Dating a JW when you are not

by jwgirlfriend 55 Replies latest social relationships

  • jwgirlfriend

    I am dating a man who is a JW and I am not. I attend a nondenominational church. I have never been baptized, but I do believe in God, Jesus, and do my best to study the bible and attend church. I found out from a mutual friend of ours, two months after my boyfriend and I had met, that he was a JW. Prior to him I have never been close to a JW. When I found out I asked him about it and he said "Yes, I am, but not practicing." Well, apparently his reason for saying he is not practicing is because he isn't perfect, but he has been raised as a JW and all beliefs are ingrained. I have read so much information and been to so many sites. When I asked him questions he was supportive and answered, until he saw that i was reading lots of criticizing information on the web. I want to be supportive and respectful of his faith,but I am having a hard time. There are things I read that he says he never heard of. At times I felt I knew more about his religion than him due to my research. I love him dearly and he loves me. I have felt more love from him than I ever have by a boyfriend. He does not expect me to convert. We have made this clear.

    He was married for 8 years to a non JW. He has a 13 year old child with this person. His child lives with his ex. The child is being raised in two worlds. She attends service on occasion with her JW grandma, and when he goes, with her dad. He assured me that in his past marriage this was not an issue. The reason they divorced had nothing to do with religion. He worked a lot and they grew apart (which is causing issues for us as well). His ex celebrated holidays with her family and he didn't attend. He said I may not have him for those 4 or 5 days that are holidays, but I would have him for the remaining 361 or 360. I love him. We have our difficulties that any relationship has, but I am worried about marrying him and raising kids with this man. He says we will tell our children both of our views, and they can celebrate holidays with me. But if they chose not to do so, I need to respect it. I have no problem with my child making a decision like this based on facts they are presented, but I do have issues with my child(ren) believing their mom is a bad person becasue she does these things. I want to give them parties and celebrations with family so they will know the importance of family that I grew up with.

    My family is very big on holidays. It is important time for us to be together and celebrate our love for one another. Yesterday was my 30 birthday. I knew he wasn't going to "celebrate" it with me, but I didn't even get a call to see how my day was going. It was hurtful. When I met him we were both out with a mutual friend for her birthday at a club. We were all invited b/c it was her birthday. I asked him if he would go eat with my friends next week (it will be a get together for my birthday but no cake no singing, just friends going out to eat). He said no. When I asked him why he did this for our friend 10 months ago, he said he was making mistakes and now he is trying to be better and since I am his girlfriend - I should understand. That really upset me. I can understand him not attending, I just don't like that he did it for others.

    I know I am giving out a lot of information. Forgive me. I just saw how helpful all of you are and I needed to vent with some people who understand. Will this work? Are there any good stories out there? Or am I doomed to a life of difficulties? His family has no problem with him marrying me. His brother is an elder and is married to a non JW (although she may "play" the part at times). I don't want to be condemning of his religion. He is a good man who loves God and that is what I have been praying for. I just want to know if it will work. You hear stories about people from Catholics and Jewish faiths marrying and compromising on their beliefs- celebrating the best of both worlds and teaching their children both religions. However, it seems that when you are a JW, there is no compromising. You just don't do any of those things. And it seems if you are not a JW, then when you celebrate holidays or attend a church- you are doing bad things, since they are looked down upon. I find myself being very defensive at times because I feel, since I am celebrating my birthday or buying a Christmas decoration- he thinks it bad, so therefore I must be bad. I don't want my children to think I am bad. Please help.

  • Celia

    Welcome to the board. Every other week or so, someone comes to this board and tries to find out if a relationship between a JW and a non-JW can work.... Every time children or future children are mentioned, my heart skips a beat.... Please, read more about this very dysfunctional religion, before converting and ruining your life and the life of any future child....

  • Celia

    Here is a thread you can read....

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was going to wait to post this but I think we could use this sooner rather than later

    The Best of... I'm married to or dating a JW

  • Bryan

    You've really done a lot of great work last few days Lady Lee. Thanks!


  • codeblue

    Welcome jwgirlfriend

    I was raised a JW and currently fading, both me and my JW husband are fading after we found out some hypocrisy going on within this organization.

    Reading your experience, I have noticed some "red flags"........issues surrounding the way "your" children would be raised. Think about it: that is way to controversial!!! Children need "consistency from both parents"...........

    Please listen to these "red flags" before you proceed or if you choose to proceed....Also the thread that Lady Lee has advised you to read is highly suggested.

    Take care and post again!


  • jgnat

    I am a Christian woman married to a Jehovah's Witness. Many of the difficulties you have expressed are the same for me as well. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are awful. Jehovah's Witnesses go through fits of conscience, and suddenly get hardline with their beliefs. Sometimes you can predict the fits based on what is being covered in the magazine this week. You will never know if he will ever go completely hardline with you. A completely hardline JW will think you are participating with Babylon the Great. Would you sleep with a monster?

    He figures you should be understanding about his beliefs, huh? Has he promised similar generosity towards your beliefs? Has he ever attended any of your church functions? How would he react if you told him you didn't want any watchtower literature in the house, as it conflicts with your beliefs? If I were you, I would remind him that so far the sharing is one-way. A healthy relationship consists of a lot of communication and compromise. I don't think he is being completely forthcoming with you yet.

  • Iforget

    My brother is married to a non-JW. He has faded but still holds a lot near and dear. She goes to her parents for X-mas and birthdays. They have a child who is being raised without Christmas in their home but my sis-in-law takes her to her grandparents who celebrate for them. I think it is a house divided. One way or another someone gets hurt.

    The birthday thing for me is weird. Since I have never celebrated my birthday as a child it doesn't really faze me now when someone forgets. My husband NEVER forgets and loves birthdays. childs birthday to me is one of the greatest days of my life and I defy anyone tell me to not celebrate his birth.

    Run away and don't look back. Children are hard enough to raise in a united household. But that is just my humble opinion.

  • Celia

    JWGirlfriend : Where are you ? Come back !

  • jwgirlfriend

    Thank you for your information so far. It is at least comforting to hear there are other people out there living the life i may be entering. I agree me mentioning "my" children is very selfish. They will not be my children, but our children. He is a wonderful man and would help to instill some very wonderful morals in "our" children. I have no problem with "our" children experiencing both of our worlds. I am just afraid that attending service with their father (which I have no problem attending myself to show my support) may lead to them believing their mother and her family are bad people for celebrating their love for each other on birthdays and holidays. I am a latina, so our my celebration on Christmas Eve where my family gets together and eats a big meal is something that I enjoy even more than actual Christmas day. I would be a liar if I said I wouldn't miss him dearly that night.

    I have a big issue with the fact that compromising to him is the fact that will be accepting that I will be celebrating these things and my kids will be exposed to them. I do wish he would attend a church service with me, even if it were only a few times a year- OR EVEN ONCE.

    Is it really awful to do these things with me? I really need to know. Is he truly acting against God by going to dinner with me on my birthday or going to my parents house when a Christmas tree is up? Would it have been a sin to call me on my birthday and say "how is your bday going?" I will be reading all of your suggested links.

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