Positive about jw

by one 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    There is one thing i always said about jw, most of them did not apply themselves, they did not properly study.their own jw literature, including books that teach how to study..

    while browsing this web site it become evident...

    unless it is not a serious topic we should follow the 'standard' rules for debating... refuting. Choosing and sticking to the topic is number one.

    those 'standard rules' were teached to us, repeated time and again during the "school ministery" as jw,

    i know i used to be an instructor in such school and still make a good number of mistakes anyway.

  • BrendaCloutier


    The other possitive thing was not smoking, and no illegal drug use. In the late 60's as a jr. hi and in the 70's in HS. This was important. Since leaving JW's I have smoked, and used. However, I did so with trepedation of addiction and quality of street drug.

    Today I smoke 3 or 4 quality cigarettes a year. Because I am alcoholic, I no longer use illicit drugs, and I have to watch myself closely with scripted meds and narcotic pain meds.

  • BrendaCloutier

    One, a personal question. Are you a native Enlish speaker? I ask because your sentence structure and word use indicate otherwise.


  • one
    Actually my stare meant: how did you manage to be on a JC in your teens?

    Nark, I dont even know but i was a pioneer and from a jw 'elite' family.

    some of my first "public talks" and convention talks were also as teen, "you are going to be a CO real soon" some said, in fact i had and still have relatives who were/are elders CO, DO and above.

  • betty boop
    betty boop


    You say that JW's did not extensively research their own literature. But whats the point really? Wether you know a little or a lot of the organization you are a part of, you are still researching inside information. You will still end up convincing yourself this is the truth. It would be a lot more admirable on their behalf, to urge people to search outside of the box and come up with their own conclusions. I was in the Org. since i was born until i was 22. I NEVER remember being urged to research and question the decision i made to get baptized and to be a witness. In fact i remember many times, how different publications would say if you have doubts you should pray to Jah and he will rid you of these doubts and fears. I always knew that made no sense. As soon as you ask a question that implies doubt they immediately ask if you were listening to certain music or watching certain movies that might be influencing you.

    I dont know why you think that the "wordly" girls dont make sense as far as relationships go. I know this does not apply to everyone, but i know A LOT of JW couples, married or dating, who are very obvioiusly not in love and are together for the wrong reason. But because divorce is "anti-Christian" (except if there is adultery) they have to stay together in a love-less relationship. Atleast "wordly" people to know if it aint workin' toss it. In the meantime you are free to have fun, date, be physical with whomever you'd like as long as you are safe about it. People are gonna be scum wether they are witnesses or not. One doesnt make more sense than the other.

    I understand that some teaching aspects of the org. were good to learn but yes they are definetly reiterated in a more realistic manner in college. In school they do not tell you if you do something wrong "Satan might be poisining your mind". That is ridiculous. But it is something the JW's find normal.

    This is in no way to bash or to argue just my point of view. And like it was said before, everyone is free to pursue happiness and believe what they feel is good for them

    Betty, of the peace and love are so much better than field service,class

  • one


    You say that JW's did not extensively research their own literature. But whats the point really?

    Wether you know a little or a lot of the organization you are a part of, you are still researching inside information.

    The point really is

    how can anyone NOW complaint about a cult or pretend to find the truth about the truth if they dont even fully read their own literature?

    talk about brain dead or what?

    I was in the Org. since i was born until i was 22. I NEVER remember being urged to research and question the decision i made to get baptized and to be a witness.

    NEVERr? well at least how many times did you read WT quoting Acts 17:11 - These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

    In fact, how many times did you read the whole bible? THAT was encourage time and again AND there is/was a program instructing to read about 4 bible chapters a week, followed by a quiz., did you at least followed that program?

    Actually that is how I became upset,

    i found that what i was reading in the bible was not being followed by the wt, period.

    "until 22"? LOL, Most of us do not even start thinking but until we reach 30

    dont know why you think that the "wordly" girls dont make sense as far as relationships go. I know this does not apply to everyone, but i know A LOT of JW couples, married or dating, who are very obvioiusly not in love and are together for the wrong reason. But because divorce is "anti-Christian" (except if there is adultery) they have to stay together in a love-less relationship.

    exactly, you dont know "why",

    besides your comment does not refute my original argument

    btw my reason "why" had/has nothing to do with sexual conduct practiced by "wordly" girls, why should i get "scared" about that?.

    to give you a hint for the real reson search the words character personality etc.,

    i did came acros many girls that qualified in the physical department but were marginal in other more important departments, at least for serious permanent relationship. Some of them were/are extremely intelligent and colleged educated professionals (doctors, lawyers, teacher, businesswoman etc), all of them are still my very good friends, but that's about it..

    I told one of them look we have differents standards, we dont use the same measuring rule. So we are bound to reach no agreement in some important aspects, which may include religous practices i wont follow.

    She wanted to know what my rule was. Rather I mostly showed that her religous doctrines, like hell etc , were not right.

    I was no longer jw but she decided to become jw.

    I understand that some teaching aspects of the org. were good to learn but yes they are definetly reiterated in a more realistic manner in college.

    What college has to do with my original argument? Besides read what i said about college above and try to refute with facts.

    This is in no way to bash or to argue just my point of view. And like it was said before, everyone is free to pursue happiness and believe what they feel is good for them

    thanks, amen, no response required.

  • Triple A
    Triple A

    My point is that you use an example of being anti-Christmas as a reason to be positive. My point is that just about everything can be traced or seen in other religions and cultures. Ours of the weeks and months come from the names of ancient gods. When you point to those pagan customs I worship none of they worshipped. Christmas is a time that I give thanks that God came to be a sacrifice for me, since I can not do anything to save myself. My celebration of Christmas is Christ centered not Horus oriented.

    I would say that the WTS is putting the pagan back in, where Christianity has been trying to remove the pagan enfaces for 1700 years.

  • one


    My point is that you use an example of being anti-Christmas as a reason to be positive.

    I probably still dont get what your point is but i will repeat

    to me it was positive the fact that jw teached us the truth about cristmas, no other org was willing to do that, despite the fact that MANY org knew the truth about cristmas. I like when i am told any truth (positive) more so if the truth get me out of some problems, on the other hand AND i hate when any truth is hidden from me, but that's not my topic

  • one


    What a concept! And the source knowledge was obtained from my formative years as a JW.

    Many dont want to to credit the wt for their success.

    Today I use this openess with people to tease and joke, and just be happy. It has amazing results: [..] . He opened up into an interesting person with interesting stories to tell

    I enjoy doing the same every day

    possitive thing was not smoking, and no illegal drug use. In the late 60's as a jr. hi and in the 70's in HS. This was important. Since leaving JW's I have smoked, and used. However, I did so with trepedation of addiction and quality of street drug.

    TG,trepidation or not i never did drugs

    Through the years our local newspapers have printed the origins of Christmas.The WB&TS do not have a monopoly on religious education,it is all around us if we just care to look and do some reasearch..Many years ago I read an article in Playboy Magazine.It was an article on drugs and their effects.it also had a chart to refer to.Two months I see the same chart in a WB&TS magazine,they did not credit Playboy for the information..WB&TS has used other peoples work and taken the bows for that work...OUTLAW

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