Anyone Punished for Speaking About UN NGO Scandal?

by AlanF 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • avishai

    What, so people aren't even allowed to bring it up?

  • loosie

    avishai: if you bring it up they will know you've been googling this web

  • OldSoul

    I am not supposed to "spread it" because it could tend to "cause divisions" in the congregation. So, in effect, I can't talk about it.

    Alan, I am sure I will not be disfellowshipped "for talking about it." I will be disfellowshipped for not letting it drop when the WTS eventually says to let it drop. R. Jensen, all over again. I will send you a PM later with particulars. I have it on excellent authority that you can be trusted completely to keep confidences.


  • Kenneson

    The owner of the e-watchman site admits to having been disfellowshipped for exposing this very thing.

    See the first post at

  • upside/down

    I brought up the UN debacle to my good bud that's still "way" in the bOrg.

    I just told him a good "brother" I know in Arizona sent it to me and was very concerned and perplexed and wanted to know if I knew about it and what possible explanation could there possibly be....

    Worked GREAT!!!

    All's fair in "theocratic warfare"!

    u/d (of the you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em class)

  • avengers

    My oldest daughter and her husband are in the truth and nothing but the truth.

    I thought the UN debacle would be a chance to put in a wedge.

    When I started about it the atmosphere changed immediately!
    My son in law turned really angry and stressed to the max.
    My daughter started crying and I'm thinking: "What have I done?"
    This happened appr. 2 years ago. At this moment, as long as I keep my
    mouth shut about any of the Tower's misfeats, I'm welcome.

    As the Tower has instructed the puppets follow the movements of the masters.
    (I'm so sorry to say this about my own daughter.)

    What the Tower did was to split my family into two kamps; something I will
    never forgive them. It's the Tower who taught me how to hate.

    I truly loved Jehovah when I was still one of the Borg,

    but the way the Tower handles, by means of their hypocrisy, dishonesty
    and just plain out lying, has put a stench on the Name of the One I thought
    was the God of Love, Truth, Justice, kindness and honesty.

    How can I truly love a God as portrayed by the Tower?

    I never knew what hate was until I figured out the inner-workings of the Watchtower
    and their henchmen. I've seen perfectly good men and women go down.

    Enough of my rambling.


  • confusedjw
    OMG you would have thought i showed him his mother naked


    Of course the ONLY way to know for sure is to actually show him a picture of his mother naked and compare the response.

  • Tatiana

    As some of you know, I had been trying to get my niece out since my sister passed away. Because after her death, my mother used guilt, fear, and whatever manipulative thing she could think of to keep my niece in her and the society's clutches.

    I'd been sending her pages and pages of info I copied from here. Some of theme were about the UN scandal. We talked on the phone a lot about it. And I asked her if she would just ask her best friend about it. She did. Big mistake.

    This girl had been Stephanie's best friend since they were little girls. I watched them grow up together. When my niece asked her about it, she got the cold shoulder from then on. This "friend" had been helping my niece with transportation to the grocery store, as they live quite a long way from town. And my niece had a new baby, and a drug addict husband. After the big "question," Stephanie didn't hear from her or see her again. And all she did was ASK!!!

    She called another sister in the cong., and was told she should not be asking those kinds of questions. I felt really bad, because I was the one who told her to ask her friend. And I was too far away to offer help. I apologized to her over and over...

    It backfired on them, as my niece told me she was happy I told her to ask. Because she saw how loving they really were. And wondered at the fact that if it were not true, why everyone was so damned upset!

    Now my mother has refused to have anything to do with her.

  • FairMind

    I?ve brought up the NGO issue to a couple of close friends, my wife and to my stepson. The close friends now shy away from me, my wife got angry with me about it and the stepson ignores the real issue saying that the WTS must have had good reason. I have not broached this subject with anyone else for fear of reprisals.

  • EvilForce

    The Dub's are the first group to lambast another religion's indiscretions. Yet they get angry when someone shines a light under their rock and sees nasty bugs skitter to avoid the light.

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