WOW am I glad I found this place

by jaredg 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    When I was disfellowshipped, my family treated me as if I was dead. It was so awful! I don't know where I found the inner strength to not commit suicide. I mean, I grew up in this org and all my friends, my world was all them, got baptized in my early teens, knew nothing and nobody else that wasn't a Witness.

    I came back to the org just so that I could have a decent relationship with my aging parents and siblings. This action has lead me to live a double life for many years now. It drives me insane at times, and other times I'm quite accepting of it because that's what's necessary in order to keep my family.

    I'm building a strong network of non-Witnesses friends and renewing my relationship with far relatives that aren't Witnesses themselves. Soon I'll make my final exit and it won't be as traumatic as when I was disfellowshipped in my late teens.

    You're not alone. You wouldn't believe the large number of Witnesses that are in there just to keep peace among family, and the large number of teens leading a double life because with all their rules they leave no other choice.


  • Quotes


    Then I realized...I don't like leading a double life b/c I don't like lying AND I don't want to be a JW.


    Easy, there, big jg, "double life" is cult-speak. To help divest yourself of this affliction, it helps to always use cult-speak sparingly, and to use both "double quotations" and of course the TRADEMARK symbol or simply (tm) i.e. "double-life(tm)". When speaking in a conversation, make the "quote fingers" like Dr. Evil. You will find this quite therapeutic! ;)


    So I broke it down to my parents on Sunday and told them that the only reason I wanted to get reinstated was b/c I was lonely and wanted my family back. It tore them up.....


    Shame on them! They were torn up because you love them and miss them. And that tore them up. Yet more proof of how truly messed up the JW religion is.

    Now dad wants me out of the house unless I continue to go to meetings.


    Yet more proof. Your dad has not only "drank the Kool-Aid", but he is helping to hand it out!

    If I did get reinstated I'd probably get DF'd again in no time.


    I Double-Dog-Dare you to see if you can set a record in doing this! Is it possible to get DF'd on the same day you get reinstated? HHHHMMMMM..... what if during "The Meeting(tm)" that they announced your reinstatement, you were caught in the "Second Study(tm)", um... how can I say this.... sharing your DNA with a helpful female associate. When caught, plead ignorance like George Kastanza on Seinfeld: "Was that wrong? Because I gotta plead ignorance on this whole sex at [meetings] issue..."


    Anyway sorry for the long post and letting me vent.


    posting here on JWD.

    ~Quotes, of the "Welcome to the Board" class

    P.S. Check out my website and share it with your folks. It is only Watchtower publications (so they have no reason to not read it and yet it will make them angry and confused about their religion. Or just print some pages and use it as toilet paper, that works too!

  • jaredg

    thanks guys. i got in touch with a local ex-jw in the area yesterday and had dinner with her. she goes to the church that my ex-gf's mom attends. she helped me out a lot. she used to be a regular pioneer for years and was married to an elder. i finally feel like i'm FREE!! it feels great. i've learned not to focus on the past and what has been lost but on the great and wonderful future that i have before me. it's like a whole new world of possibility opening up.

  • Mulan

    Welcome Jared. It helps so much to find others like yourself. We dealt with losing our friends by making new ones, and most of them are on this forum. We've gotten together with dozens of them over the past few years and have some great new friends with the same background we have.

    Fortunately almost our entire family are out now too, one by one they learned the truth too. My mother is still a loyal JW, but at age 91 (almost 92) she is "old school" and isn't about to shun her family. My brother has been df'd since 1978 and she has never shunned him..............she was much younger then, so all parents are different.

    I have friends in my age group who never shunned their disfellowshipped son, and never would. I guess each JW has their own rules for things. Don't give up. They do love you, and are hoping their strict stand will shock you to your senses.

  • jaredg

    yeah. i just got off the phone with my dad and he was trying to convinvce me not to give up on the "truth" saying that no organization is perfect. i told him i ddin't want to be a part of ANY organization. he's just so caught up in believeing thet WTS is the faithful and descrete slave and is god's only channel for true spiritual food. i wish i could prove to him other wise. i talked to my mom too and she was much more understanding...god a love my mom.

  • truthseeker1

    Yes, the 'no religion is perfect' clause. Its ok for our religion not to be perfect, but all the other religions are imperfect because satan controlls them...

    Silly logic...

  • cyber-sista

    Aloha Jared,

    Glad you found this site. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! When I first left the Org. I felt very alone in my thoughts and feelings. The most profound thing to me was to find out that there are thousands out there who have left the Org and trying to sorts things out and get on with their lives. What the Org doesn't want their members to know is that we are just normal people who finally had the guts to stand up and say enough is enough!

    A big old welcome hug to you


  • jaredg

    thanks cyber-sista. i get so frustrated because whenever i talk about past prophecies and doctrine that changed my dad just says the "the light is getting brighter" and when i talk to him about scandles he says that people in the WTS are not perfect. it's like every argument i come up with he shoots down or puts some spin on it. i've just had to resort to it doesn't feel right for me. then he said it's becuase i'm sinning and i'm not man enough to face it. damn it's so frustrating

  • Valis

    *LOL* jared...I've heard that crap from my dad before...but I'll tell you this...I would rather be insulted than be almost 60 and still believe in a load of horse manure..Can you imagine...our parent's last days clinging to delusion....the same delusion that turned the "family" into a nearly non existant entity? Sad really..


    District Overbeer

  • jaredg

    it is sad...but like i told my dad...i won't look down on him for his beliefs if he can respect mine. we'll see how that goes.

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