Tell us about you

by kls 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    JH am still laughing,,,,,,,,lol

  • ballistic

    Are you married or single? = single

    Do you have children ? = no

    Do you have pets? = no

    What are your hobbies?

    Are you a grandparent? = no

    State I want to move to = ??? no

  • JH

    I luv making people laugh.

    How do you like my new avatar?

  • kls

    JH oh man you just killed me ,,,,lol

    your new Avatar is lovely,,,,,,,,,i think!

    Say you could use your teeth ground down a little,,,,,,don't ya think?

  • JH

    Here I am full size Now you know why I'm single Hope this makes you laugh once again.

    I think that the poor guy is missing a tooth on the bottom left.

  • morty

    Are you married or single? = married almost 10 years...feels like 50.( still love ya hon)

    Do you have children ? =2 boys...16 going on 20 and 13 going on 17

    Do you have pets? = I have a 3 cats, 3 fish, and a partridge in a pear tree....

    What are your hobbies? = surfing the net, beading,volenteering, eating...

    Are you a grandparent? = better not be any time soon....

    What would you like to share?? this damn cold....

    Siblings= I am the oldest of 5

    My hero= my daddy

    My goal in life= to have the kids moved out and finshed school by I can play

  • morty

    Are you married or single? = married almost 10 years...feels like 50.( still love ya hon)

    Do you have children ? =2 boys...16 going on 20 and 13 going on 17

    Do you have pets? = I have a 3 cats, 3 fish, and a partridge in a pear tree....

    What are your hobbies? = surfing the net, beading,volenteering, eating...

    Are you a grandparent? = better not be any time soon....

    What would you like to share?? this damn cold....

    Siblings= I am the oldest of 5

    My hero= my daddy and my boys

    My goal in life= to have the kids moved out and finshed school by I can play

  • kls

    Oh my my JH that is very impressive,,,,,say what would a creature like you eat ?

    I assume monkey would not be part of your diet??? Locks self in own cage ,,,(shivering)

  • JH

    R A T F O O D

    Please click on a picture to take you to each page

    Rat Snacks & Food

    Rats love food! They will eat just about anything!

    • Rats are scavenger animals.
    • Rats do not have a gag reflex so, when eating new foods they tend to take a small bite and wait for several hours to make sure they don't get sick and then come back and finish the meal.
    • Rats housed in the same area will tend to eat new foods right away if their other cagemates start eating it first.
    • Pet rats tend to stop testing their food after a while as they learn to trust their owners.
    • As a general rule, if you will eat it your rat will eat it.
    • Beware of leaving your food unattended as rats will steal it and eat the whole thing, which could cause them to get sick.
    • Don't under-estimate your rats strength, they can steal whole pieces of pizza or tacos!
    • Rats love eating dried or cooked pasta (especially with tomato sauce), frozen or cooked vegetables, Lettace, Cheese, cooked Mashed Potato's & lots of other foods.
    • Rats also like seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds & peanuts (non salted).(Feed seeds in moderation.)
    • I suggest feeding your rats only cooked meat -not raw.
      Raw meat could cause bacteria build up by rotting in the cage if the rat/s don't eat it all, causing Salmonella poisoning.
    • Some rats do not like meat products and will not eat them or only eat them in small amounts.
    • I have found that my older rats tend to not like meat, while my younger rats love it and will gladly eat it. (This may have to do with their feeding patterns earlier in life.)
    • Rats need variety in their diets, Feeding them alfalfa pellets and nothing else is unhealthy and unacceptable.
    • When looking for appropriate snacks for your Rats, look for packages that say they are for Small animals, Rats, Hamsters and occasionally guinea pigs, ferrets & rabbit snacks.
    • Having some sort of Lab blocks (Harlan Teklab blocks) in your rats diet is important. Alot of food mixes come with lab blocks already mixed in. Alot of rat owners only feed their rats Lab blocks with no other mixed in rat food mixes, i do not agree with this and feel that rats deserve a varied diet.
    • My Rats listen for the sound of plastic packaging, and always come running when i eat cookies, chips or any foods that comes in bags.
    • Some people will mix up their own rat mixes if they are concerned about to much iron or protein in the rats diet.
    • Some people say it is cheaper to mix up their own rat food mixes.
    • Some rat owners mix dry dog food in with their rat food mixes for added protein.
      I feel if you are feeding your rats a varied diet, dog food should not be necasary -as dog food is designed for just that -Dogs.
    • It has been rumored that rat owners on occasion have fed their rats monkey chow.But again, i feel feeding Monkey chow is not reccomended, as it is for Monkeys -not rats -even if a rat is just a monkey in disguise! :)

  • kls

    So you want us posters to know that you is a rat with very large teeth and now we know what to feed ya,,,,,,,well isn't that special,,,,,,

    PS keeps your litte feets off me monkey chow,,,,,grrrrr

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