First gay couples wed in US state

by ignored_one 96 Replies latest social current

  • ignored_one


    Most guys want to marry twin sisters.


    Ignored One.

  • funkyderek
    Being a proponent of Traditional Christianity, I wonder what path, as a Nation, we are really going down...

    Hopefully, one where the rules and prejudices of your religion aren't inflicted on other people, although your president seems to be trying his hardest to make sure that doesn't happen.

  • Abaddon


    Very good point, a fitting shared anniversary!

    Hey everyone, isn't it kind of typical that amongst the messages of goodwill and congratulations the only ones not sending their love to those who can now signify their love for another human being in an official manner are the people who identify themselves as Christians?


    Traditonal Christianity?

    Is that the type that was in favour of burning people suspected of witchcraft? Or the one that supported the "divine mandate"? Or the one that supported slavery? Or the one that remained silent whilst millions of Jews were slaughtered? The type that stakes out abortion clinics and kills staff working there? The type that supported the apartheid reigeme in South Africa? Or the one that allowed the Conquistadors to embark on wholesale slaughter or convert campaigns?

    The people holding those beliefs would likely have described themselves as up holding traditional christianity. They obviously ignored the injuctions in Matthew 5 to love our enemies, and the one in Matthew 22 where love of our neighbour is described as the second most important commandment.

    Why 'Traditonal Christians' get to decide which commands to obey and which to ignore I don't know. Can you explain it for me ThiChi?


    Yet again you show your failure to grasp that incest aned homosexuality are two different things. As there are survivors of incest here, the fact you are willing to make jokes about it in furtherance of your campaign against equal and fair treatment of homosexuals is very telling. Have you loved your enemy yet today Yeru?

    You and Thi CHi have this knee-jerk thing going on with homosexuality. It must be a great comfort for you guys to be able to work it through together.

  • Richie

    You brought it out beautifully: Let GOD be the judge. We cannot be judges ourselves, true, so God is the final judge. And what does God say??? What is God's opinion on this issue? Read 1 Cor 6:9-11, 1 Tim 1:9-11, Jude 7, Rom 1:24-27, Eph 4:17-24 to bring out a few scriptures....... Now who judges? It is God who judges......unless you don't believe in God and throw away the counsel that God (not me, not you, not anybody else) gives to everybody!

    Richie :*)

  • Perry

    There is a huge bible cult that purchased 1600 acres three hours west of San Antonio (and me) last year... all of the men have multiple wives, some of which are very young girls to far older men. They are building huge structures under the guise of a "hunting retreat". Insiders predict that 3000 cultists will be moving there. The residents of the west Texas town 12 miles away are deeply concered that they'll all turn out en masse one day to vote and that will be the end of life there as they know it.

    Where do they get the girls since birth rates are about the same for either sex and multiples wives are a requirement? Some speculate that they want to be closer to the Mexican border for "traffiking" ...oh excuse me I meant "proselytizing". Sick.

    The cults' attorney is quoted in the article:

    "He also asserts that the fundamentalists' plural marriage lifestyle is constitutionally protected from government interference, particularly in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling last year that struck down a Texas law criminalizing consensual gay sex."

    The Massachuttes court ruling was after this interview and so not quoted. But it will assuredly be used by various attorneys representing by many different groups.

    Full article:

  • Abaddon

    Hey Perry, where have you been hiding?

    The cult centre you quote is worrying.

    Logically if seven people want to be married to each other, fine.

    However, rather than this being 'three couple and a spare' in a group marriage, typically this is some patriarch with a taste for teenagers, which is NOT fine.

    However, just because some nasty old men are pursuing their harmful ends (I can't see a barely-legal girl in a cult being married to someone far her senior as being a good thing, and am sure despite our differences we hold this in common) doesn't mean that the legal freedoms won by homosexuals are wrong.

    Hell, to suggest that freedoms won in law by one party should be curtailed as other (harmful) parties would use similar legal arguments and claim comparison would be like saying your average American gun owner's rights should suffer due to extreme survivalists stockpiling military weapons.

    Also, are you saying that the sex had between these old men and young women will be subject to informed consent? You've mentioned their attorney quoting the ruling in Texas.

    Now, I would have rejected him as a scum-sucker pleading excuses for pedophiles, as he seeks to associate his client's actions with CONSENSUAL sex between men.

    As there is no comparison between the two situations in terms of consensuality, I would not even have thought his comments worthy of note. You seem worried, by your mention of it, that this might be a crebable argument, which it obviously isn't.

  • Yerusalyim
    Yet again you show your failure to grasp that incest aned homosexuality are two different things. As there are survivors of incest here, the fact you are willing to make jokes about it in furtherance of your campaign against equal and fair treatment of homosexuals is very telling. Have you loved your enemy yet today Yeru?

    Did I say anything about incest? I said I wanted to Marry two sisters, not that I wanted two sisters to...well, anyhow, if two adults are related, even if they are siblings, why not allow them to marry? There's actually more of a history and precedence for that than there is for gay marriage. I love my enemy every day...sometimes I feel I married her.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    My Grandfather married THREE sisters, not at the same time mind you, but at least when he died he could say "I once married 3 sisters"

    chevy of the "wondering why all my kin-folk look funny' class

  • Abaddon

    Hey Yeru

    Did I say anything about incest? I said I wanted to Marry two sisters, not that I wanted two sisters to...

    Well what in the name of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness would be wrong with that? If they were sane adult sisters who wanted to marry you? Especially if they were twins with a thing for a man in uniform... Oi! calm dowm, I said 'sane' as well, that cuts the field down a bit... ;-)

    well, anyhow, if two adults are related, even if they are siblings, why not allow them to marry? There's actually more of a history and precedence for that than there is for gay marriage.

    Yeru, your argument 'there is no precendent therefore it is wrong' is invalid. If you are claiming that something is bad and should be prevented you should show the adverse consequences of that being allowed (and not your standard slippery slope argument of 'allow that today and tomorrow they will be marrying elephants'). On that basius humans should not have made airplances, as if god had meant them to etc.. So, where's the list of these terrible bad things that will happen if you allow gay marriage? Again, remember, just because it sets a precident doesnt mean it is wrong'. Allowing black people to vote in America was a precident, and no one (worth a damn) thinks that was a bad idea because it hadn't happened before. What reason is there for denying the same extent privelege and title to formalised relationships between two men or two women that men and women have always had?

    I love my enemy every day...sometimes I feel I married her

    I'm surprised one of the principles of your faith is a cause for such humour... especially as you are basing your objection to gay marriage on your faith, to make light of a cardinal requirement of your faith whilst wishing to deny others rights because of those same faiths is alittle unbalanced.

  • ThiChi

    I only expressed my viewpoint from the Christian perspective, and I will hopefully continue to. Thanks for all the tolerance!

    The rationalsation that what some have done in history somehow taints our Lords words, or a Christian Faith, does not hold water. It would be like using Jeffery Dommer or NAMBLA as examples of how Homosexuals act.

    Regarding Big Tex, I believe I posted my thoughts first, and he replied. I do not follow him.

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