1ST Century Christian Congregation

by defd 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Badger

    More than Paul, for starters. How do we know that he wasn't the false prophet sent to divide like Jesus prophesised?

  • defd


    God requires me to be part of an organization that protects child rapists? If that's true, then I deem him unworthy of worship.


    It is no different back in acient times when Gods people was under the mosaic law. The law required the people 3 times a yr to go to Jeruselum to worship God at His temple. Durind a very low point in Isreals history when the priest who were involved with taking the lead at the temple, some set up houses for prostitutes, male and female some were extorting people and so on. Was the faithful worshippers exclude from obeying the mosaic law to attend the Passover the Festivals and other things that they had to go to the temple for? The bible says NO they were not excused from going. They still had to be obedient to Gods law evn if others were not. They simply did not involve them selves with those individuals. They still Worshipped Jehovah how he outlined it to them. Would you like an example?

  • upside/down
    I am insistant on belonging to the Congregation because that is HOW God set it up! Was it not Jesus who commanded his disciples to make disciples of people of every nation? Did he not commision Paul to go and do the same? Holy spirit is what motivated and accomplished and established the growth and the many Congregations. Those Congregations were formed for a reason. That reason was and is today to ATTEND,BE TAUGHT,WORSHIP GOD and so on. Dont you want to be apart of something that Jesus directed and is the Head of by means of the Holy Spirit? I do.

    You need some correction. I have had this discussion with HUGE HEAVIES in the WTS (at Bethel). You are dead wrong. The only reason for the necessity of the congregations of JW's as they have taken shape today is to accomplish the preaching work!!! It has been stated that there is no NECESSITY other than this. The association, spiritual "feeding" etc is all a fringe benefit. The family unit is the primary "God" given arrangement for teaching and inculcating godliness and such. Don't confuse making disciples and congregations... apples and oranges my friend. Show me one time that Jesus sent people away to form congo's. He taught them and sent them home... to their families. The WTS is to religion, what the Nazi's are to government!

    Gawd you just love to "control", you "religion types"- Christ warned about this!

    u/d (of the can you say P-h-a-r-i-s-e-e class)

  • Pole


    Where did you get your knowledge of the "1st century christian congregation" from? Did you use any sources apart from the WT? There doesnt appear to have been a single christian congregation, so your argument "God arranged things that way" basically doesn't hold water.



  • defd


    i got my sources about the Christian Cong. and the things going on in them from the BIBLE! read it for your self

  • jaffacake

    Hi all,

    I recently saw a Joseph Rutherford quote saying that "religion and Christianity are the exact opposite of each other". Perhaps he meant that Jesus recognized the Pharisees were very religious, following laws and rules. Earlier, Russell said that "organisation is wholly unnecessary" and true Christians needed no fence to keep others out and them in. He supported fellowship with other Christian groups using the Bible as their standard, even if they did not see eye to eye. Watchtower change its mind about religigion. Was this newlight or about tax concessions for religions.

    Dave J

  • doogie
    how much more proof do you need?

    i'm just looking for quotes. that's all. i'm not trying to argue. i just want to see quotes from the bible, please.

    - what physically constitutes the Christian Congregation? (because it's the physical attendance that's at issue here, correct?)

    - where was it directed that such attendance was mandatory?

    waiting patiently. thank you

  • defd


    HEBREWS 10:24-25

  • jgnat

    Excellent choice of topic, defd. I am impressed. I imagine I would behave much as I do now. I have found a community of believers who are loving and mutually supportive. We meet regularly to pray for each other, and have helped each other in small ways when one of us is down.

    How the early church operated is a personal interest of mine. Here is a contemporary account:


    Here's a study of how the first century "house church" compares to twentieth century versions:


    I notice the Holy Spirit was very active in those days. A corrupt couple (Ananias and Sapphira) were quickly put out of their misery, for instance. I don't see much evidence of "patience" by the congregation when dealing with corruption.

  • jaffacake


    The new Covenant did away with the whole concept of law keeping and rules, not just mosaic law. 2 or 3 gathering is a congregation, Christanity is an individual thing. How often does New Testament say salvation is not by works, but by faith. A free gift - how can a free gift from undeserved kindness be earned by good works. Only in James does it say faith without works is dead. But James wasn't writing about salvation. Good works naturally follow from faith and love.


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