I don't think God is fair./what do u think?

by wednesday 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillajwexelder

    but one thing I decided, God was not fair. How could Adam and Eve, with only limited knowledge, be expected to make a decison that ultimely cost them their life? I know God said they would die, but they were as children and how many children really understand consequences? It seemed like a simple test, but think about it. God was asking them to remain as children and never have the knowledge He had. Who would want to spend their life as children , content with their parents taking care of them? any comments? It is only story - Adam and Eve did not realy exist

  • Brummie

    u/d you are pretty insensitive sometimes dude!


  • jeanniebeanz
    No dented breadpan illustration explains how if a father steals a car, you lock his whole family away.

    I agree. But then, I am not an Almighty God who knows everything either. Maybe there is a method to the madness, but I'm somewhat skeptical, and hope that if I ever meet him, I won't get sent to Hell for asking questions!


  • upside/down

    apologies all around- no insensitivity intended AT ALL. I really meant what I said in the nicest way- will continue to work on my delivery.

    Maybe I'm not quite sure how to respond- I'm on no other forums and am not that experienced "chatting" on the net. But I am blown away by the tone and demeaner of many threads and felt my responses were on the more "civil" side compared to many posts I read here. but rather than stoop to the status quo I will try and "up" my quality. Please forgive...

    u/d (of the tail between legs class)

  • ScoobySnax

    stilla....... Maybe its a topic for another thread, but you just said that Adam and Eve didn't exist........Recently I saw you commented on a thread saying you were still in "good standing" and attended the meetings. Why would you still do that? I can elaborate more if you want me to in another thread



    (and sorry if I hi-jacked the thread)

  • wednesday


    it is all ok. I'm very easy going (except politics, that is my new love) . I did ask for your opinion, and u gave it. It really is hard to sometimes convey what u are trying to say with just words. I don't know if Adam or Eve really existed, the Bible says they did, but my doc and i were using the story as a consequences of behavior thing. Also, I was trying to decide if I felt God was fair, and if not, why? And what would have made it more fair? also, I thought about having knowledge as God does. I thought about it being like the comparisson of the owner of a diner and the person who just dines out. The owner of the diner has much knowlege about how the diner is run, he knows all the in/outs. The peron who eats there just sees the finished product. He just eats there. We were trying to decide what knowlege God was keeping form Adam and Eve.

    all opinions are welcome


    esop fables characters were not real, but the morals and values we learned form them as children still are valubale. So whether adam or eve really existed matters not, it is the story.

    Hi Scob-u aren't hijacking the thread. It all goes together.

  • wednesday
  • AshtonCA
    In raising my kids i believe in avoidance. If i tell them not to touch something and leave it where they can get it you best believe the little darlings will touch it and move it and possiblely break it. So in raising kids wouldn't it be better just to place the item you don't want them to touch away somewhere where they cant get it? It makes life so much easier, less stress on me and less yelling at the kids. So in my mind no the god (father) of the Adam and Eve wasnt being a good parent and why didnt he know or think that maybe his children would be tempted to touch what was forbidden since he's supposed to know all?

    Personally, I don't agree with putting things away so they can't get it. We taught out kids not get into stuff, that they had ther own toys. One thing I have not done with my kids is "babyproof" my house. My children are taught what they can and can't have. Don't touch is a phrase we used often with our first and it worked very well. I mean, dangerous stuff, of course, but not nick nacks or whatever... My mom used to point at the stove and say burn you burn you burn you to my baby brother when he was about a year old and those were actually his first words lol.

    Our son never got into stuff because we always had his toys for him. We also taught him the look but don't touch method and he would go look at something and say pretty, then don't touch! lol I think it's good for kids to know there are certain things in life that are not theirs, I also think it teaches them to respect other's property. It also makes it easier when you go to someone's house, they don't get into stuff and break something that isn't their or ours hah.


  • stillajwexelder

    stilla....... Maybe its a topic for another thread, but you just said that Adam and Eve didn't exist........Recently I saw you commented on a thread saying you were still in "good standing" and attended the meetings. Why would you still do that? I can elaborate more if you want me to in another thread Regards Scoob (and sorry if I hi-jacked the thread) A witness can be in good standing and not agree with the blood policy .I am in good standing with the congregation but believe that Adam and Eve is allegorical - what is the problem? I am a witness in good standing and attend meetings but do not belive the WT is the one true religion. I am a witness in good standing but hate the disfellwoshipping and reinstatement policy which I think is anti-scriptural. I am a witness is good standing but think evolutionary forces ar eat work in the universe -what is the problem?

  • wednesday


    we read and benefited form Esop's fables, none of those characters were real but they still had value. I can still find value in the story whether I believe Adam or Eve ever actaully existed physically.

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