Name some silly things you couldn't do as a witness

by sweet tee 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Elder: "Sister KLS...Please refrain from the phrase Holy Cow."

    Kls: "Holy Sheep?"


  • findingme

    Wear thong underwear.

    Enjoy sex without feeling guilty.

    Go to college; join a soriority.

    Ask people questions about their religious background without them fearing I have some ulterior motive.

    Study the history of religion in college with an open mind.

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee


    must have missed that study article. Is this for real? No yard sales for fear of demon possession?

    Yeah findingme ... It wasn't the 'yard sales' per se' it was anything by which one might invite demons into ones homes ... muwhaahaahahahahah. You know those super witnesses are the most paranoid bunch. I recall one pio. sister saysing she threw out everything in her new apartment when she cleaned it out ... even leftover screws! She probably would've thrown out the commode too if she could replace it herself (tee hee hee)

  • kls

    Elder: "Sister KLS...Please refrain from the phrase Holy Cow."

    Hee,hee, you give me idea' s,,,,,,,,,that is what i will say in front of my jw husband ,,,,,,WHAT ARE YOU DOING !!! HOLY SHEEP MAN.

    < -----------------------------Evil monkey is so naughty,,,,,,,,,,lol

  • RichieRich

    Wear a hat backwards...

    Say "gee whiz"

    Think freely

    Use actual secular sources on reports

    Be within ear range of people singing "happy birthday"

  • blondie

    You could not

    Wear jean skirts

    Wear sandals without nylons

    Wear skirts without nylons

    Wear dark nail polish

    Wear more than 2 earrings in each ear

    Wear sleeveless dresses at the conventions (too sexy)


    Own a red vehicle

    Put a Packer flag on your car


  • whyamihere

    You could not

    Wear jean skirts

    Wear sandals without nylons

    Wear skirts without nylons

    Wear dark nail polish

    Wear more than 2 earrings in each ear

    Wear sleeveless dresses at the conventions (too sexy)


    Own a red vehicle

    Put a Packer flag on your car

    Oh my god I did every one of these(No Packer Flag) as a witness.....was I bad?


  • upside/down

    Make a toast and "clink" your glass!

    Oral sex.

    "Push ahead of the oran-eye-zation"- WTF does that mean?

    Read Playboy

    Choke the chicken... any chicken

    Make overtly public displays of affection and horniness to MY WIFE!

    See any movie (regardless of rating) without first consulting the congregation opinion poll (so-called spiritual ones who'd be stumbled)

    Drive a two door car.

    Ever ask- "How can an "apostate" teaching ever conquer "the truth"? The depths of hell are reserved for such who ask!

    Date someone before you made a lifelong, till death do us part contract.


  • whyamihere

    Read Playboy



  • blondie

    I have to admit that the brother with the Packer flag pulled up to the KH Saturday morning of the CO's visit. The CO was not amused.

    Yes, all those things were forbidden by some CO or elder over the years. The earring crisis was a circuit uproar. It ended with each BOE being allowed to make the decision in their own congregation. So if you were in congregation A, only 2 earrings per ear, congregation B, whatever you wanted.

    There was one CO that even frowned on knee socks....and one came down on moon boots....then there was the mustache fiasco (see the 2 earring fiasco). If a brother wanted a mustache he had to be in congregation A.

    Where is the love?


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