Going Bald?

by Puternut 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41

    Puter.......do you want to hear this: "Puter is a burdock head, Puter is a burdock head!"?

    Or, if totally bald and squeaky clean: "Puter is a cue ball head, Puter is a cue ball head!"

    Think what's to stop the sweat from dripping into your eyes during summer? Hair has it's uses, ya know!

    Some women really enjoy running their hands over my smooth head

    Descender, you guys got one that's bald already, leave one hairy!!!!


  • frankiespeakin

    How about a guy with a musclular head ears close to the head average size head with an 17 1/2 neck 180 lb 5' 7" blue eyes,,a few scars on his face. Do you think he'd look good bald??

  • codeblue


    I vote for keeping your hair. I just couldn't imagine you bald....

  • Sassy
    Some women really enjoy running their hands over my smooth head


    (Sassy is the kind that LOVES to run her hands over a smooth bald head)

  • Mulan

    It would depend on your head shape and if there are any bumps. I know a person who lost all her hair during chemotherapy, and she had a large bump in the back that she didn't know was there until there was no hair. She wore a wig, but you would be stuck until your hair grew back.

    I prefer hair. I say don't shave it.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I like extremes. Bald is very sexy, long hair is very sexy. Just my opinion anyway. But I'm sure if you shaved your head and painted it like an eight ball you'd still be sexy Puter

    chevy of the 'needs to make up her mind one of these days' class

  • frenchbabyface

    OK I want a poll then. How many of the ladies here like the baldie look?


    Ooooh I do !

  • Puternut

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Going to have to think about this one some. It's good and short now for the summer. Still tempting though....

  • frankiespeakin
  • Special K
    Special K

    I like the length of the hair in your avatar, puter.

    If you decide to shave it all off bald... You may need to grow a goatee to balance out the cue ball affect. I think a goatee looks better with a bald head than just a mustache.

    If it was halloween time . I'd tell you to go and look for a bald mask and try that on and have a look in the mirror.

    Special K

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