How Do YOU Feel Knowing That YOU Were In A Cult?

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult that is trying to look mainstream.

  • jula71

    I feel angry....but I don't know how or what to be angry at.

    Myself for stay in so long

    Parents for raising me in it

    The "sister" that first knocked at my parents house

    Elders for being zombies following orders w/out thought

    list goes on.............

  • Terry
    Terry: You wrote how I feel 100% ... I am a much better personallity now, and I feel like me.

    I am finally living, and I hope you are too.

    I am finally living.

    I no longer have JW -related problems. I have problems of my own making :)

    At least, when I create the problems I KNOW the cause that created the effect.

    I can change this and that and the problem goes away.

    But, with JW-related problems, the destiny is not self-actuating. Life is a constant effect without naming the hidden cause: wasted belief in non-essential action.

    JW's are still-born humans. They are pickled and put in a jar on display. End of story.

    All the while the feeble brain activity whispers: "This is the best of all possible worlds."

    Swirl, swirl, swirl go the specimens......drifting toward the light....drifting toward the light (which is just the bathroom bulb.).


  • Markfromcali
    Are you embarrassed or uncomfortable knowing that you belonged to a cult just like the Moonies and the Branch Davidians are/werw a cult??

    No, because who I am now is not the same as the person that was a JW. It would be like getting worked up over things you were involved with or did when you were a kid, I understand people may remember those times and still feel a bit uncomfortable but even so we recognize it was a totally different stage in our life.

    I will say this though, if the subject comes up I'm always willing to talk about it, but if it is just in passing I feel no need to get into the whole thing, especially to someone who hasn't been there. (and if they have I don't need to) I guess it's sort of like 'been there, done that - got the bible bound with the Reasoning book.'

  • Sunspot
    Are you embarrassed or uncomfortable knowing that you belonged to a cult just like the Moonies and the Branch Davidians are/werw a cult??

    Yeah, extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable. I had a good friend ask me (when I was studying and "sharing" what I was learning with anyone and everyone) what happened to me, and as smart as I am---HOW did I get involved with them?

    Beats ME! (even now)They must have had a good hook, huh?


  • LongHairGal

    When I was in and believed it all (or most of it) I remember hearing now and then that I was in a cult. I reasoned to myself that if I had the truth it didn't matter if I was in a cult or not.

    Now I just feel angry.

  • lonelysheep






    Weird knowing how mentally weak I once was

    and I feel that I was taken advantage of for the WTS's gain!

    I wasn't raised in it.

  • pisces

    Sometimes I feel angry knowing that I was raised in a cult, but mostly I feel sadness for the relatives that are still slaving away for the organization. I truly believe their lives are miserable, a few of them suffer from depression and social anxiety, and the rest just see the world as doom and gloom.

  • love2Bworldly

    I just started really researching a few months ago, so I didn't really know until recently that they were a cult. I feel a little weird, but I had an extremely dysfunctional homelife--so at the time, maybe people at the hall gave me the attention I wasn't getting at home from my parents. (My sister and I became involved when I was 13 and she was 18.) I don't feel embarrassed anymore to tell people I used to go with my sister to the KH, but I try not to mention it unless I know that person is not a JW. I worked with a JW who didn't know I used to be one, and I kept my mouth shut around her and we got along fine; I don't feel like being uncomfortable around someone I have to see on a daily basis.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i feel pretty empowered because i'm only 20, but i had the strength to break free of the brainwashing, unlike the so called older wiser ones who are basically a bunch of lemmings whenever i feel incompetent, i just think about it and realize if i can do THAT i can do anything.

    luv, kitty

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