1ST Century Christian Congregation

by defd 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    To answer the original question, defd:

    What would you have done back in the 1ST Century when Jesus came on the earthly stage and started Christianity.

    I haven't a clue. In fact, in Jesus time, the Pharasees and Sadducees were making statements against their forefathers for their actions in the wilderness which got them sentenced to wander there for 40 years. He told them they were stupid to say they'd have done anything differently, because they were never given the choice without the advantage of hindsight.

    So, , but that's just me...


  • Narkissos
    You guys might find the book "The History of the Christian Church" interesting. It was written by Eusebius who is regarded as the first Church Historian. He recorded the history of the Church of the first three centuries.

    Yes. And don't forget to read his Panegyric of Constantine and Life of Constantine to put his vision of the Church history into perspective.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    One thing that the first century Christians practiced, not found today in JW congregations, was the weekly partaking of the emblems (communion), in which EVERY Christian participated. But then again, 1st century Christians didn't believe in two CLASSES.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Geeeee... where did everyone go?

  • AuntieJane

    Yes I would like to have defd explain to me, a non JW, what the Bible teaches about celebrating Christ's death by a "memorial" service that is non-existent in the Bible. "Take, all and eat, this is my body"...those were the words he gave us. He didn't say, "Take, some of you, and eat...this is an emblem". I am not trying to be sarcastic, but would like a JW explanation. I think the Memorial is a very un-Biblical service and I would just like to have it explained to me.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    If I lived in the 1st Century I would have been an adherent of Aristotlean Greek Philosophy. Celebrating the human mind, the human body and human achievement as the highest ideal. I would have strongly opposed the superstition called Christianity.

    Today in the 21st Century I live my life in a way I think would be approved of by the great philosopher Aristotle.

    There is nothing in the universe higher than the human mind and nothing greater than human achievement.

  • Sunspot

    ~~ a) congregation : an assembly of persons : GATHERING; especially : an assembly of persons met for worship and religious instruction

    This is the dictionary's description. Nowhere does it say how many "assemblies" or how often they should meet. defd has yet to answer where the bible shows that Jesus commanded these gatherings (as well as how many or how often either!)

    ~~I'd venture to say most "believers" on this forum spend more time associating and encouraging one another here than at any so called "meetings".

    Have you REALLY LOOKED at all the topics? How many warm thoughts and prayers for those having problems have you seen? How much encouragement have you seen from various people here from all over the earth? It's all in how you see it, but if you don't open your eyes you won't see it. There's a LOT of love here and genuine CARING, not dependent upon the religion one is and not dependent on what some old men in NY dictate.

    ~~i dont call bashing people cursing at people and out right hatred encouraging.

    Sometimes that comes as a direct result of how you yourself post! Even when I came on a board like this AS A JW, I can't recall anyone ever cursing at me or hating me. I didn't take it personally when posters hated the WTS.


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