I don't think God is fair./what do u think?

by wednesday 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mtbatoon

    sorry double post

  • mtbatoon

    I have three views on this

    1 Adam, Eve and god do not or have never existed and the story is mainly a tool for the oppression of women.

    2 If said deity existed then as a spiritual being we can't oppose our physical reasoning on his actions.

    3 As the designer and creator of the two, god is directly responsible for the actions of his creations. The whole apple tree test wasn't a test of the creation but the creators design. As the test failed the design was imperfect and so god is imperfect.

  • Gill

    Wednesday - Hello!

    God is not fair. If he was he wouldn't have let his 'children' suffer so badly just to prove a point about his 'sovereignty. I wouldn't let my children suffer just so that they could find out for themselves that they had to do what I said!

    Also, you got me thinking. This example of God keeping his 'children' aka Adam and Eve, ignorant just so that they would obey him unquestioningly, is this where the WTBTS have learnt the way they act. They 'advise' their good little JWs not to surf the net, not to question everything to deeply, to see them as 'God's only channel on Earth. to obey unquestioningly. I don't believe that makes the 'good little JWs' happy at all. The punishment for JWs who don't follow their instructions implicitly - shunning - or Death. They are thrown out of Eden ie the Organization. Though they won't die on that actual day, they certainly will when Armageddon comes.

  • wednesday
    Also, you got me thinking. This example of God keeping his 'children' aka Adam and Eve, ignorant just so that they would obey him unquestioningly, is this where the WTBTS have learnt the way they act. They 'advise' their good little JWs not to surf the net, not to question everything to deeply, to see them as 'God's only channel on Earth. to obey unquestioningly. I don't believe that makes the 'good little JWs' happy at all. The punishment for JWs who don't follow their instructions implicitly - shunning - or Death. They are thrown out of Eden ie the Organization. Though they won't die on that actual day, they certainly will when Armageddon comes

    Gill, there is just so much to this story, and it is very interesting to take it apart and here what others think . Yes, it does make sense, the WTS wants to obey them unquestionably and as children. just as A&E. excellent point.

    weds (it is a full moon and I have not been able to sleep all night so i have had a chance to get to know some of our across the pond posters. )

  • Golf

    Greetings Wednesday, as you say, whether it's true or not, you just want people's opinion. Number one they were not children. Number two, they were perfect, do you know what's its like to be perfect? Number three the Bible has been tampered with and therefore you can play any type of tune your heart desires.

    Is God fair, YES! Mind you, that's my opinion.


  • groovycat.
    Maybe there is a method to the madness
    As the designer and creator of the two, god is directly responsible for the actions of his creations. The whole apple tree test wasn't a test of the creation but the creators design

    Assuming it all to be true and real - including god:

    God is a designer and has designed an intelligent being with freewill. He was testing his products.

    God being omnieverything and having 'inside information' on how the brain works, would have known exactly what would happen in this situation. His designs where simultaneously a success and failure; even in the face of death, freewill over powered the instructions he had given, but, his perfect creation was no longer perfect.

    If he designed man perfectly, then why not design the world perfectly i.e. without evil, so there is balance?

    Remember, this is the second time that one of his creations has gone against his instruction as a result of having freewill. He is only too aware of what will happen.

    We are here for his entertainment.

    Assuming it all to be true of course


  • LittleToe

    Who said it was a test?
    Who said they were children, or ignorant, or

    Seeing as allegedly everything was "very good", didn't they already have knowledge of "good"?
    What further knowledge would a tree of knowledge of good and evil" give them?

    burn you, burn you, burn you...

    It seems like a reasonable framework for how the world is, from the perspective of 3500+ years ago.
    There may be other frameworks and paradigms to work with, but that one helped folks back then.

    Stilla:I concur.
    The WTS is all about how things "look" and the external "witness" that you give.
    Whilesoever you post anonymously, by their own qualifications you are a "witness in good standing".
    They can't control your thoughts, in the private space you call your mind. No matter how much they would like to...

  • xjw_b12

    The God of Genesis should be hauled into a Court of Law and charged with Criminal Nonsupport, Parental Neglect and Child Endangerment.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I think Adam and Eve prove that man doesn't want anyone to say "no" or "do not" to him, it proves that man wants to be in charge of the universe. To say it another way, it shows that man wants to tell God we don't need him. As for being fair, I think the God of the universe would have the best perspective from which to be the Judge. For me, why he shows any mercy at all, is the biggest mystery. D Dog

  • rebel8
    God was not fair. How could Adam and Eve, with only limited knowledge, be expected to make a decison that ultimely cost them their life? I know God said they would die, but they were as children and how many children really understand consequences?

    Well Wednesday, maybe you should do a little shopping at Tuesday Morning, then stop off for a sundae at TGI Fridays....ok, that sounded a lot more funny before I typed it.

    Returning you to your regularly scheduled thread. God was not fair in Eden, and he hasn't been fair since. That is, if you're assuming he is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. If you believe God possesses all of those qualities, then there is no explanation for the existence of injustice, evil, disease, and death.

    So the moral of the story is...either God doesn't possess one of those qualities, or God doesn't exist.

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