The Holocaust - do we need to know?

by eyeslice 197 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    What is so significant about the Holocost is the death machine, Auschwitz. It was not designed as a labor camp as most of the other camps were. It was designed specifically for the "final solution" and nothing else. It was the last "camp" build, the largest, and the only one with a major rail spur entering the gates. With minor exception (Schindlers Jews) no one left the camp - alive.

  • Realist


    it would be nice if humans could avoid this kind of reasoning. unfortunately this is how our mind works (making generalisations based on certain observations). it requires active mental work to keep these 'emotions' under control.

  • BrendaCloutier

    I agree, Realist. That's why PEACE requires education and hard work, and WAR require ignorance and intolerance.

  • Fleur

    Oh, Avishai...I never knew that, I am so sorry that happened...



  • jwbot

    "under clinton nearly 50% of the cabinet members were jewish"

    Did you get that from Because when someone told me the same thing, they gave as a reference. What a load of crap. You really need to open your eyes.

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    I'm so sorry and I wish I could tell you that those animals were really going to pay for it. But Here's hoping.

    Realist and Brenda

    I agree with both of you that some Isrealis are disregarding the lessons of the Holocaust and are now mistreating Palestinians. And that we're seeing the irrational drives for supremacy and revenge bring both sides into bloody conflict. There's alot that both sides have to answer to in that case.

  • Leolaia
    Its making the point that killing on this scale wasn't an act of momentary madness. The Nazi holocaust was meticulously planned and executed by a large number of seemingly 'normal' people.

    That's the point made by the classic, epic film Shoah. It's brutal, but not in a gory, sensationalistic way. It's anything but that. The movie is presented more like an academic oral history project, with "ordinary" people and survivors describing what they experienced and showing the places on location where the events happened, and hearing it from the mouths of the people themselves -- especially the peasants and "ordinary people" living along the railways or near the camps, who would be regarded as bystanders -- who show that they knew exactly what was going on and supported it. Even to this day, they excuse themselves, explain why the Jews deserved it, and smile while recalling how they taunted the doomed passengers aboard the trains or what not.

    On a personal note, I once dated a guy from Russia and he looked fondly back to the "good old days" of the USSR and has a warm place in his heart for Stalin and the order he brought to the country. Nice guy, but he was ummmmm of a very different worldview from me.

    On another personal note, my present partner had his grandparents killed in the Holocaust and his aunt, who was a girl at the time, still has a serial number tatooed on her forearm.

  • Realist


    i am afraid you are greatly mistaken if you think this is a lie.

    here is a widely published list of jewish cabinet members under clinton. let me know if you find this list misleading or inaccurate. also, please be so kind and list the cabinet members from other minorities (e.g. blacks, hispanics, arabs).

    name, cabinet position:

    Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State
    Robert Rubin, Secretary of Treasury
    William Cohen, Secretary of Defense
    Dan Glickman, Secretary of Agriculture
    George Tenet, CIA Chief
    Louis Freeh, FBI Chief
    Samuel Berger, Head National Security Council
    Evelyn Lieberman, Deputy Chief of Staff
    Stuart Eizenstat, Under Secy. of State
    Charlene Barshefsky, U.S. Trade Representative
    Susan Thomases, Aide to First Lady
    Joel Klein, Asst. Attorney General
    Gene Sperling, Nat'l Economic Council
    Ira Magaziner, National Health Care
    Peter Tarnoff, Deputy Secy. of State
    Alice Rivlin, Ecomomic Advisory
    Janet Yellen, Chairwoman--Nat'l Economic Council
    Rahm Emanuel, Policy Advisor
    Doug Sosnik, Counsel to President
    Jim Steinberg, Deputy to National Security Chief
    Jay Footlik, Special Liason to the Jewish Community (no other group has a
    special liason)
    Robert Nash, Personal Chief
    Jane Sherburne, President's Lawyer
    Mark Penn, Asia Expert to NEC
    Sandy Kristoff, Health Care Chief
    Robert Boorstin, Communications Aide
    Keith Boykin, Communications Aide
    Jeff Eller, Special Asst. to Clinton
    Tom Epstein, Health Care Adviser
    Judith Feder, Nat'l Security Council
    Richard Feinberg, Asst. Secy. Veterans
    Hershel Gober, Food and Drug Admin.
    Steve Kessler, White House Counsel
    Ron Klein, Asst. Secy. Education
    Madeleine Kunin, Communications Aide
    David Kusnet, Dept. AIDS Program
    Margaret Hamburg, Dir. Press Conferences
    Many Grunwald, Liason to Jew Leaders
    Karen Adler, Dir. State Dept. Policy
    Samuel Lewis, Nat'l Security Council
    Stanley Ross, Nat'l Security Council
    Dan Schifter, Director Peace Corps.
    Eli Segal, Deputy Chief of Staff
    David W. Carey, CIA Executive Director
    Dr. Ruth David, CIA Deputy Dir--Science & Technology

  • jwbot

    And how can you tell a persons religion? From their last name? Not all Jews have "berg" in their name, and not all "berg", "steins", whatevers... are Jewish.

  • czarofmischief

    the kids my wife watches are Jewish.

    I consider them family.

    If I even catch a whiff of anti-semitism anywhere in their vicinity, I will be grateful that my pent up rage will finally have a legitimate target.

    Yes. We need to know. Because you cannot prevent what you cannot conceive. Only evil men can think like that - good men tend not to think along preventing things like the Holocaust or 9/11 because their minds don't work like that. Only by studying Evil's footprints can we learn to hunt it down and kill it.

    And I mean kill it.


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