Is anyone on this forum disfellowshipped?

by Kimmee 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yes, I was disf'd for calling the Governing Body the "hypocrites and white-washed graves" they are in a letter to them and sending copies to all the BOE's in my cong and surrounding congs. I figure the "truth set me free".

    Frannie B

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i always admired people who are courageous. you left with a bang all right. awesome!


    Hello and welcome.

    I have had the horrid experience of a JC and DF'ing, reinstatement after 1 year and for the last 2 1/2 yrs the joy of a total fade!!!!!!!!!

    In short, my child was sexually abused by a dub and nothing much was done to protect other children. I warned several mothers to watch their kids around bro. X. The sisters put 2 and 2 together and realised the danger for their kids. When the 2 elders who knew what happened found out that I had allowed 'feathers out of the pillow and they could never be put back', as on elder said...............they plotted a story, set me up with 2 sisters (with false testimony) to witness against me, chose a 'yes man' elder to make up the 3rd on the jc, and made an example of me before the congo as to how never to discuss sexual abuse in the wts with others. I was done for slander, lying and loose conduct!

    1 year later, after 3 attempts, I got reinstated. At that point I was very confused but in my heart I knew I had to go back so that if I ever did leave it would be because I was going with truth not 'their lies'. And that's what I did. Together with my 3 children, parents and husband.............we left! 7 people out in 1 go. When we saw all the various current affair show about abuse of jw children and realised my situation was not rare but rather the norm in the borg..............we left. My parents DA'ed but we faded because we can still do the borg some damage if we can talk to dubs.

    Life is wonderful now!

    cheers, Bliss

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    my god, Bliss...that is beyond despicable! i am at a total loss for words...

  • Honesty

    Welcome to where you can find truth.

    I was a JW minister with 'extended priveleges' for 14 years. Never questioned anything... until the "NEW LIGHT" about the separation of the Sheep and Goats portrayed in Matthew 25th Chapter. Then, I just had to find out why Goats are stubborn and Sheep are meek and teachable.

    Guess what... both animals are stubborn. The difference is a sheep will only respond to its master's voice and will only eat what it's master feeds it. Goats don't care where they get their food from. I have friends who have goats and they are as loyal to me as they are to their masters. Whoever calls first gets their attention. They will eat chicken feed, cat food, dog food, bread... it don't matter to them.

    When I discovered the almost 10 year affiliation with the United Nations I called the U.N. and boy did I get a different story than Brooklyn Bethel published. Then I found out about the stock they own in RAND ENERGY/REGI US. The local BOE (they didn't even know anything about it until we all called Brooklyn)nor Brooklyn Bethel could refute that by associating with the UN the WTBTS had committed apostasy against God and his Son.

    I then started reading different Bible translations with no Watchtower assistance. According to 1 Corinthians 11:3 Jesus is my head not the WTBTS. Hebrews 1:6; Matthew 2:2, 2:8, 2:11, 14:33, 28:9, 28:17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38 says Jesus was worshipped.

    I then prayed to Jesus and begged him to forgive me for alienating myself from his love by my idolatrous worship of the WTBTS and then asked him to pour the Holy Spirit out upon me.

    The WTBTS urges its followers to put faith in the organisation and not in Jesus. (See the front cover of the March 1, 1979 Watchtower).

    That evening I called 2 of the elders who had no answers for the UN or RAND ENERGY deals the WTBTS made and left the same way I came in ( verbal affirmation). I severed ties with the WTBTS but not God, his Son or the real congregation (those who put their faith in Jesus).

    Now I am discovering the glorious freedom of the children of God.

    In the WTBTS demonic eyes one can leave the organisation only by dying, either physically or spiritually.

    When Jesus executes his righteous vengeance on that 'disgusting thing' that causes desolation standing in a place where it should not be by placing itself between men and God the whole world will know that he is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He and only He should be worshipped and venerated.

    Now is the time for all JW's with honest hearts to repudiate the WTBTS's false claims as the Faithful and Discreet Slave and to flee to the mountains of refuge by putting their faith and allegiance in the One who God has designated, Jesus Christ.

  • Carmel

    DF'd at age 15 for 'dissobedience to parents" a sin worthy of being stoned to death according to the loving apostle Paul and his minions the FDS.

    carmel who gives thanks to the angels in the sky for that day

  • Narkissos

    Df'd. Apostasy. 1986.

  • Gill

    They haven't caught me ......yet.

  • fifi

    Df'd but don't really know why.I suppose it was living under the same roof as my (now) husband, although they had no proof that I was doing anything else. I had changed congregations and countries.Never attended my JH, then got a phone call from an elder who announced that I had been "put out" of the congregation (being French, I don't think he knew the correct word in English). Now shunned by just about all my remaining JW family.

  • gaiagirl

    I'm neither disfellowshipped, nor disassociated. I just faded, then moved to another city to attend college. Some called and even visited, expressing concern about my meeting attendance prior to moving, and some friendly people in the congregation even held a 'moving away' party (get-together?) just before I left. When I reached my new residence almost 2000 miles away, I had the local congregation there send for my publishers card. They also made a couple of shepherding calls, however I simply told them I didn't have time anymore, which is still true today.

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