by HadEnuf 46 Replies latest members meetups

  • inbyathread

    Count me in for sure and my wife if she doesn't have to work.

  • HadEnuf

    YAY...inbyathread...I am now counting on you and your wife to attend. Absolutely. Positively. Yup.

    cathy l.

  • blondie

    See any tornados up there, Cathy?

    None done here.


  • littlerockguy

    would love to go but got too much going on with work since 2 of my staff will be going on maternity leave, etc. maybe you can have some of it live via webcam

  • HadEnuf

    Blondie...there were quite a few up north from us yesterday...they say they caused over $500,000 worth of damage. We had a really bad windstorm around 2 am. Scared us all; but no tornado's. Now we are under another watch with warnings north of us again. You know sometimes I think winter isn't so bad afterall!!

    Webcam? Hmmm...now there's an idea littlerockguy. But sad to say, I doubt it will become a realization.

    Last night Gary and I made a nice fire off the deck (he built our deck with removable sections for a raised fire place, just a cheap metal one...but we hope to have a real fireplace built there in the fall), got ourselves a couple of beers and discussed the upcoming apostacheesefest. He of course, thinks I am getting way too anxious about the whole affair. I tend to be a "worrier". But we discussed the lighting for after dark (oh those new x-mas lights last December will come in handy in our trees!), and still discussing the food. Maybe I'll just make a huge amount of sloppy joe mix ahead of time and freeze. See...still worrying about the food.

    Anyway...it is looking like a good turn out. I really am quite excited. Then of course there is always the pizza option. No worrying there and people wouldn't have to worry about transporting food. Or I could just have someone cater in and people could pitch in.

    What to do. What to do.


    cathy l. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder stemming from anxiety about 1st Annual Apostacheesefest)

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hey for those of you who havent made room arrangements yet, would ya'll be interested in booking some conjoined campsites in the area?



    I like camping, just not big on "subdivision camping" on those anemic little sites.

    I'd rather just pass out in my sleeping bag around a campfire.


    Just run this like a congregation picnic.

    Everyone can bring some meat or their desired main entree, a dish to pass, and some alcohol or their poison of choice. Then make sure everyone helps clean up before they sober up and leave

  • LittleToe

    A word to the wise - there's usually too much food - if you run out, someone can run down to the store - no biggie!
    Booze is expensive, so encourage folks to bring something for the "common pot".
    People, being people, make their own entertainment. If the worst comes to the worst, you'll just start watching one another - that should be good for a few laughs

    Try not to stress too much - you'll love it!!!

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