If you won the Lottery big time, would you be happier?

by Rod P 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • devinsmom

    I didnt have time to read the rest of the posts so I dont know if this has allready been said but, I believe that money gives you the ability to be happy since many stresses are caused by money. While money by itself will not make you happy I think it could be very helpful, although Biggie said, "mo money mo problems"-hehe


  • Rod P
    Rod P


    If you had the perfect lottery machine, the same numbers would NOT come out every week.

    If they did, then they would not be random numbers, by a long shot. Flipping a coin, where there are only 2 possibilities- heads or tails, it is possible to have a run of heads or a run of tails. But when you have something like 49 numbers, where the possibilities are in the billions, there is no way you could have a run on 6 of those numbers in several consecutive draws.

    Over the years, lottery machines have gone thru a number of evolutions. The most popular mechanical lottery machines are the ones using ping pong balls with the numbers painted on. They are pretty popular with the public, because you can't tamper with them if the game is televised for all to see. One of the problems is, given all of the machines that are out there, it is an expensive proposition to replace all of the balls in all of the machines every once in a while. The reason for changing the balls is because of wear and tear, the paint chipping, the balls wearing out, so that one or more balls might come out more than the others, making the results less random.

    So what has happened, most of these have been replaced with Computers. These computers, while inherently non-random, use what is called "random number generators". These are basically software programs that use complex mathematical formulas to generate the numbers "randomly", or what is described as "simulating a random sequence". But the problem with computers is, they can be tampered with, and also computers can get viruses. Also, these kinds of draws are not televised, so the public does not get to see what is going on behind the scenes. As a result, public confidence in them is low, because many people believe the draws might be rigged. Many people will not buy "Quick Picks", because they suspect that the lottery system might be controlling the draw results by skewing the numbers to allow fewer winning tickets, so they don't have to pay out as much. For that reason, they pick their own numbers. Some state lotteries have noticed a decided drop in ticket sales because of the computer generated draws.

    In the opinion of certain guys who have studied this whole thing on lotteries and computers, they believe that if you tracked the numbers they generate over a large period of time, you would absolutely find a distinct pattern.

    Rod P.

  • littlerockguy

    I'd like to spread it around to my friends who are in debt.

    Cruzanheart, I wanna be your friend, lol

    I had friends receive a great winfall but I wouldn't let them get me out of financial binds. I have developed a spirit of self reliance since I have been through hard times and situations where nobody was there for me when I needed it so now I am reluctant to ask for assistance, even when I may need it.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Do any of you think buying Lottery Tickets is "Gambling" and therefore it is wrong to play the game? Do you think that Lottery Tickets are like Marijuana; they lead to serious gambling and drugs which results in addiction?

    Personally, if it's kept within reason, I don't see the harm. And I don't think this leads to serious gambling, although there's always the exception.

    Rod P.

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