Realist, On Israel

by Yerusalyim 95 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep

    There seems to be an undercurrent of absolute black and white thinking going on in this thread now. I see people passionatly defending the jews (very noble) turning around and saying Austrians are somewhat guilty for Hitler's sadism..and that racism, classism, and religious intolerance do not exist in America.

    An interesting phenomenon happens when people seem to want to relentlessly attack others (in this case, Unreal on the US). They seem to want to find excuses for terrorists who murder innocent humans. Especially when they claim that US citizens are hopelessly biased.

    They need to confront their own demons. They need to understand how THEY are influenced by nationalism, whether they want to or not.

    And again, FTR, there is a BIG, BIG difference between systematic extermination of millions of people based on their RACE and based on the exterminators belief in THEIR inherent superiority, and the existence of prejudice in another country.

    How can ANYONE attempt to defend the murder of millions of people based on their race, and SUPPORTED by a nation by suggestion that isolated race riots decades ago, which actually resulted in extention of civil rights within our nation.

    You are only succeeding in backing yourselves into a corner. You CANNOT justify the Holocaust, as much as you attempt to do so. Why do most of the Jews on earth today live in the US? Because this persistent anti-semitism in the rest of the world remains intact.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Listen, I am neither backed into a corner, nor am I defending anybody! Least of all the Nazi's!

    I NEVER said anything of the sort. Leave me out of your beef with Realist. I am not attuned, nor involved in your personal crusade!

    You are getting on my nerves with your labeling and charactor assassination. Other than to try to have a civil discussion and share ideas, I have done nothing to inflame you Blacksheep.

    To hear you tell, I am some sort of Nazi sympathizer, and nothing could be further than the truth. I truly do not understand your hostility.

  • blacksheep

    Guess I musta misread your comments, as follows:

    There seems to be an undercurrent of absolute black and white thinking going on in this thread now. I see people passionatly defending the jews (very noble) turning around and saying Austrians are somewhat guilty for Hitler's sadism..and that racism, classism, and religious intolerance do not exist in America.

    Sounds like you think my taking issue with Unreal's attempts to downplay German/Austrian nationlism and genocide of the Jews to be pretty much on the same plane as my suggesting that their national BIAS is coming into play.

    Again, you are comparing two VERY different things. Kindly don't take my quotes about Austrian/German nationalism as similar to mass genocide.

    Or, perhaps you just are not making your point clear. That's how it came out to me.

  • little witch
    little witch


    I guess I am not making my point clear. And I don't think I can. You have made it quite obvious that your political agenda will prevail over every opinion given.

    Run with it darlin.....

  • blacksheep

    Well, maybe you're just a victim of the Realist vs. Everyone else reality.

    To me, it's starting to all coalesce: The anti-Semitism/Anti-Americanism/pro Palestinan: basically, the Austrian "Realist" needs to explain himself. Not sure how you got caught in the middle...

  • avishai

    It's laughable to think that the world, is controlled by a religion that has less than double the members of the JW's. Or that their agenda is so huge. There are over a billion muslims. 13 million Jews. And yet the liberal press is making the muslims out to be the victims. In oil alone, mulims control far more money htan the jews, not to mention land, commodities itc.

    Those, evil, land stealing jews. Trying to steal land that they paid the owners of, fair and square, a tiny bit of land that was almost all arid, and unused before they got it. Listen to yourselves, people. Geez. When you put it in that perspective, it's funny, is'nt it? These are a people chased out of almost every country they've been in, had their numbers decimated by more than half in the last century. World Domination? Domination of the palestinians, a people who egypt, Jordan and lebanon won't even take back? So that they can continue to agitae? World domination? How about survival, folks. Survival. Survival from this kind of rhetoric on acct. of one incident. Grow up.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    I know that this is going to raise some hackles, but I think it must be said.

    Isn't it interesting that Realist is an Anti-Semite from Austria? Didn't this whole Israel issue see it's genesis from those survivors attempting to make sure that what happened to them from a previous Anti-Semitic Austrian wouldn't happen again?

  • avishai

    Naw. LA, that could'nt happen. The holocaust could'nt happen again either. We're too advanced. *tongue firmly inserted in cheek*

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Slaps that toungue from your cheek


  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    After reading the posts of Realist, and to a certain extent, SImon's, I feel I have a real working knowledge of what was written in Mein Kampf. Might as well scratch that off my to do list.

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