I going to picket my parents convention this weekend!

by Atilla 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    Great stuff for picket signs and banners. I hope you have a good turn out of supporters. I would be there if I could.

    they are going to to their little convention and I have some evil thoughts.

    Buddy, your thoughts are not evil. This is your way of dealing with it and more power to you. It is not evil to be demonstative with the truth.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Thanks for the link Danny!!

    No Apologies

  • Bubbamar

    I remember feeling excited when there was talk of "the apostates" being at the convention. I never did get to see any. Maybe you will save a few - or at least plant some seeds! Good luck and enjoy yourself!

  • sunshineToo

    Well, if you don't have any topic that can effect non-jws, it won't work much.

    By the way, if sword of jah reads my reply, I found out that most people in the world already know that jws are cult members. That's why you can so many door slamed in the field service. Smart people, I say.

  • undercover

    I was driving to work this morning and saw some two guys holding up political signs at street corners. I thought to myself, "Don't these guys have anything better to do than stand by the street looking stupid?" Even though they obviously felt strong about their candidate, it doesn't really affect people who make an informed decision about the election. It was a waste of their time and made no impact. I can't even remember who's sign they were holding up.

    My point is this, and it will probably be unpopular here, but here goes: picketing a religious convention, be it JWs, the Baptists or the Mormons, makes the picketer look as out of touch with reality as the ones going to the convention. No offense Danny, but all those pictures you posted of yourself with your signs; if I saw you outside of a coliseum picketing whatever was going on inside I would think that you really had a screw loose. Maybe the group that's being picketed against is corrupt, but one lone disgurntled, card-carrying zealot isn't going to affect anyone who takes the time to be informed about either side of the issue.

    In my personal opinion, picketing JWs at the convention is a waste of time. The JWs won't pay any attention to it, they've been programmed to ignore it. Non-JWs don't give a flip about JWs one way or the other or realize they are a "cult". They're not paying attention to anything that goes on there. Once in a while someone might get a little media attention. Most people will look at it and say, "Don't these guys have anything better to do than stand around looking stupid?"

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Reply from Danny to Undercover: My picket duty on a man-hour ratio was very effective in it's era.

    My record speaks for itself.

    I haven't worn a picket sign for two years it's surpassed by"in their face" in cyberspace. www.DannyHaszard.com

    [Edited : Hey mate! Somebody shoulda told 'detox' Joe Rutherford.The charlatan exploited under-age child labor to do his outrageous hawking.

    The WT still eulogizes it as the "John the Baptist work" good ole days.Such utter blasphemy!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    [[[ Sunshinetoo>Well, if you don't have any topic that can effect non-jws, it won't work much.

    By the way, if sword of jah reads my reply, I found out that most people in the world already know that jws are cult members. That's why you can so many door slamed in the field service. Smart people, I say. ]]] Danny's comment: I would say that the biggest problem I have of promoting my counter-cult apostate ministry is,lack of interest among the general population.My tack has always been recruitment interdiction.I am not anxious about de-converting anyone.I tell you the truth nobody wants to hear about it because 90% of the general population already knows they are bulls**t

    The greatest trick that the devil ever pulled,was to convince the world that he didn't exist,OR that his organization is the 'troof'. When i lived in Boston Mass. i attended my first ex-cult support group put up by Steve Hassan (he was just getting ramped up). In attendance was a young women 25'sh or so,who was just balling her pretty little eyes out.She went on to sob about,how she had really believed in her heart of hearts that,"Reverend and Mrs Moon where her mother and father". >>>> NOW,for a split second I'm thinking to myself........,'silly girl,what did you expect,EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT THE MOONIES ARE A RIPOFF CULT! <<<< Ha Ha! Lightning Bolt Then it hit me like a thunderbolt,we are all cut from the same cloth.All destructive cults are the same! http://www.freeminds.org/psych/lifton.htm The cult leaders are wolves in sheep's clothing predators who mentally abuse people terrible.
  • cyber-sista

    For what it's worth an apostate planted a seed with me one year at the assembly. Her premise was the bible says there is only one mediator between God and man who is Jesus, so why are you allowing the WT to be your mediator?. After that I thought of this question every time something came up in the WT about following the direction of the "orgnanization" and leaving Jesus out of the picture.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I agree cyber-sista - sometimes some of the messages on the picket signs will stick with you - they did with me - like the ones that compared Jesus' love as shown in the Bible as opposed to the lack of God's love and approval felt among Jehovah's Witnesses, and other messages.

    I can't tell you how many Witnesses doubted they would be among the survivors at Armageddon, but of course they hoped the others would survive.

    And I believe that well-worded messages about the child abuse problem would be well heeded these days too. Who knew?? All those years, we did not know. The UN thing either. So I think some reasonably done picketing just might be very effective.

  • Sunspot

    I agree with Cybs too. The last DC I attended was where I had a woman and young girl come up to me with a sign that had Phil 2:10 and was saying that EVERY knee should bend in the name of Jesus.

    Of course I kept my head down and trudged along the sidewalk like a pack-mule, but i kept wondering WHY people would think that we didn't "bend our knee" for Jesus. NOW I've learned why, but that picketer made a difference, didn't she?


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