What would have to change for you to come back?

by _Atlas 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH

    If they would act like loving brothers and sisters, I would go once in a while, not more.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    What Watchtower Society needs to do:-

    • Cease all printing and publishing operations. All Bethels should be abolished. All properties should be sold and small, modest branch offices purchased in their place. (Every branch office *must* have its own Christmas tree.)
    • Branch officies in each country should only provide advice and support for local elders or JWs.
    • In countries with larger number of JWs, the number of branch office staff should not need to exceed 0.0001% of the number of JWs. Thus if a country has 100,000 JWs, the branch office should not exceed 10 persons.
    • Retrain all COs and DOs to be missionaries. Any who don't want to can retire.
    • Pay full redundancy pay to all departing 'full-time ministers.'
    • Branch office staff and missionaries should be paid a proper salary, have proper pension provisions, and live in their own homes with their wives and children.
    • Make proper pension provisions for all ex-'full-time servants,' i.e. travelling overseers and their wives, missionaries, Bethelites, regular and special pioneers.
    • Pay full and proper compensation to victims of child abuse.
    • Pay full and proper compensation to families of victims of blood policy.
    • Pay full and proper compensation to families of organ transplantation policy.
    • What money is left, carry out genuine charity work: show proper Christian love--not just for their own--but for everyone.
    • Abolish the charade that selling books and magazines door-to-door is doing 'charity work.'
    • Abolish disfellowshipping, disassociation, 'marking' and shunning. Abolish judicial committees and all associated paperwork and records.
    • Make it mandatory to report child abusers to the police.
    • Publicly repent for their hypocrisy over their UN association: rejoin the UN (if they'll have them).
    • Publicly repent for their false prophecies and teachings.
    • Publicly repent for all the false expectations they created.
    • Publicly repent for defrauding people of their lives.
    • Publicly repent for misrepresenting that they're appointed by god as a 'faithful and discreet slave.' Don't be dogmatic. Humbly accept that there are some things we may never know for sure.
    • Publicly accept that there are mistakes in the Bible, that it is men writing of their spiritual experiences rather than the innerant 'word of god.'
    • Welcome disagreements and diversity of opinion. Recognise that uniformity is not unity.
    • Encourage all JWs to join a political party--any political party--and work to improve their communities.
    • Butt out of trying to control people's lives.
    • Cease and desist using guilt and mind control techniques to manipulate the 'rank and file.'
    • Each congregation should be autonomous and free to annually elect their own elders. Casual dress will be mandatory.
    • Elders ought to be sufficiently 'spiritual' to organise their own Bible reading and discussion sessions.

    That's just for starters...

  • 144001

    I'd have to be comatose or dead.

  • funkyderek

    They would have to start believing in hell. It would then have to freeze over.

  • mrsjones5

    Once a liar always a liar. It would take a miracle for me to walk back into that crap (for want of another word). It's because of the history of the society (then and today) and the terrible policies that protect the perp instead of the victim that i would never ever consider going back. And even if they did change and became more mainstream the damage is already done and I will never go back.


  • whyamihere

    Well I would have to say they have to start by preaching the truth. No Lies just plain old truth. Then there is the Love factor. They have to have love for one another no DFing etc....I think being too personal with those in your congregation is not needed. I think they should leave you with those matters and you should answer to god not men. With all of those I would think about it. No more lies, hidden truth and, cover ups on anything. Love for one another. No records of anykind. And to let you have a relationship with god and only you nothing to do with them.

    However thats not going to happen. So I am not going back. I always say People in Hell want Ice Water ...don't mean they get it.


  • AshtonCA

    The biggest thing for me, which I didn't see too many people say, is more emphasis on Jesus being divine (Having the nature of or being a deity, a god), actually Jesus in general. I have always felt that it wasn't a religion about Jesus, that he was somehow less important. I may not believe in the concept of trinity (one body, 3 personalities), but I do now believe that Jesus was and is just as powerful and all incompassing as Jah is, and I now believe that the Spirit is actually just that, a spirit! What a revelation for me.


  • _Atlas

    Thanks for all the replies.

    I see some have concerns that are feasible from the WT standpoint? Some others have been hurt too much to ever think about a comeback.

    Anyway, is plain to see that some reform may benefit the ORG.

    Maybe some lurkers will get the message to their bosses? "Stop pointing OUT... point IN"

    And if someone knows where one can get a Lobotomy these days, let me know. I got a couple of gift cards to buy and distribute some where in NYC


  • Dismembered

    If they.....

    disbanded the elder arrangement, allowed me to go in my bathing suit, let the women wear mini-skirts, had an open bar, played movies, could challenge anything that was said, make fun of ignorant comments. Maybe then, nah just kidding, screw them they suck


  • LittleToe
    And if someone knows where one can get a Lobotomy these days, let me know. I got a couple of gift cards to buy and distribute some where in NYC

    I'm taking orders and have very competitive rates...
    NYC is due a Fest sometime soon, so I can even reduce the travel costs!

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