Why I am leaving JWD

by logansrun 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    Yes, the Society is wrong and we have been hurt. But, it wasn't that bad.

    Glad it wasn't that bad for you. Shame that's not true for a lot of us. I won't say there wasn't some good, but the bad nearly killed me and it has killed a lot of people. I don't gripe a lot about it though. Being negative only pulls a person down. I try, though I'm not always successful, to have an up attitude.

    Wish you well, the very serious and introspective Logan.

  • bavman

    ok brad but can we still go to a cubs game together some time?

  • cyber-sista
    continue to hold to the suspicion that most ex-JWs do not manage their thoughts and emotions with regard the WTS fairly or rationally. Yes, the Society is wrong and we have been hurt. But, it wasn't that bad.

    I'll be honest with you Bradley that one statement pushed my buttons. Glad it wasn't that bad for you and you could come out of it with not much pain, but...that it not how it is for some. Sometimes I feel like everybody I knew including family was washed away in one big tsunami. They are no longer a part of my life--I no longer have access to them--they are gone away from me and that hurts. But we carry on, try to start up a new life and process the old one out of our systems. That is why I come here to help myself and others grow beyond the WT. But this is not my life--just one component of it. I have sorted quite a bit over the months, but things crop up once in a while and I come here because most people here have an understanding about the many complex problems one deals with when exiting a mind bending cult. A bit of compassion goes along way with the healing process.

    But with all of that I have enjoyed arguing discussing with you the many topics presented here at JWD and I wish you all the best.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Sometimes I feel like everybody I knew including family was washed away in one big tsunami. They are no longer a part of my life--I no longer have access to them--they are gone away from me and that hurts.

    Wow, cyber-sista, that is a profound analogy.

  • Sassy

    Bradley, do you you need to do for your life.. I know I have been so busy in my personal life that I have not had as much time online myself..

    I wish you well and if you stop in cool..

  • Aztec

    Brad, can I go to the Cubbies game with you and Bav? You can log off of here as long as you need but you'll never get rid of me.

  • codeblue

    Cyber-sista: excellent comment

    Excellent illustration about the tsunami.....

    ...yes it hurts horribly to be shunned by our family...


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