Why would you want to kill the org?

by what_Truth? 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    I have mixed emotions about this.

    I left the org at 19 after being born into it, but lived in fear for a decade and sank into drugs and alcohol to ease that fear. Only recently, after doing some internet searching for a story I'm writing (fiction) did I discover the FULL dirty truth about the TRUTH. I'd slowly come to believe over the last twenty years the JW's where a cult. I kept this to myself.

    Then I found this group and learned their are so many of us out there ... wounded by that organization. So after all the research I've done recently, it almost feels like I just left. I think I blocked out a lot of that stuff. Seeing terms like "faith and discreet slave" and such ... well, those things never came up when I was out at three in the morning trying to cop drugs. But now it's back, and I can't help but to wonder why I didn't see it sooner.

    Overall, I think the truth about the ORG coming to light would be better in the long run .

    But on a personal (selfish) level, having a mom and aunt who've been faithful since 'creation', I fear the real TRUTH would nuke their lives.

    Everything they've ever ...

    believed in ... preached ... taught ... prayed for ... looked forward to ... got on their high-horses about ... admonished me and the rest of the family for ...

    ... all suddenly bludgeoned with FACTS and the undeniable truth that the GB are just old men pulling doctrine and policy out of their wrinkled butts and that real TRUTH is constant and doesn't get brighter, then dimmer, then brighter again. It ain't a strobe light.

    For all those who will lose lives due to their policies and for the families that will be wrecked, I say bring the bastards down ... bring 'em down hard.

    But for me ... I don't think I could bear to see the light go out in my mother's eyes.


  • Rabbit
    I wonder, is it really kind to reach out to those people and expose the way they've been mislead? Isn't it better just to let them be blissfully ignorant? Is there certain criteria that we should look for in a dub before trying to snatch him from the org?

    We OWE exposure of what the WTS has done to the people we love...our family and friends. AND to people who may become victims in the future.

    Sorry. "Blissfully ignorant" does not cut it it with me. You are still kind of new, you haven't had a chance to read and get involved...and b l e e d with current, on-going tragedies with REAL people. Right here. Right now.

    Because of that, I owe you understanding.

    Here is something to think about: NAZI Germany was truly an evil corruption of man and does not in many ways equal what the WTS does. However...do you remember your history ? At the end of WW2...word got out among the common German people...about the Concentration & Death Camps. But, as supporters of Hitler (he had improved their lives in many ways) they absolutlely DISBELIEVED the rumors of the Death Camps. The Allied Generals ORDERED the population to tour these camps to show them...what was being done in their name.

    They were "blissfully ignorant".

    After they were educated, they did not 'jump out of the frying pan - into the fire'. And neither will most X-JW's. I do not NEED religion of any kind to know right from wrong.

    My beautiful Mom DIED 4 years ago, refusing a blood transfusion !

    My family is in turmoil, because of WT 'laws'. I attempted suicide several years ago because of this shitty religions' tyranny.

    My daughter attempted the same 3 years ago. All while under loving "Elder" care !

    The 'death' of the WTS is at least 4 years OVER DUE !

    After that 'death'...I say death to all extremist religions of any ilk.

    Thank you for letting me rant. I appreciate very much your question. Please don't take what I said to you, as an attack on you...just on an idea.

    Please understand... my family and I are b l e e d i n g . . . right now.

    Rabbit (of the normally calm class)

  • Tatiana

    (((((((((rabbit)))))))))) Death to a cult that would laugh with glee at Armageddon as our tongues rot out of our mouths.

  • Rabbit


    That is the whole thing in a nutshell, isn't it ? You said a mouthful in a few very insightful words...

    For ANY group of people to be filled with 'glee' at Armegeddon...which portends the horrible death of billions of humans...is so far beyond 'sick'...that I have no more words.

    Thank you,


  • Jez

    Well said Rabbit, your comment below is the ONE thing that bothered me for years as a JW. That reason is why I never could buy into the fear 100%.

    For ANY group of people to be filled with 'glee' at Armegeddon...which portends the horrible death of billions of humans...is so far beyond 'sick'

    Toronto-boy. My mother and I discussed this religion for hours standing outside my house this past summer. She was so cornered, so she stopped, took a deep breathe, and said, "What would you have me do? Give up EVERYTHING I have ever lived for, what else is there?" I calmly said, "NOW you know the truth, NOW it is TRULY your decision what to do with that information."

    See, I believe that ppl have the right to CHOOSE. But most JW's do not have all the information to make a true choice. Why? Because that information is hidden, manipulated, they are told NOT to talk to any ex-JW's, the disfellowshipped for questioning, disagreeing etc. THE TRUTH IS HIDDEN! So, yes, I will do all I can to provide the ppl I love with what I know now, from then on, it is up to them what they do with that information. Stay or Go. Not my call. But I want them to make as informed a decision as possible.

    Now I am just trying to figure out how to get my sisterinlaw to check out this site. I think I am going to send her an anonymous letter highlighting some points and then give her some websites.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I do not want to destroy anyone or thing; least of all the WTBTS.

    I am proud to be part of a political system that fosters and promotes freedom of religion and tolerance for many differing ways of life and choice of faith.

    I also pride myself in keeping an open mind and being tolerant of others.

    The JWs exist and continue like so many other middle tier fundamentalist faiths. They do not bother me. They are nothing more than a minor nusaince.

    As for the six million worshiippers who "may slit their wrists" if they knew the truth; had it ever occurred to you that they may or would, slit their wrists ANYWAY?

    Based on my experiences, it is a certain individual with an inability to think and act for themselves who are attracted to the rigid way of life .

  • Jez

    Franklin J:

    Based on my experiences, it is a certain individual with an inability to think and act for themselves who are attracted to the rigid way of life .

    I think the above statement is too broad and generalized. I was not attracted to a rigid way of life when I was a witness. I was attracted to many other things, but the 'rigid' part never occurred to me. I was raised one. The option to seek out, learned about, choose another religion was not offered to me. I did not have a choice.

    I certainly was an educated witness, I certainly could think and act for myself.

    My JW mother is not a weak pushover, neither is my sisterinlaw, my brother and many many more that I know.

    I don't think this is the reason that ppl become or stay a JW. SOMETIMES, yes, but not even close to the 100% blanket statement above.


  • Sunspot

    **I do not want to destroy anyone or thing; least of all the WTBTS.

    Franklin J, I almost thought you were kidding as I began to read your comments. That's a pretty broad statement, considering "anything" covers a wide base.

    **I am proud to be part of a political system that fosters and promotes freedom of religion and tolerance for many differing ways of life and choice of faith.

    I'm sure that most folks on here would agree with that but I think I'd add one thought to that----as long as it doesn't hurt people.

    **I also pride myself in keeping an open mind and being tolerant of others.

    Maybe I haven't gotten to the level of tolerance (concerning the WTS) that you have, but I also see myself this way. In fact I've come circles around how I used to be as a JW as far as tolerance for other religions goes. I've come from seeing them as all "not approved by God" to feeling that they must have something to offer or they wouldn't be here.

    I'm speaking of mainsteam and accepted religions, not cults and wacky offshoots when I say that. I'm sympathetic to JWs, but hate the lying, deceptive men who lead them. I doubt that I will ever have an open mind where the WTS is concerned. Strike that-I KNOW I never will have an open mind where the WTS is concerned.

    **The JWs exist and continue like so many other middle tier fundamentalist faiths. They do not bother me. They are nothing more than a minor nusaince.

    I don't agree with any of what you said here. They are not just a "pesky" bunch of people who are an annoyance coming to your door...but a hateful, condescending, manipulative group who are trained to preach lies that they are taught as "truth". Their leaders are cold, calculating, clever and purposely deceptive men who are no more "Christian" than a pile of dirty diapers.

    We all know what they are capable of doing to families, all the while pretending to be the upper crust of the ONLY religion that God approves of, and whatever THEY say is seen as food from God. (OH PLEASE!)

    By their own arrogance and attitude (not to mention their UNchristian teachings-while flying under the banner of "Christian), the WTS does not deserve my tolerance OR my respect.


  • Rabbit

    Franklin J

    The JWs exist and continue like so many other middle tier fundamentalist faiths. They do not bother me. They are nothing more than a minor nusaince.

    I've read a lot of good sensible posts by you. This one tho'...*sheesh*...

    My MOM IS DEAD ! She DIED needlessly... her grandparents were JW's, her parents were JW's...they taught her this religion. She taught me, I taught our children and my X-wife (JW) still teaches this shitty religion to our children. IT MUST END SOMEWHERE !

    My Mom's death (no blood transfusion) started BEFORE she was even born...with the controlling beliefs of a nut named Charles Russell. THEN, would have been a good time for what was to become the WTBTS ...to DIE !

    Will one of my children or grandchildrens very lives end the same way ? A car accident tonight ? What about you...do you have any children or loved ones who are faithful JW's ?

    What would you think of the JW religion, if one of your loved ones DIES needlessly ? Just because they have been brain-washed or pressured into believing in some old, tyrannical men in NYC that claim to be on a 'first-name-basis' with the creator ?

    Or would they simply "not bother" you ? Or be.." nothing more than a minor nusaince."?

    Very sincerely, Rabbit

  • Tatiana

    Rabbit, I feel your pain. I truly believe my sister would still be alive today if not for this religion and my mother. It has torn my family apart. I didn't see my brother for almost 9 years. The hurt just continues. My mother has shunned me and her grandchildren for 12 years. If anyone thinks that does NOT affect children, even ones not raised as witnesses, they are dead wrong!!!

    My children wonder why their own grandmother cares nothing about them. And their grandfather is so distant. Do not think for one minute this does not make a child feel insecure and unloved.

    Because of this horrible cult, I was ripped out of a beautiful, stable home and separated from my father and grandmother at two years old. My sister too. I didn't see him until I was 12, after being told all of my life he didn't want me, never loved me, and wanted me aborted. I hated him for no reason, as this was all lies. My sister and I were beaten, psychologically abused, had no friends, were not allowed to finish school, play any sports, attend college, or lead any symblance of a normal life.

    A minor nuisance? I only wish.....

    Just as I wish any religion that makes a woman wear a burka should die, I wish it for the Witnesses.

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