Going Bald?

by Puternut 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    My own opinion Puter.....it might be a "cool" choice for the warmer summer months ahead. It will always grow back and in that vein you aren't going bald you are shaving your hair. Going bald is a permanent condition, shaving is a choice. LOL

    I never change my look based on what others think but on what I happen to like or want at the time, it's all about ME! And if it's temporary all the better I like to try different styles, it's fun.



  • SixofNine

    Frankly I'm surprised more women don't embrace the look.


  • Corvin

    I just buzzed all my hair off! LOL, everyone seems to like it so far.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My mother spent years of her life persecuting me over my preference for long hair, then, when I shaved it all off, she didn't want to be seen with me. LOL.

    The birds will love it Corvin and Puter. I have had more birds playing with my stubble than ever ran their fingers through my hair.

  • Corvin
    The birds will love it Corvin and Puter. I have had more birds playing with my stubble than ever ran their fingers through my hair.

    The birds as in "the girls"? lol I hope that's what you meant Black Sheep ol boy!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Birds as in 'birds with wobbly bits' Corvin

    C'mon girls own up, you like feeling a bald pate. We know!!!

  • xenawarrior
    Re: Going Bald?

    Is there a category for "went"?

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