I Need Some Serious Help Please !!!!!!

by Peterpanippleskin 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    because of the situation I thought of Corvin. ie his marriage and the abuse of his children. I thought he might have some words of help to offer this man. It is entirley my doing that he contact Corvin; I did not realize that Corvin seems to be on the 'outs" with u guys. I just don't keep up with this kind of stuff.

    I have known people in peters bro's situation. I feel very bad for him.

  • formerout

    Brummie, you said:

    Petepinapple, you yourself and you have anger issues!

    I don't think you have any right to make such a judgement call with so little to go on. For God's sake, it's not only natural to get angry when stuff like this happens but necessary as well. Without intending to offend his brother, his brother should have stepped in and called the cops when his daughter got thrown through a glass coffee table. Geez!!!!!! Where the hell does that comment come from?


  • xenawarrior

    Brad- In defense of Brummie- he knows of what he speaks due to Peter's behavior at another place.

    It's difficult when you have poeple purposely playing games on these boards and pretending a whole lot of things. They'll get lots of people to expend their energies and emotions and concern only to find out it was someone who was either outright lying or someone playing games. It causes a great deal of mistrust and red flags go up with certain things

    My 2 cents


  • formerout


    Why would this person want to contact someone as unbalanced and egotistical as Corvin?

    Somehow this post is triggering all sorts of weird antennae. The bit about the IQ doesn't ring true, it's not the sort of thing one would brag about in a first post, unless the poster is Corvin. I think it's fishy. I'm very, very suspicious.


    And you, my friend are the epitome of balance? Somebody mentions that he has a high IQ, which he admits is sometimes good, sometimes bad and you have to disregard everything that he has seen his brother and niece go throughand suggest that he is a person that has been (I believe) removed from this board? That does not seem very balanced to me. Abusers need to be taken out of power.... whether in national or family issues. Abusers don't deserve any power. Abusers destroy people with their misuse of power. Peterpan, Please disregard their comments. Even ex-JW's can be a little screwed up sometimes. Brad

  • Elsewhere
    NOT ONCE has he ever called the authorities because of some sort of belief that the police are "outside" of the JW system, or something like that. It is ridiculous.

    I would love to hear his response to whether one should call the police about children being sexually molested.

  • formerout


    Hey, I don't like it when people pretend in these manners either, but it doesn't cause any real harm to me. Meaning, what the heck, I use all of this as a learning experience, so why should I be upset other than having learned something on a very well-constructed lie.

    Having said that, if it is a lie, can it be proven? If not specifically proven can someone point to evidence of this other place you are talking about where Peter has apparently done this before? I would rather direct my energy to people like Mario, myself, rather than someone who's lying but I take people at face value first.


  • wednesday
    NOT ONCE has he ever called the authorities because of some sort of belief that the police are "outside" of the JW system, or something like that. It is ridiculous

    This is one of the reasons i believe Peters story about his brother. I have seen this kind of stuff before and know it occurs. Jws often will not call the police , when any other sane person would. as Elsewher said, look how they handle sex abuse cases, by telling the victim they are at fault and DF them if they go to the police.

    I have known couples in the org to stay together b/c of the "truth" when any other sane person would have divorced.

    I don't find this story unbelievable just terribly sad.

  • Satanus

    Why would peter have such a high iq, and his brother be so stupid?


  • xenawarrior
    but I take people at face value first.

    That is your right and it may serve you well-that's perfectly fine. What I'm saying is that there are many people here who have been hoodwinked in the past (some of it recent) and may understandably a bit jumpy and a bit skeptical.


  • wednesday

    Peter went over to slippy's at my direction b/c I thought he could find corvin there. he is not trolling the boards.

    to add, I did not realize corvin has been having some problems on the boards and all that. I just don't keep up with that stuff.

    so it is entirley my doing he wanted to contact corvin and went to another board.

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