Do you move your bowels at work?

by Elsewhere 111 Replies latest members adult

  • Elsewhere

    SP, Does that include Hotels or do you just shut down when on vacation?

  • gumby

    Women can control their poopin somehow. Me...if it hits me...I'll pull down my pants on the freeway if I have to and worry later. When I gotta go I gotta waitin till I get home.


  • simplesally

    Funny you brought this up. I was wondering why my daughter always has to "do her business" when we get home, on school days. During non school days, she is a 'normal pooper'........ When she was potty training she never had any 'accidents' at school, but at home, she did. I learned from the teacher that my girl NEVER poops at school. She has to relax........when we were potty training, I would sit on our bathroom floor and tell her Little Red Riding Hood or 3 Little Pigs. To this day, she needs to relax and sometimes wants me to come in and tell her a story.

  • StinkyPantz
    I'll never look at you the same way again stinker

    Hehe.. ..

    SP, Does that include Hotels or do you just shut down when on vacation?

    You have a point there. I guess my statement was a bit too broad. I meant, I don't go poopie at work or school or at someone else's house.

  • Elsewhere
    Funny you brought this up. I was wondering why my daughter always has to "do her business" when we get home, on school days. During non school days, she is a 'normal pooper'........ When she was potty training she never had any 'accidents' at school, but at home, she did. I learned from the teacher that my girl NEVER poops at school. She has to relax........when we were potty training, I would sit on our bathroom floor and tell her Little Red Riding Hood or 3 Little Pigs. To this day, she needs to relax and sometimes wants me to come in and tell her a story.

    Interesting, it looks like she has a Pavlovian Response to your reading a story. You may want to introduce another more benign stimulus so you can wean her off story reading.

    Speaking of "relaxing", I have to admit that sometimes I have a Shy Bladder. Basically if I am not alone in the public restroom I cannot urinate. This does not happen all the time... only when I "kinda" have to go. Speaking of Pavlovian Responses, I was actually able to train myself to get over the Shy Bladder using one. When I am in a public restroom and having some "shyness" problems, I just visualize myself in my restroom at home and walla, its water time!

  • gypsywildone

    What the hell kinda question is this?

    WAAAY too much information.

  • WildHorses

    All I can say is........When you've got to go, you've got to go.

    To those who don't. Start, you need to let that shit out. You never know, holding it in could be bad for you.

  • pennycandy

    I have trouble believing Elsewhere got two whole pages of responses out of this post.

  • gumby

    I just hope to god no more women talk about takes away sumthin from em.


  • Elsewhere
    I have trouble believing Elsewhere got two whole pages of responses out of this post.

    Just starting topics that are of great interest to the public.

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