I Need Some Serious Help Please !!!!!!

by Peterpanippleskin 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewLight2

    Hi and welcome to the board!

    I suggest that you read both of Steve Hassan's books: "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds". Then give them to your brother along with Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses/Watchtower Society is a CULT which enslaves their members by using Mind Control Tactics.

    Spend some time reading the other forums on this site to gain further insight into how abusive this cilt really is.

    I recommend reading post in:
    Personal Experiences
    Child Abuse
    Scandals & Coverups
    Private Discussion & Support

    You can 'get there' via the drop down menu at the top of this page.


  • wednesday

    peter, your brother can appeal and DF'ing done to him. If he remarries they will probably DF him but he can easly be back in with 6 months to 1 yr. He just has to be repentent and cry and be humble. It is all such a show, god forgives us, but we have to convince 3 men on a committe we are sorry. maybe your bro will marry somone and be so happy that he will seriouldy consider not going back. anyway, if he wants back he can get back. this situation happenes all the time in the congregations, your bro can bide his time and get back in, if he wishes. if they refuse to let him back in, he can appeal to the society and another committee will hear his case.

    the daughters life is at stake, even if she is 18 now.

  • Peterpanippleskin

    Thank you for this information and I will check them out immediately.

  • Peterpanippleskin

    Thank You. I agree that his daughter (my neice) is in danger, even at 18... especially since she still lives there! NOT ONCE has he ever called the authorities because of some sort of belief that the police are "outside" of the JW system, or something like that. It is ridiculous. I live too far away from him to remain informed with what is happening until way after the fact of the abuses. It is INSANE. He has asked me now, for the third time, if he should divorce. Every time, including his first divorce from her, I have told him that she is abusive and that NO GOD would condemn ANYONE for divorcing someone who is so abusive. He and his daughter are LUCKY to be alive as it is. It is absolutely INSANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank You Very Much for responding. I am doing the best I know how at this time to help him and to get him to realize any sense of reality and sanity. I am reading ALL responses to this message board and doing all I can to respond to everyone. THANK YOU.... ALL OF YOU for your effort to help me to help my brother and my neice.

  • Peterpanippleskin

    Thank You, again.

    I am trying to keep up with all responses. Your reply, that you are no longer a JW is such a relief to read... that there is the possibility of hope for my brother and his daughter. I am getting some fantastic help here on this website and some great leads for other information to read and study. The more I learn and know the better I will be in a position to help my brother and his daughter. Thank You Very Much... and I am glad for you and your husband that you are no longer JW's and that you have managed to escape from it.

    Thank You for your help.

  • one

    Some bipolars KNOW who they can attack and when to make a "mistake" without major consecuencies..

    he can divorce remarriy AND stay jw in good standing IF her wife commited adultery. With the kind of treatment he is receiving...

    Some set up the conditions for ADUlteRY to happen... a volunteer is needed, as they know fully well tehir mate has the inclination or has done it before, but innocent mate has no witness.. Since the wife is not a jw elders do no have to interview her to confirm.

  • wednesday

    Peter, for whatever reason, Corvin does not seem to be at the other URL.

    First thing, advise him to get a lawyer. The lawyer can help him get the divorce and help him decide how to help the daughter. maybe she will go with him. If u are in a positon to, offer to let the daughter move in with u.

    No one is obligated to stay in a dangerous situation. No one.

  • Golf

    Something is drastically not right with this women. I'm not going to try and guess what her problem is. From the sound of it, this matter is out of hand. Police reports should have been taken ages ago. Excuse me for saying this, but, he needs a set a balls and I don't mean golf balls. She without question needs professional help.

    I realize it's a family matter and whether or not the elders will step-in, she can tell them where to go. It's to bad he didn't have movie pictures of some of these 'crazy' incidents.

    I can only give you encouragement and hopefully the information from this board will assist you. This women is in need of professional and medical help.

  • Englishman

    Why would this person want to contact someone as unbalanced and egotistical as Corvin?

    Somehow this post is triggering all sorts of weird antennae. The bit about the IQ doesn't ring true, it's not the sort of thing one would brag about in a first post, unless the poster is Corvin. I think it's fishy. I'm very, very suspicious.


  • Brummie

    Wednesday, you're an angel (((((((((hugz))))))))

    Petepinapple, you yourself and you have anger issues!


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