I'm thinking about attending a Unitarian Universalist service this Sunday

by DanTheMan 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    :Ps, the 'pastor' seemed to be a lesbian, for whatever that means

    I think it means she lets girls like her the way boys usually like girls, naked.

  • Satanus


    *gasp* You can't be serious!!??


  • DanTheMan

    CRAP day at work today, I'm not going to address everybody's posts, sorry.

    Craig, yes of course I'm looking for more than just some friends in the real world. I need to find something to combat the deep cynicism, hopelessness, and paranoia that have become very unfortunate aspects of my post-cult existence. I'm not looking for all-encompassing answers, just some people who suffer the same way I do.

  • GentlyFeral

    Rev. Belletini's your man, then, Dan. He once told me, "You have to learn hope the same way you would learn algebra"! Then he began lending me books.

    He was right, too.

    If you can't talk with him personally, I bet the congregation as a whole will be able to help. Mostly by osmosis and example.


  • DanTheMan

    GF, I can hardly wait to meet this guy - would he remember you if I mentioned your name? PM me.

  • GentlyFeral

    'K, Dan, you have a PM

    Gently Feral

  • DanTheMan

    Unfortunately I find myself carless on this beautiful Sunday morning, which put the kibosh on my plans. Hopefully next Sunday.

  • blondie

    Too bad we don't live closer, we could have gone together, Dan.

    Blondie the Curious

  • Sunnygal41

    Dan, if I was going to pick an "organized" religion to go to, I'd pick the UU's. I'm a pantheist, and from what I've heard and read, the structure of the UU would fit well with my belief system.


  • 1VTHokie

    I started attending a UU church a few months ago, and I very impressed with it. I find the people non-judgemental, friendly, open and caring. It seems everyone is involved in some kind of cause - environmental, pro-choice rights, pro-gay rights, helping the homeless etc. They really seem to care deeply about people and their rights. I've joined several groups there: environmental group, non-theist group, movie group, book group. The discussions are enlightening and thought provoking. Questioning and disagreeing is not only welcome but par for the course for being a Unitarian, but I have never seen a heated argument there. They treat one another with respect. It's amazing to me to see agnostics, athiests, wiccans, christians, jews, new agers, etc. exist in the same group with harmony and understanding. No one tries to change anyone's views. Fantastic!

    Our minister is female and engaged to be married to another member of the church next month. I feel that I belong there, and I am accepted and liked for who I am. I feel comfortable when I disagree or question anything said there. It's silly, but it feels as if I have always been a Unitarian in my heart but never knew it until now. It feels like I have come home. Sappy but true.


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