Tell us about you

by kls 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • rwagoner

    Are you married or single? married.....almost 15 years

    Do you have children ? 2 boy - 6 years and girl - 4 months

    Do you have pets? 3 ragdoll cats.

    What are your hobbies? travel, sing in a barbershop quartet, politics, reading, music

    Are you a grandparent? No.

    wheelchair user - work in disability policy & ADA compliance RandyW

  • Golf

    Kls, I plan to do a post similiar to yours but a twist. I'm not trying to sabotage your plans. I hope you understand. There's a method to my madness. Thank you.

  • Insomniac

    Are you married or single? = Single, but I got me a man 'way cross town, and he's good to me.

    Do you have children ? = Eeeeek! No kids, never!

    Do you have pets? = Well, duh- I'm a 36 yr. old spinster, of course I have a cat!

    What are your hobbies? = Calligraphy, writing, making weird little art things out of beads and found objects.

    Are you a grandparent? = Nope.

    What would you like to share?? My ice cream, with all of y'all.

  • rwagoner


    Hello neighbor....

    RandyW - in New Hampshire

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I am an architect and I married a wonderful non JW girl. We have 3 outstanding children; 13,10 and 5. The children and their future are my focus.

    My hobbies are restoring my old house and elaborate gardens; tennis every day ( weather permitting, we have a clay tennis court on the property; which I also restored with my own 2 hands); fencing and sailing. We live on Long Island and ; except for the ever rising cost of maintaining a quality lifestyle, we like it here.

    The children are an extra bonus and I love having them around.

    I lead a simple life and drive a small volvo wagon.


  • under74

    Are you married or single? Single

    Do you have children ? nope

    Do you have pets? nope

    What are your hobbies? mmm....I guess my main hobby is what I'm in grad school for--video/film. I also like readin', lookin' up stuff, collecting religious tracts, hanging out with my close friends, spending time with my family in my home town, and drinkin' sometimes.

    Are you a grandparent? nope

    What would you like to share? A coke with the world?

  • Beachbender

    Are you married or single?? married, 18 years now !

    Do you have children? 2 boys........ 1st one born out of wedlock ( reason for DF) 26, 1 that`s 13 1/2

    Do you have pets? yes, 3 cats... shadow (18) mittens (10) oreo ( 9 )

    What are my hobbies?? walking on the beach ( which is a few blocks from home!),Theme Parks! music... listening to, going to concerts still, and watching my husband`s band play, traveling for the weekend ( anywhere), family time, going to see local productions, as well as holiday productions, hanging and BBQ`ing with friends on the weekends, swimming, bike riding, volunteering.

    Are you a Grandparent?? Yes, 1.... from the 26 year old, baby was born in December, (boy)

    What would you like to share?? My beach towel.....come on over!

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Are you married or single? = Single

    Do you have children ? = None that I know of

    Do you have pets? = I have an imaginary dinosaur friend called Hubert. He often goes out and does things without me though.

    What are your hobbies? = I collect dust (I also love art, reading, cycling, running, tennis)

    Are you a grandparent? = no

    What would you like to share?? = My sweeties.. but only two each ok.

  • JH

    Are you married or single? = Nobody wants me

    Do you have children ? = Nobody wants me to be the father of their children

    Do you have pets? = I have a cat

    What are your hobbies? = Walking, changing car every year or so, surfing the net

    Are you a grandparent? = read my answer to question 1

    What would you like to share?? My bills.

  • kls

    JH What would you like to share?? My bills,,,,,,,,,,ROLFL ,,,,omg THAT IS SO FUNNY

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