I Need Some Serious Help Please !!!!!!

by Peterpanippleskin 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    And you, my friend are the epitome of balance? Somebody mentions that he has a high IQ, which he admits is sometimes good, sometimes bad and you have to disregard everything that he has seen his brother and niece go throughand suggest that he is a person that has been (I believe) removed from this board? That does not seem very balanced to me. Abusers need to be taken out of power.... whether in national or family issues. Abusers don't deserve any power. Abusers destroy people with their misuse of power.

    Well, you may be right and if you are I will be amongst the first to apologise. But please understand that thse sort of posts, especially when they are an introductory post, have in the past tended to be not genuine. There have been so many cases of new posters introducing themselves with an awful tale of woe, turning out to be just duplicate accounts having a laugh, that I can't help but be suspicious. There are a couple of ex's on the boards who get off on this sort of thing. I could be wrong, but I've seen this posters stuff elsewhere and he ain't no shrinking violet, so he won't be too upset if I'm mistaken. Englishman.

  • formerout


    Why would peter have such a high iq, and his brother be so stupid?


    I hope eman doesn't jump all over me for this, but I have a high IQ as well and I had people asking why I was so stupid to stay with my abusive ex for so many years. Intelligence, on an IQ scale, has very little to do with how "smartly" someone deals with life in general.

    I try to explain it as, "I'm intelligent. I'm just not very smart." I think that may be what Peter meant when he said it's good and bad. Eman, What you were referring to about Peter, is it the "going over to Slippy's", (whatever that is) that Wednesday was talking about? I can be a little more naive than some people but I also hope that Peter, if he is genuine, did not think that he was getting any good advice here by being falsely accused of being a troll or whatever by others. Brad

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well I don't have a high IQ (next life I get to be Brad Pitt with Einstein's IQ), but these posts read very much like someone else who has opened multiple accounts on this board.

    Things that make you go ... hhmmmmmmm

  • Peterpanippleskin

    I am back. I gave up on slippy's as I was ridiculed unmercifully and I blew up at them with words I wish I would not have used. HERE, at this site, I have been taken seriously. I AM FOR REAL. The story that I wrote is not even close to all of the abuse that he has taken.

    WHY he puts up with it??? I am not him!! I don't know! That is why I turned to JW people who might be able to help me!

    Someone listed some books for me to read. I will just start there, I guess.

  • Peterpanippleskin

    Please don't start here too... for god's sake.

    My IQ is 142. I mentioned it because I feel helpless in spite of my ability to do other things like, inventions and space science.

    I can not seem to say or come up with any logic that will convince my brother to leave her or get him to reason why he should without leaving him to feel condemned. I will learn, though, because someone has directed me to read some books regarding the subject.

  • Elsewhere
    I can not seem to say or come up with any logic that will convince my brother to leave her or get him to reason why he should without leaving him to feel condemned. I will learn, though, because someone has directed me to read some books regarding the subject.

    No amount of logic or reasoning can persuade a True Believer of any religion. A person must, deep down, already want to leave a cult before they will even listen to you.

  • Peterpanippleskin

    Well, then...

    I am wasting my time. When he comes to me for help and advise because he is so weak in his mind after having been married and abused for 22 years, and being a seriously devoted JW for 14 years or more... and his thinking process is so "washed" that he can no longer make reasonable decisions... I am not one who can laugh at him, or pick on him or ridicule him for becoming so disengaged from reality. I am the one he has turned to for help because I have managed to remain close enough to him because I knew way back "when" that the JW was some sort of cult when he joined them and I knew this was going to happen or that it could happen. He trusts me, but he believes the JW religion strongly. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to believe that what I have written is true. That is so strange to me to be unbelieved when I am here facing the reality of it. I am only asking for suggestions.

  • flower

    i suggest you have your brother write to the watchtower organization directly for their advice on what he should do about his situation. he should be sure to include police reports, and recordings of her behavior. i'm sure they will advise him in the best course of action.

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483

  • Brummie

    Good advice flower! Perhaps "Peter" could write to the society and let them know what is happening to his brother, "pete" doesnt have to sign the letter and can maintain confidentiality.

    Strangly enough, I once wrote a thread about something similar to this...


    I do get my doubts, specially because....oh never mind

    Pete (of the brummie class)

  • gypsywildone

    Is this Corvin AGAIN???

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