it's funny how people who hate the jw's so much stick around the forum..

by jwbloodline 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwbloodline

    Nark.. thank you .. I understand ... It's just some people get offended when I ask.. no but i understand.

  • mrsjones5

    lol oh please tell me I've not hurt your feelings. sorry i havent and you will not get an apology from me. you started this topic and if i come of as a bit crass....tough. i'm not hear to tickle youre sensitive ears.

    Mrs Jones

  • WildHorses

    So, jwbloodline, how long have you been studying with the JW's? One thing you should think about that I wish I had before I started studying with thm. When a religion claims that anything pertaining to religion that is not written by their religion, is not sutible for study. That in itself should let people know they have something to hide.

  • undercover
    why undercover? who you hidin from? Jehovah can see you!

    When I first came here...I was a somewhat believing JW but with lots of questions and doubts. Like many others I wanted answers but was afraid of being found out by other JWs and elders that I was looking into apostate information about JWs.

    Now I do not consider myself a JW, but I am not DFd or DAd, I faded away so as to keep family contact. I choose to not play by the WTS rules and allow myself to be shunned for not believing anymore.

    I chose the name early on and now that I have posted so much with it, I just live with it.

    If there is a God, which I doubt, I don't much care what he sees me do. If he can see me, he must not care too much anyway, cause he ain't done nuthin about it.

  • Mulan

    For me it is group therapy. And we have met many of the people from this board and it's a way to keep in touch with our friends.

    We all help each other, and I want to be here to help others who may have issues like I did when I was first learning the REAL truth.

  • jwbloodline

    Mr jones.. see I affected you cause your typing in normal font.. cased closed

    2nd question.. how long have i been studying? that's a story in itself. I am not better then you or visa versa.. but i've seen some much... trying to switch it up..

  • Valis
    Why stick around to a place where peeps don't really want you around? ..

    If you keep asking dumb questions and intentionally pissing people off this one might be best posed to yourself..


    District Overbeer

  • Gordy
    ok.. I got it.. it's just funny to me that's all... theres just so much else you can be doing. You don't know how much of the world i know. anyways.. i got you. why undercover? who you hidin from? Jehovah can see you!

    What world do you know?

    You have no idea what goes on in this world. You see JW as some nice eccentric "christian" group.

    If "undercover" is undercover it must be because he is still a JW. For a JW to be on this forum in their eyes it is as good as sitting down with Satan.

    Try reading some of the experiences ones on here have had a the hands of their "loving" brothers and sister in the Watchtower.

    I for one have not seen or spoken to my JW wife and two JW daughters for 4 years now. Because I left and would no longer accept the teachings of what I came to learn was a false prophet. I was told to leave my family home because I was considered a "spiritual danger" to my family. Which really meant they were afraid I'd take the rest of the family out of the WT as well. At least 3 of the family did follow me.

    "Know much of the world I know" you haven't even begun to learn what the world is.

    "Who are you hiding from? Jehovah can see you." interesting a very common JW phrase that you use.

  • mrsjones5

    such a strange little man.

    no i'm typing in normal size font because the large font is so tiring and a bit rude but then again i didnt use the big font first you did and i like to say that some people who use big fonts have size issues (take that as you want)

    Now the case is closed baby

    Mrs Jones

    P.S. i will play this get the last word game as long as you want - it's child's play for me

  • Badger


    Because so many of us have realized that either the witnesses are wrong, we were forced out, we saw something that we just couldn't abide by, or, in my case, it just wasn't for us.

    For many of us, the removal from that way of life was so traumatic that what we were still affects us today. PTSD isn't unheard of, and many of us suffered needlessly because of decisions and attitudes of the WTS bureaucracy.

    Letting go isn't easy. This is a form of recovery therapy for most, and others stay because we have made so many friends here. Much like The Matrix, we still bear the wounds and scars from the old way of life and are still shocked at how we were misled and cajoled.

    I can't promise you'll ever agree with those on the board here, but I can promise that you will always get an honest answer.

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