yes...now you have convinced me of the waywardness of my thinking. Yes...the apostagods shall be smiling on us that day and the sun shall shine (but not too hot), the humidity will be reasonable and the mosquitoes will all be visiting next door. So you just signed yourself up for potato salad!!!

    EF...I thought YOU were going to be the Keynote speaker!!!

  • blondie

    Irreverent, the weather forecaster, as he has ordered no rain for that day.

  • HadEnuf

    I hope that the irREV is ready to take the "heat" if it rains Blondie. But I know he is a man of his word. Ahhhhh...now I can finally sleep.

  • EvilForce

    How far is Steven's Point from Minneapolis??? Driving that is.

  • kls

    Evil ,you going to HadEnufs ? Aww ,i want to meet you and i can't goI will take over your surgerys if you go ,,,ok?

  • stillajwexelder

    OR...do you think we should just have it at a local restaurant around 3 pm...each pay for their own meal...and then come over to my house for the rest of the day?

    Hadenuf, Hadenuf (Luke 10:38-42) 38 Now as they were going their way he entered into a certain village. Here a certain woman named Martha received him as guest into the house. 39 This woman also had a sister called Mary, who, however, sat down at the feet of the Lord and kept listening to his word. 40 Martha, on the other hand, was distracted with attending to many duties. So, she came near and said: "Lord, does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things? Tell her, therefore, to join in helping me." 41 In answer the Lord said to her: "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disturbed about many things. 42 A few things, though, are needed, or just one. For her part, Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her."

    It is the company that is important - nothing else. You are getting stressed and you should enjoy the occasion.Let us all go to a restaurant and pay for our own then to a liquor store so I can pick up a 12 pack and a bottle of bourbon - I willbe flying in on my own so will not have the room on the plane to bring beer

    Count me as an almost definite

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