it's funny how people who hate the jw's so much stick around the forum..

by jwbloodline 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwbloodline

    Mrs. Jones you love being hard headed.. or just hard heads.. whatever the case is .. you were typing in big fonts.. and now your not.. I affected you .. period.. hurt your feelings... i'm sorry..

    everyone in the forum.. I am sorry for hurting mrs. jones feelings..

  • under74

    Let it go JWB...

  • undercover

    Okay....I hate to use this word...but it applys

    TROLL haven't responded to any of the people that took time to give you honest, sincere answers without getting angry at you, but you don't respond to them, you keep trying to egg those on that you think you have gotten under their skin.

    fuck ya, I'm done with ya.

  • jwbloodline

    Ok, I'm done..

    Keep hiding undercover it suits you..

    thanks to those who replied. I have a greater understanding of what is going on now..

    much love to all of you..

  • mrsjones5

    just like a jw man talking down to a woman who mostlikely is old enough to be your mother.

    sorry hon youre not making brownie points this way.

    best cool your heels like a good little boy and take your lumps.

    in other words stop showing your ass jwbloodline.

    sorry you aint going to win this baby.

    Mrs Jones

  • confusedjw

    Search isn't working right, but maybe a mod could check his QNP1aKV202vQUba7 to other accounts.

    I smell troll as well.

  • Triple A
    Triple A


    You should read the weven Studies in the Scripture. Ones that were printed before 1917. Compare them to what you are being taught today. Remember this is the teach on which Jesus choose the WTS for His only servant.

    Ask your study person if Jesus is saying he is the Almighty in Revelation 1:8. Book seven of the Studies in the Scripture 1917ed Russel said that He was.

    Triple A

  • gypsywildone

    You must have been shut down all your life cause you type real big!

    Not necessarily, but there are people who wear glasses & are able to read a larger font easier. That is the only reason I prefer this one.

  • Odrade

    He asks, we answer. Then he asks the same damn question again, we answer again. Instant replay, he gets nasty and attacks. I would say this kid either has the mentality of a very slow 7 year old bully, or he's a troll. Take a look at the Sports thread about his jiu jitsu. Same damn thing.

    Don't get too worked up people, this little boy is TRYING to push everyone's buttons. I thought he was sincere too, but it's looking more and more like he's just kind of a joke.

  • kls

    Odrade you pinned him just right.

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