How Do YOU Feel Knowing That YOU Were In A Cult?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    Don't compare identify Sherlock 1994 i attended my first ex-cult support group put up by Steve Hassan.At the time the only 'apostate' i knew was David Reed who had been heavily denounced.{So,bravo for the support we have today mates.} We were all there---ex jw's moonies,children of God you name it. My experience:In attendance was a women about 25 y.o. who was just balling her pretty eyes out.She went on to relate,how that she had really believed in her heart of hearts that Rev. and Mrs Moon were her Father and Mother. Now for a split second i thought to myself '...silly girl what did you expect everybody knows moonies are a ripoff cult.."? ...Then it HIT ME LIKE A THUNDERBOLT!

  • whyamihere

    I am very much Hurt and Sad. I feel as if I had my whole life taken from me. I feel as if it was stolen and now I have it back but with the memories of being robbed.

    I was robbed and that's how I feel.


  • Dismembered



    "Gimme back my hat, ya punk"

  • scotsman

    Disappointed it wasn't more exciting.

  • vitty

    I feel extremely sad, my childhood, my childrens young lives and now knowing my daughter is stuck in.

    I want to wake up tomorow with the news, that the tower has gone, but its a dream. Just like my past, but that was a nightmare.

  • jaffacake

    I leep changing my mind on this one, but on balance I would say yes, but not one of the most extreme.

    I was once a SDA which I firmly believe was not a cult. I just assumed JWs were something very similar and therefore did not spot the danger soon enough to warn my friends. By the time I found out how JWs really operate it was too late. It pains me to watch dear friends slipping deeper and deeper daily into this cult.

    If only I had met you folks a year ago.

  • Honesty

    As soon as I figured it out I got out but still have some memories of how bad the WTBTS treats its followers that will probably linger around for years. The saddest part for me is knowing that many friends and extended family members are allowing their minds and hearts to be poisoned by the doctrines of the apostate Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses as they float on the sea of life in a ship full of holes. I just hope some of them abandon the WT ship before it sinks into eternal seperation from God.

  • Hecklerboy

    I guess I really don't feel much of anything. I was raised in it so it's not my fault I was taught all that BS. Besided if I wasn't raised a JW my life would be totally different now. I wouldn't have moved to a new town, met my incredible wife, and started a great job. Yeah I was raised a JW and even got baptised, but I'm not going to let that bother me now that I'm out. I'm not embarrased to tell people I was a JW. Heck if anything if they know I was a JW and have any questions I can warn them ahead of time to run screaming from the witnesses.

  • upside/down

    I was never a "company" Dub... always questioned and waited for J to fix things as promised.

    It was their abuse that drove me away... only to realize later they did me a favor, since it's hard to see the light when you're in.

    I feel betrayed... They are the ones that failed and lied and can't be honest with themselves. NOT ME!

    I'm pretty much the same person I've always been.... but wiser for the wear.


  • minimus

    Ummmm, who "diddled" you, Dismembered?? HoChiMin?

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