I Need Some Serious Help Please !!!!!!

by Peterpanippleskin 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie
    Is this Corvin AGAIN???

    LOL, whatever makes you think that ? Oh and about those black leathers..... Brummie

  • formerout


    I read the whole thread over at slippy's. The end result was that everybody now believes "Peter" but resorted to calling him stupid for the way that he proved it. I have never been to that website before... to be honest I don't whether I will go back. People like Apprentice, Boa, and Flower were extremely rude and insensitive. I agree that "Peter" got angry too, but isn't it better to trust somebody first? The last time I checked I didn't see any apologies yet. Instead they seem to feel justified believing that he is just now "stupid".

    I posted part of my story there, which also includes staying with an abusive woman. Apprentice said that he doubted the story because the man is the head of the household in JWland and that he is a man, so he should have been able to intimidate his wife into "submission".

    I for one feel for "Peter" and his brother and I have very little respect left for these three listed above. I can get it back if they make amends but I haven't seen it yet.


  • Elsewhere

    Hey, I'm not countering you or questioning you. I've seen the kind of physical, verbal, emotional and spiritual abuse you are describing. I'm just trying to help you understand what you are up against.

    If he is questioning anything about the WTS, then that is your way in.

  • flower

    Why was I rude? Because I pointed out several examples of chronic stupidity based on the assumption that the things he had posted were true? Are you saying that someone who does not recognize the interior of their own car is not stupid? Or someone who allows themselves to be publically abused for 22 years is not stupid? Or someone who posts their name and phone number and address on an internet message board is not stupid? They are by definition the epitomy of stupid..as possibly are you if you believe this garbage.


    1. Slow to learn or understand
    2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
    3. Marked by a lack of intelligence

    He hasnt proven anything and no one believes him or cares. However giving him the benefit of the doubt he could be either telling the truth, in which case he and his brother are both incredibly stupid, or mentally retarted in which case I have already offered my apologies.

  • one

    "He is NOW, finally, going to divorce her."

    "My IQ is 142."

    "I can not seem to say or come up with any logic that will convince my brother to leave her or..." ...


    Either your brother is a true jw or is afraid that if separated or divorced wont get any...and put up with the situation. You asked for help, what do you have to say about my last post?

  • formerout


    My goodness, such hostility there. You said this to him on slippy's.

    sorry to be harsh but all i see here is colossal stupidity. my advice would be to get yourself and your brother a personal advisor. someone to make all of your life decisions for you.

    You said this here:

    He hasnt proven anything and no one believes him or cares. However giving him the benefit of the doubt he could be either telling the truth, in which case he and his brother are both incredibly stupid, or mentally retarted in which case I have already offered my apologies.


    I suppose you have never been responsible for putting yourself in an abusive situation? How long were you a JW for? Are you as hard on yourself for doing so?

    Most people tend to be slightly sympathetic to the victim. Quite often the victim does not see the abuse as clearly as others do?

    You seem to be one of the most insensitive people on this board. Please don't give any of your abused friends any advice.


  • Brummie
    People like Apprentice, Boa, and Flower were extremely rude and insensitive.

    formerout, with respect to you, there is a context to this reaction, these people are good people who have a reason to be suspicious, I wont drag the context back up as its now run its course..

    Now, you're post over there was appreciated, I'm glad you found you're way out of that relationship. Thanks for posting it, my own brother was in a similar situation though not married he has children with the woman who abuses him mentally so I do know how hard it is to stand by and watch a brother suffer, my brother won custody of his kids (this will only make sense if you read the url I posted).

    Finally I dont think everyone over there now believes Peter, but I suggest he takes a deep breath and realises this is a DB, not a court, it will have no big effect on his life if he is not believed, please encourage him to put that IQ into practice, he shouldnt post his number on a db and then let his elderly mother be subject to calls when he is out! Where is the IQ? I dont want to be harsh, even if I sound like I am being, I leave room for the benifit of the doubt and wish him all the best.


  • flower
    I suppose you have never been responsible for putting yourself in an abusive situation? How long were you a JW for? Are you as hard on yourself for doing so?

    You assume correctly that I have never been responsible for putting myself in an abusive situation. My being a jw was not by my doing but leaving was. My experience has nothing to do with anything though.

    Your opinion of me means nothing to me since you base it purely on a situation which you really know nothing about.

    If you think me calling some one who does something stupid stupid makes me the most insensitive person on this board then thats based on your ignorance of the situation since youve only been here a couple months.

    In the immortal words of Forrest Gump...Stupid is a stupid does.

  • hillary_step
    My IQ is 142.

    Is it a requisite that new posters need educating on the existence of decimal points?


  • formerout


    Your opinion of me means nothing to me since you base it purely on a situation which you really know nothing about.

    If you think me calling some one who does something stupid stupid makes me the most insensitive person on this board then thats based on your ignorance of the situation since youve only been here a couple months.

    I kind of figured you wouldn't really care about my opinion of you. You don't seem to care about your reaction to other people either, so at least you're consistent.

    I have not only been on here a couple of months either. I'm not judging you for not knowing that, even though I have mentioned it a few times in posts. (I lost my other password since I registered a couple of years ago and switched internet providers in between so I couldn't get it emailed to me.)

    So, reality is that I have made these assessments after having observed for a much longer time than "a couple of months".

    Over on slippy's, even though Brummie wasn't nearly as short and terse as you, he apologized to "Peter". The respectable thing would be to do the same, if you haven't yet.


    Edited to add: By the way flower, you make the comment that I am basing my opinion on something that I know nothing about. Go back to slippy's to see how Dave called "Peter" and found out that his story was in fact accurate. Since I was "stupid" enough to believe him, my opinion of you must be based on something that I DO know something about. It was you would judged wrongly. teehee

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