BEWARE! This is an Apostate site!!

by laraby 123 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    Brutha Gumclueless.........dat Bruther Valis jus' pickin' up dat Sistuh Sunny's vibes.........mon, ju know what I means?

    Sunnygal wit de mellow glow on.........

  • Poztate


    I am afraid you may be too late to save anyone on this POZTATE (sorry couldn't resist) Forum. I would suggest instead of trying to save the 1% that might in error visit this forum and be swept up in this hot bed of apostacy you should concentrate your efforts on the congregations in your city.

    A good way to start would be by telling everyone you know not to visit because it is an apostate site.

    You might also mention even though it only contains official quotes from WT publications might stumble some.

    I know that if you faithfully carry out this mission from Jehovah this apostacy can be wiped out.

    GOOD LUCK er I mean your fellow brother in truth,


  • Sunnygal41

    christians too wuz to "abhor wus snoop." (romans 12:9) jehovah's lingo to israel also applied to them: "you must be holy, coz I iz holy." (1 peta 1:15, 16) such unholy practices as fornicashun, adultery, batty bwoy acts, bestiality, an' incest wuz not to corrupt da christian congregashun. those refusin to stop engagin in such tings would be excluded from god's kingdom. (romans 1:26, 27; 2:22; 1 corinthians 6:9, 10; hebrews 13:4) in dees "last days," da same standards apply to da "otha aminal." (2 timothy 3:1; john 10:16) as da result, anointed christians an' uva aminal make up da clean an' wholesome peeps, able to carry da name hof dare god as jehovah's witnesses.?isaiah 43:10


    Sunny, of the starting to enter the "munchies" phase..............

  • Valis

    Aiii as bruva poztate says, yous must warn da congo about us! keepin da congregashun clean in contrast, da world condones all kinds hof immorality. although true christians iz different, dey should not forget dat many who now serve jehovah wuz once in da world. dere iz many who, before dey knew our holy god, seun narr reason not to indulge da desires an' fantasies hof dare fallun flesh, wallowin in da "low sink hof debauchery." (1 peta 4:4) da apostle paul, afta describin da rank practices hof degraded peeps hof da nations, said: "that iz wot some hof yous wuz." still, e went on to say: "but yous as bin washed clean, but yous as bin sanctified, but yous as bin declared righteous in da name hof our lord jesus christ an' wiv da spirit hof our god."?1 corinthians 6:11. what da comfortin statement dat iz! woteffa da main geeza did earlia in life, e changes whun da glorious wicked news about da christ has an effect on iz heart. e exercises faith an' dedicates himself to jehovah god. from thun on e lives da morally pure life, washed clean in god's eyes. (hebrews 9:14) da sins dat e committed previously iz pardoned, an' e can 'stretch forward to da tings ahead.'*?philippians 3:13, 14; romans 4:7, 8. jehovah forgave repentant me bruva Dave fe murda an' adultery, an' e forgave repentant manasseh fe immoral idolatry an' much bloodshed. (2 samuel 12:9, 13; 2 chronicles 33:2-6, 10-13) we can be fe real grateful dat e iz prepared to forgive us too if we repent an' approach I is in sincerity an' humility. still, despite jehovah's forgivin me bruva Dave an' manasseh, dees two men?and israel wiv them?had to live wiv da consequences hof dare sinful acts. (2 samuel 12:11, 12; jeremiah 15:3-5) in da similar way, while jehovah forgives repentant sinners, dere may be consequences hof dare actions dat cannot be avoided.



    District Overbeer

  • Brummie

    BEWARE! This thread has been hijacked..

  • gumby

    I just gotta get me some of Valis's stuff! His seems waaaay better than mine. He see's stuff!


  • Sunnygal41
    BEWARE! This thread has been hijacked..

    Brummie............tanks, mon, fuh pointin' dat dere point out............I will thus apologize for seizing hold of this here thread and forthwith do relinquish it back to the JWD masses re: This is an Apostate website! Sunny, bowing out in sack cloth and ashes

  • Valis

    For da sinnin sista sunny..

    Whun da dedicated christian sins jehovah understands dat we iz weak an' dat evun afta baptism we may fall into sin. da apostle john wrote to christians hof iz day: "i is writin yous dees tings dat yous may not commit da sin. an' yet, if anyone does commit da sin, we as da helpa wiv da batty geeza, jesus christ, da righteous one. an' e iz da propitiatory sacrifice fe our sins, yet not fe ours only but also fe da whole world's." (1 john 2:1, 2) aiii, on da basis hof jesus' sacrifice, jehovah iz gonna forgive baptized christians who fall into sin?if dey fe real repent an' abandon dare whak course. an example hof dis wuz seun in da first-century congregashun hat corinth. da apostle paul erd hof da case hof incestuous fornicashun in dat young congregashun, an' e gave instructions dat da geeza involved be disfellowshipped. ha bit lata on, da sinna repented, an' paul exhorted da congregashun to reinstate I is. (1 corinthians 5:1, 13; 2 corinthians 2:5-9) thus, by da healin powa hof jehovah's lustin kindness an' da yorkie value hof jesus' ransom sacrifice, da geeza wuz cleansed hof iz sin. similar tings may happun today. again, though, evun if da baptized main geeza who commits da serious sin repents an' iz forgivun in jehovah's eyes, dere may still be ongoin consequences hof iz sin.?proverbs 10:16, 17; galatians 6:7. for example, if da dedicated bitch commits fornicashun, she may bitterly regret ha act an' eventually be restored to spiritual health wiv da help hof da congregashun. but wot if she iz up da duff coz hof ha immorality? thun ha whole life has bin inescapably changed by wot she did. da geeza who commits adultery may repent an' not be disfellowshipped. but iz innocent bruva has scriptural grounds to divorce I is, an' she may choose to do so. (matthew 19:9) if she does, da geeza, although forgivun by jehovah, iz gonna live da chill hof iz life wiv dis grave consequence hof iz sin.?1 john 1:9. what hof da geeza who unlovingly divorces iz bitch in orda to marry anotha bitch? perhaps e iz gonna eventually repent an' be reinstated in da congregashun. ova da years e may make progress an' "press on to maturity." (hebrews 6:1) but as long as iz first bitch lives wivvout da bruva, e iz gonna not qualify to serve in da responsible posishun in da congregashun. e iz not "a sugar daddy hof one wife" coz e had narr scriptural right to divorce iz first bitch.?1 timothy 3:2, 12. are dees not powerful reasons why da christian should cultivate an abhorrence hof wus snoop? Is it coz I is black?



    District Overbeer

  • Brummie

    lol sunny, I kinda liked the serious tone articulated by laraby when he shouted " BEWARE " and I just wanted to join in the fun


  • wannaexit

    And you have just been infected with the "apostate virus" by being here. Quick call the Presiding overseer of your congregation ASAP and get them to pray over you.

    By the way an "Apostate" is someone who has denied the Christ. I for one have not done that and neither have many on this board.

    But since you took the time to register here, why don't you stay a while I guarantee you will learn a lot.



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