You are EX-JWs because you want to live an immoral life!

by Sirona 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    If "Jehovah's standards" were indicating that we should be a hate-mongering, lying, suspicious, greedy, control-freaking and judgMENTAL, no-life borganization, then.....NO! I can't live up to those standards.


    Frannie B

  • doogie

    what is 'immoral'? JW's may reason that we try to pick holes in their doctrine to justify our course of 'wrongdoing', but who is convincing themselves of what here? i think that their reasoning (the reasoning that we looked for problems with the religion to appease our guilty conscience) does apply to many first. but who cares? when we come to realize that the things we at first may have viewed as 'sinful' are in fact not and are only described as such by the doctrines of a small sect, our perspective changes and their reasoning no longer applies. but what's the difference anyway, you know?

    in the end, it's all relative. in their eyes, yes, we are living immoral lives (even if our only 'immorality' is not believing in their sacred doctrines), and thus, yes, we are justifying our course. this is true. but so what? in our eyes THEY are the ones living in delusion and THEY'RE the ones justifying THEIR course.

    people can call me what they will or believe what they want about my choices and my life. the fact is though, that they don't know. no one does. only i do. people assume and judge each other all day, everyday. if we care what people think (JW or exJW or doesn't matter), we may as well go back to bed, because it's gonna be a rough day.

  • Larry

    I'm an Ex-Jdub b/c I want to live my life. Once I left I realize what's immoral to one is not immoral to another. Who are Jdub to interpret morality - I feel their policies and interpretations are highly immoral.

    Jah's standards? I think they mean the GB's warped standards. So if the Jdummies says an ex-JDub wants to live an immoral life based on their standards of morality, than so be it. But I think Ex-Jdubs leave because they what to be who they are without judgment.

    Peace - LL :)

  • doogie
    ROM 2:14:For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves

    how much better to live a good life because you want to rather than because a law tells you to.

    the fact that they accuse exJWs of justifying a 'sinful' course just betrays their own deep seated inclinations to break the laws they are bound by. (i.e. they are jealous that they are trapped and we are not)

  • funkyderek

    Here's a poser to put to any JW who makes such an accusation:

    Which of the following actions is immoral?

    1. Consensual sex between two adults who love each other but are not married

    2. Letting a child bleed to death when medical treatment is available

  • Jim_TX

    *Reading Tuesday's remarks...*

    RE: Wrestling - "I suppose, but it's fake violence so I would say I'm alright there."

    OMG!!! No way! Fake??? Now, I'm disillusioned once again!

    *leaves room muttering to self*


    Jim TX

    P.S. Left the WTBTS becuz of immorality? Pffffft! I left because they have such 'high and mighty standards' and I felt I couldn't honestly reach them. I just figured that I was evil - and everyone else in that org was 'pure'. *rolls eyes*

    It was only after almost 20 years that I finally typed 'Jehovah's Witness' into the Google search engine that I found many others who had left - for similar reasons.

    I do not smoke (never will, either), I still only occassionally drink (not interested in getting drunk - that often), don't do drugs (and never will)... I guess that leaves sex. No comment. *wide grin*

    P.P.S. Don't you find it interesting that when you _do_ type 'Jehovah's Witness' into a search engine... most of the responses are from EX-JW sites? Hmmmmm... hahahahahahaha - talk about giving a 'witness'... or would that be 'ex-witness'?

  • Bubbamar

    Yes I fornicate. No I didn't look for loopholes to justify my behavior. When I got DF'ed I figured at the time it no longer mattered what I did - little sin, big what - I had been discarded anyway.

    I don't feel like that anymore. Today I pray and try to live a spiritual life. I didn't really go looking for flaws in their doctrine - it sort of fell in my lap. The only difference now is that before - I would not return because I knew intuitively that they are full of crap. Today, I know for sure and with plenty of evidence that they are overflowing with crap!

    Frannie and FunkyD --- Way to go!!! Great posts!!

  • LittleToe

    So does "pursue" mean "succeed" or "desire"?

    Just checking

    I left because my "spirituality" conflicted with what I'd been taught all my life. I spent the last four months (before actually leaving) getting myself an edumacation as to the true extent of their fallacies.

  • Xena

    Good one funkyderek

    I'm sure my family when asked where I am or what happened to me tells everyone I "went wild" and left the "truth" and that they are praying for my return.

    I had niggling doubts about things for the restrictions got tighter and tighter things just didn't seem right to us. Then tyydyy found the information on 1914 and that put us into a tailspin...from there we re-examined all aspects of our lives and what we had been taught. This led us into what some might consider "immoral" actions.

    lol so I guess it just all depends on whom you ask....

  • patio34

    Thanks Sirona, for another chance to explain!

    Lol, at my age, that probably would be low down on the list of reasons to leave JWs! Well, at least for me.

    The steps that led to my leaving:

    1. The violence in nature being incompatible with a loving god.
    2. It predated (with dinosaurs, etc.) the existence of humans, so Adam's sin was irrelevant.
    3. So, to me, Gen. 3:21 (?) was false, wherein it states all creation ate green vegetation. (That has never existed.)
    4. To me, the violence in nature seemed more compatible with evolution than with a "loving" creator.
    5. Next, I decided to read books by evolutionist scientist themselves instead of having religionists supposedly read them and explain them to me!

    Then I read a lot about the history of JWs also. It all was a house of cards. There's more people who leave for intellectual reasons than JWs would ever admit.

    Thanks for the opportunity to state it.


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