Men who lie with men.....

by cindykp 188 Replies latest jw friends

  • under74

    chappy- you realize you are quoting an online news source that's known to have an ultra conservative bias, right?

  • vicmace

    And on that note.......It's beer-thirty somewhere in the world.....CHEERS FOR QUEERS!!!


  • cindykp

    Chappy might be the one Barney saw outide by the tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dustin

    Chappy, you got problems dude. Get over it. Just because some dude is gay doesn't mean he's a child molester. That's just plain stupid to assume that about somone. Yeah, some people are freaks and do that kind of stuff. But to say that most gay people are like that, that's not a direct correlation. There's something mentally wrong with somone who molests a child. Not when two grown people have consensual sex. Think before you speak.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    chappy if you want to start your own thread, then please do so.

    However, this thread has nothing to do with pedophilia. If you feel this strongly about pedophilia, then start your own thread. Please do not hijack someone else's thread for your own agenda.

    Any further incursions on this thread will be deleted.

  • vicmace

    Well, that was a chat killer....

  • cindykp

    Vic, bet you never thought you would enjoy this did ya! But now you have people in your "family" in here!

  • ValiantBoy

    Once more...Chappy has every right to express a dissenting opinion...even one that offends me so much. Thankfully, most of us here are intelligent enough to see through the smoke, mirrors, and bull shit.

    There are some groups, both liberal and conservative, htat use phony science and phony research and self-imposed credentials to lend creedence to their bigotry and agenda. We just have to be smart enough to know when that's happening.

  • cindykp


    vicmace wants to know if you have splinters

  • BrendaCloutier
    And the incidence of cervical cancer among gay men is extremely low

    Actually, Swan, you are not being silly. Cervical cancer is a virus spread by having intercourse with a man who carries the virus!

    Barney Muldoon, your ignorance is showing. Education is a privledge many JW's have ignored even after leaving Dubdom.

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