Realist, On Israel

by Yerusalyim 95 Replies latest social current

  • little witch
    little witch

    I see now Realist. Plum felt ashamed of her German heritage, and you personalized it.

    Please understand that nobody is slamming german ancestery! That would be hurtful and mean indeed. Plum simply stated a personal feeling thats all.

    The movie was very good. What made it different? It was focused on the Warsaw Ghetto and was a personal story of how truly unique that each and every survivor was. It is a story of personal loss (in historical context) and how one persons talent and gift overcame the most horrendous of situations. I highly recommend the movie.

  • Realist

    little witch,

    no hard feelings!

    what happened during that time was without question horrible and the personal losses on all sides terrible....but if you hear about just one side every day for 60 years (as we do in europe) as if nothing else would ever have happened in history than believe me you will get tired of it at some point.

  • plmkrzy

    Realist, I can say many positive things about Germany however I was speaking in regard to the film and what happened at that time. You didn't have to take it out of context but you did. I prefer to drive German cars because they imo are the best built. But I didn't include that with my comments about "The Pianist" I would hate to go bar hopping with you!

  • little witch
    little witch


    What side do you hear? Is your media biased? Is the Holocaust discussed in the media there?

    It isn't here (thats why I ask). The media here talks about the modern problems but not historical ones. No wonder I rubbed you wrong! I am not into the "blame game" concerning the people of Europe, Britain, or America. I have an interest in the WHY it happened, and how it effects current events.

    I just noticed that you are from Austria. Your country is rich in history, and I have only recently delved into the effects of the Nazi's into your country.

    WW2 was an accumulation of many events and attitudes. It is not able to be summed up in one or two quotes or accounts. So much went on politically, religiously, on all sides. I certainly do not hold citizens responsible for governmental actions, especially when despots and dictators are involved.

    Anyways, I am rambling only point being that national leaders with military might do not necessarily speak for the society from which they originate.

  • avishai

    I'm 1/4 german, 1/4 Jew. I'm from both chosen races! Seriously, to be ashamed of ones ethnic background is silly. To have your heart break at mans inhumanity to man..... is fine. Many of the jews who died in germany.....were Germans. Silly, really. It could've happened anywhere under similar conditions. The same rhetoric that got us there is once again being bandied about.

  • plmkrzy
    The same rhetoric that got us there is once again being bandied about

    Thats for sure! Nowhere did I say I was ashamed of who I am or who my ancestors are and I am quite sick of having my words twisted at will and bandied about. My Husband is a German Jew My great grandfather is German and I am very proud of who he was, he was a great man and what I said originally STANDS!!!!!!!!

  • avishai

    Cool, plm, was'nt twisting, just showing the absurdity of the twisting.

  • plmkrzy

    avishai my rant, although using your words to complete it, was due to the distance the remarks by Realist covered after taking what I said out of context and applying his personal meaning to them. I wasn't shouting at you I should have clarified that before submitting.

  • Realist

    little witch,

    thank you for your good comments!

    we have daily programs about the holocaust, hitler, persecution of the jews etc. It is almost impossible to say something about german losses without being portrayed as antisemitic or even neo nazi by the media.

    don't get me wrong i think it is very valuable to remember history and especially the attrocities committed by ones own country but this is getting too far in my opinion. if antisemitism is indeed raising in europe (besides arabs in france, germany etc. protesting israel) than its in part because this media campaign is going too far. if one gets told every day how bad you were than at one point you will say "ok f*** this s*** i don't care anymore".

    austria was annexed by germany but to be truthful most people welcomed the germans. After WWI austria was in pretty unstable conditions with a de facto christian republican dictatorship. After the annextion the opinion started to shift slowly. The germans were taking over many important positions and started to piss of people with their attitude...well and when the war started the euphoria was completely gone. Nevertheless some high positions in the nazi regime were occupied by austrians.

    WW2 was an accumulation of many events and attitudes. It is not able to be summed up in one or two quotes or accounts. So much went on politically, religiously, on all sides.


    my only point being that national leaders with military might do not necessarily speak for the society from which they originate.

    very true! the normal person is a pawn in the whole damn game.

    also only about 1/3 of the germans voted for hitler - and the vast majority of them not because of his race BS but because he promised a way out of the misery germany was in after WWI (embargo, reparations, inflation, 30% unemployment rate etc.).


    I must say it left me feeling like I should prick my finger with a stick-pin and squeeze out what little German blood I have in me.

    sorry if i misinterpreted that!

  • plmkrzy

    sarcasim or not, a pology accepted but please read it in its entirety without dissecting it.

    "The Pianist" was on last night. I watched it for the first time. I must say it left me feeling like I should prick my finger with a stick-pin and squeeze out what little German blood I have in me. However my great grandfather was!! a decent man. But knowing how thousands behaved while under Hitler is embarrassing to the human race.


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