by Corvin 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golf

    Well done, Corvin, well done!

    Guest 77

  • Odrade

    That is awesome, Corvin! Nice when a parent stands up for their child in such a public way.

    For the record... Sara may have gotten close to the truth about these quickbuilds, inadvertently. Though afaik, there is no official rule in print, the unofficial rule on all KH projects I've been to (Pacific NW) is all participants must be active and in good standing. BUT, the rules are ALWAYS bent to allow others to participate. Hell, when the Durham road KH in Tigard, OR, was built, my non--JW uncle did all the wallpaper. Of course that was at least 15 years ago. The last project I helped on, (2002), there were irregular and unbaptized who were allowed to participate "under supervision" of course. AND, I myself was irregular at the time. (I insulated duct work in the attic, made a turkey, and helped serve the food.)

    Good for you for taking the double standard and using it to expose the hypocrites. They meddle in every piddly aspect of our lives, but when it comes to actually protecting a minor child, they completely bend over.


  • Mulan

    All I have to say is "WOW"

  • Elsewhere

    Oopsie!!! Did some of the filth hidden in the cup spill out for everyone to see???

    Matthew 23:25-26"Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of plunder and immoderateness. 26 Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the dish, that the outside of it also may become clean
  • Odrade

    and wow! Elese shows a remarkable ability to think clearly, especially for someone raised in that insane environment. Good for her! (and good for you for providing a safe environment so that she could get there.)

    Love to you all,


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    It sounds like you are doing a good job with your daughter. She is able to see through the crap and see how it twists her mother into being an unloving person (or reinforcing that)

    Love her. Support her. And if in the future she decides to give her mother another shot then be there to pick up the pieces.

    Letting go is so hard.

  • Netty

    How horrible her mother must have made her feel, poor girl. That is just so sad. Hugs to Elise! You are a great father, keep on top of this, just like you have been. Your daughter is worth it.

  • FlyingHighNow

    JWs think their behavior is beyond reproach. All they care about is what they look like to worldly observers. You bravely and emphatically exposed them as hypocrites. If more people did this more often I bet a few more doubters would find the strength to leave.

    I was never cared about like you care about your daughter. I was never given a voice like she has in your family. (My family was not a JW family.) I was very impressed as I read about your love for her and your passion in defending her. I was very touched that you care about how your daughter feels and how she is treated. I say to myself, "This is how your parents and grandparents should have treated you."

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Corvin. I am very moved by your experience for several reasons.


  • wednesday

    wow is all i can say. Your daughter is very lucky to have u and mary.

    hope i never get on your bad side

  • Frannie Banannie

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