
by Lostreality 215 Replies latest jw friends

  • frenchbabyface
    Well what about 11 000 Civilians ? ummmmmmmmm I wonder ?
    Well what about the 40 MILLION babies slaughtered in the womb since 1973? ummmmmmmmm I wonder? Yiz

    How do you handle both ? ... (those 11 000 were alive already !!! not 12 weeks old - and it is a question of emergency ... somehow. and personal choice anyway ...)

  • Aaron2

    I used to believe and support the doctrine of 'Separation of Church and State'. However to day I'm against because people have pushed it and pushed it and pushed it until it is no longer a good thing. They cry Separation of Church and State and expect me to vote contrary to what I 'know' is good, right and best for our society and our nation.

    I don't believe that government should uphold and support any one religion, but I believe that they should uphold and support religion period. Our nation has been built and founded upon religious principles and by God. To cut them off is to cut off our own heads. We would die. The nation would crumble and fall and not exist anymore. I know you don't believe that, but I 'know' it to be true. So I have to vote accordingly.

    If I believe that alchohol is harmful to our society and causes problems and is more of a harm than it is a good. Then I should and would vote against the legalization of it. If I know something to be true, then I will not live my life and act as if though I don't know those things. I know that stealing is wrong. So I uphold and support legislation against stealing. I know that Murder is wrong, so I uphold legislation to keep that illegal. I know that abortion is murder and I know what the problems are that it causes. So I am duty bound to vote for what I 'know' to be true.

    In Islamic society, it is lawful for a man to murder his wife under certain circumstances. They do not believe it is wrong to do so, but we 'know' that it is. Are we pushing our beliefs onto to them? Are we shoving our beliefs down their throats by making it illegal in our nation to kill your wife for any reason. Should we legalize it since we don't want to push our beliefs on anyone or any minority group? I'll leave that for you to decide since you already know my answer. I do not believe in killing my wife for any reason. That belief stems from my knowledge of God, His plan and what I know to be right and wrong.

    Our constitution was not created absent of God, nor was our government estalished that way. They clearly state that we have been 'endowed by our creator with inalienable rights'. As long as the majority of the nation chooses righteousness over wickedness, our nation will prosper. However, there are people like you who try to convince others that if their beliefs stem from their religious beliefs, that they cannot vote accordingly.

    Thanks, Aaron2

  • Aaron2


    Women have no more rights then men have. All you are asking for is the right to play around sexually and avoid the consequences, regardless of who you hurt. That sounds pretty selfish to me. You have your right to act how you want, but you must face up to the consequences. With everything there is risk. Face up to it. Don't try to avoid it.


  • SixofNine

    It's obvious that Aaron and Yiz have confused "their beliefs" with "God's will". Must be nice to worship yourselves, eh boys?

  • drwtsn32

    Aaron, the problem with forcing religious viewpoints through legislation is that everyone believes differently. Who's to say what laws should pass? The majority? What about the rights of religious minorities?

    You criticize the Islamic people because they feel it is "ok" for a husband to kill his wife under certain circumstances. Of course that is abhorrent. But the bible allows for parents to stone disobedient children; the same book of the bible says homosexuality is wrong.

    Making laws based on some ancient piece of fiction (or in the BoM case, not so ancient fiction) is ridiculous. We need to use our own brain to determine right vs wrong and to judge all of the grey areas between. Religions already pick and choose from the Bible what they like. (No christian religion advocates stoning children.)

    Regarding making alcohol illegal.. it was already tried, and with very negative consequences. Forcing morality isn't something that the government should do (outside of making laws to protect people and their rights). Forcing morality is religion's job. It is irritating when the religious groups try to pass legislation for things that serve no purpose other than to force people to follow their particular ideas about morality (eg, homosexuality).

  • frenchbabyface

    Yeah right !!! Drwtsn32

  • Cassiline
    Women have no more rights then men have.

    Woman have fought for the same right as men have for years. No one forces you to give up your organs and tissue to support another life and WE as women should not be forced to as well. Therefore we do not under pro life have the same rights as men. We are looked at as second class citizens who are demanded to what others want when it could cost our life and liberty.

    How many children of need have you adopted Aaron?

    All you are asking for is the right to play around sexually and avoid the consequences, regardless of who you hurt.

    Patently untrue.

    That sounds pretty selfish to me.

    Sounds pretty selfish to me that you are willing to ask/demand of us what YOU DO not have to do. If men could get pregnant then this whole debate would have never come into play.

    You have your right to act how you want, but you must face up to the consequences.

    Yes, we do NOT YOU. The man is responsible here for much of this as well. Dead beat dads all over the world, which has been a lot of a problem that has only recently been addressed in history. Women dealing with the child while the men refused over and over not to take any reponsibility. I realize there are women who are guilty of such as well, but time and again it is 99% the man who just forgets his responsibility.


    PS are you Aaron from Tim's board? If so welcome and good to see you.

  • frenchbabyface

    Cassi : Sounds pretty selfish to me that you are willing to ask/demand of us what YOU DO not have to do

    Right !

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    Our nation has been built and founded upon religious principles and by God.

    Sorry, I believe that this nation was founded because of one reason and one reason only. $$$$$$$$$$$

    Edit to add (Damn..I keep on hitting Submit Post before I'm done. Too quick oh the trigger I guess)

    I want to ask, who's religious principles? Everyone's religious principles are different. That's why the history books teach us that the pilgrams came to this country to escape the religious principles of their country.

  • jwbot

    I have my own religion...its called "Jessies Witnesses" and we should make laws that go by THOSE MORALS ONLY! Ahh yes...that would be right and fair. pffft. whatever.

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